A Plea to Atheists: Pedophilia is next on the Slippery Slope . . .

you have read shit, and you are a bad liar. I bet you are buds with rdean as well.

   [soo-doh-in-tl-ek-choo-uhl] show ipa
A person exhibiting intellectual pretensions that have no basis in sound scholarship.
A person who pretends an interest in intellectual matters for reasons of status.

pseudointellectual | define pseudointellectual at dictionary.com

this fits you, and your ilk to a "t". I bet you also hang out at starbucks sipping black tea with a copy of one of friedrich nietzsche's books on the table that you grabbed off the discount rack so you look smart with your sarah palin glasses