A Push To Disarm Veterans By The Left


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Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
A study by UC at San Francisco is trying to show that PTSD is prevalent in Iraq War and Afghanistan vets. Why are they so hot on this now? I believe it is another attempt by progressives to disarm the public.....this time they're focusing on veterans. The enemy to the left. Any documented case of mental illness of any kind is grounds for refusal in background checks and possibly confiscation of guns. Sure....everyone that goes there has some bad memories....but how low will be the standards?

This is one of the ways that Obama plans on taking our guns. He most likely plans on running them through the VA system and assuring that they are disqualified from private gun ownership because of the side-effects of serving in a war-zone.

I know. This is despicable. This is the thanks we get from our government for putting our lives at risk.

Here is the key passage in this study:

Many veterans had several mental health problems. In fact, 29 percent of veterans with mental health issues were diagnosed with two different conditions, and 33 percent were diagnosed with three or more. Women were at higher risk for depression than were men, but men had over twice the risk for drug use disorders.​


Study Shows Very High Rate of PTSD Among Veterans

by Mike Nichols on July 21, 2009

soldier crying sm Study Shows Very High Rate of PTSD Among Veterans
Almost 40 percent of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans receiving health care from VA hospitals have one or more mental disorders.

A new study, published in the July 16 online edition of the American Journal of Public Health, reported this and other shocking news about the mental health of our veterans of the Middle East wars.

The study’s principal author, Dr. Karen H. Seal, an assistant professor of medicine and psychiatry at the University of California, San Francisco, had even more distressing news. She said:

When the definition is expanded to include diagnoses of mental health disorders or psychosocial behavioral problems such as homelessness, or both, 43 percent of these veterans received these diagnoses.

If previous history with Vietnam-era veterans is any guide, the burden of mental illness will follow these veterans for many years to come. The research reported on in this post seems to back this idea up.

The findings of the study and its implications are detailed under the following headings:

How the study was conducted?
What were the findings of the study?
The incidence of mental illness among veterans is accelerating
It can take years for Anxiety Disorders such as PTSD to develop
What are the implications of the study?

Study Shows Very High Rate of PTSD Among Veterans ? Anxiety, Panic & Health
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It's a great plan!

Send young people to Iraq and Afghanistan to fight Banker Wars then classify the ones that survive as "Traumatized" in some way and use that as a reason to Classify them Medically as a "Defective" and take away their guns.

Returning Veterans are the real Terrorists because they actually believe the oath they took to Defend the Constitution, especially the White ones. Read the DHS' own documents here:

DHS Report Warns Of Right Wing Extremists - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

And of course most Americans, who watch TV all day will say: "Oh my! Good thing my Government is protecting me!"

Oh good lord, not this drivel again.
It's an old and well used propaganda technique: Regurgitate the same shit often enough and it somehow magically becomes candy to those already conditioned to eat shit.
That's right! No one is trying to take guns from Veterans:

Daily Kos: Senate bill: Veterans shouldn't lose their guns because VA says they can't handle their own finances
"I love our veterans, I vote for them all the time. They defend us," Schumer said. "If you are a veteran or not and you have been judged to be mentally infirm, you should not have a gun."
PTSD = Mentally Infirm.
Don't get me wrong, I think ALL Americans should be disarmed. But at least I'm honest about it.

More "Drivel":
Dianne Feinstein Ignites Debate About Veterans With PTSD and Guns - The Daily Beast
Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-California) rejected an amendment to her assault-weapons ban that would exempt veterans proposed by Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas). Feinstein explained: “The problem with expanding this is that, you know, with the advent of PTSD (posttraumatic stress disorder), which I think is a new phenomenon as a product of the Iraq War, it’s not clear how the seller or transferer of a firearm covered by this bill would verify that an individual was a member, or a veteran, and that there was no impairment of that individual with respect to having a weapon like this. I think you have to—if you’re going to do this, find a way that veterans who are incapacitated for one reason or another mentally, don’t have access to this kind of weapon."
It's a great plan!

Send young people to Iraq and Afghanistan to fight Banker Wars then classify the ones that survive as "Traumatized" in some way and use that as a reason to Classify them Medically as a "Defective" and take away their guns.

Returning Veterans are the real Terrorists because they actually believe the oath they took to Defend the Constitution, especially the White ones. Read the DHS' own documents here:

DHS Report Warns Of Right Wing Extremists - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

And of course most Americans, who watch TV all day will say: "Oh my! Good thing my Government is protecting me!"


What is that supposed to mean?
Yes, it's about guns, it couldn't have anything to do with the record number of suicides in the military right now. God forbid we acknowledge that piggy-backed long term deployments have had a serious detrimental effect on our service members.

No, because that would call into question the wisdom of the invasions and subsequent long-term occupations, which have led to all the back to back deployments.
Yes, it's about guns, it couldn't have anything to do with the record number of suicides in the military right now. God forbid we acknowledge that piggy-backed long term deployments have had a serious detrimental effect on our service members.

No, because that would call into question the wisdom of the invasions and subsequent long-term occupations, which have led to all the back to back deployments.

It really angers me when people seem so determined to brush off PTSD as no big deal. They are willfully sacrificing the lives of men and women who fought for our country just so they can feel better about poor decisions from the past administration.
Many veterans had several mental health problems. In fact, 29 percent of veterans with mental health issues were diagnosed with two different conditions, and 33 percent were diagnosed with three or more. Women were at higher risk for depression than were men, but men had over twice the risk for drug use disorders.

is the above reflective of the Iraqi War or Military Conditioning - that allows people like Bush (politicians) to send them into harms way for no reason what so ever.
It's a great plan!

Send young people to Iraq and Afghanistan to fight Banker Wars then classify the ones that survive as "Traumatized" in some way and use that as a reason to Classify them Medically as a "Defective" and take away their guns.

Returning Veterans are the real Terrorists because they actually believe the oath they took to Defend the Constitution, especially the White ones. Read the DHS' own documents here:

DHS Report Warns Of Right Wing Extremists - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

And of course most Americans, who watch TV all day will say: "Oh my! Good thing my Government is protecting me!"

What is that supposed to mean?
You don't know how to read?

Newsflash: Al Qaida isn't the enemy anymore, it's White Extremists. You know, the Returning Veterans, the Bitter Clingers.

Get on board son, we need you in the Fight Against Anti-American Extremists like those!
Yes, it's about guns, it couldn't have anything to do with the record number of suicides in the military right now. God forbid we acknowledge that piggy-backed long term deployments have had a serious detrimental effect on our service members.

Gays have a high rate of suicide too.

Should we classify them as mental defectives as well?
A study by UC at San Francisco is trying to show that PTSD is prevalent in Iraq War and Afghanistan vets. Why are they so hot on this now? I believe it is another attempt by progressives to disarm the public.....this time they're focusing on veterans. The enemy to the left. Any documented case of mental illness of any kind is grounds for refusal in background checks and possibly confiscation of guns. Sure....everyone that goes there has some bad memories....but how low will be the standards?


(My bold)

You've got nothing to fear. As I understand it, Mr. LaPierre - the head of the NRA - got a military service deferment based on a mental condition he had @ the time. If he could go on to a full-time job whipping up sales of firearms to a fine frenzy - & no one's seriously arguing about taking away his guns - then it's all good.

Ya got nothing to worry about, Snake.
A study by UC at San Francisco is trying to show that PTSD is prevalent in Iraq War and Afghanistan vets. Why are they so hot on this now? I believe it is another attempt by progressives to disarm the public.....this time they're focusing on veterans. The enemy to the left. Any documented case of mental illness of any kind is grounds for refusal in background checks and possibly confiscation of guns. Sure....everyone that goes there has some bad memories....but how low will be the standards?


(My bold)

You've got nothing to fear. As I understand it, Mr. LaPierre - the head of the NRA - got a military service deferment based on a mental condition he had @ the time. If he could go on to a full-time job whipping up sales of firearms to a fine frenzy - & no one's seriously arguing about taking away his guns - then it's all good.

Ya got nothing to worry about, Snake.

I guess if we lower the standards enough anyone who is depressed should have their guns taken away.

The study said half of the returning vets had a mental condition. They're trying to say they're crazy.

Yup.....they're trying to disarm the guys that used to matter to the left when Bush had us in Iraq.

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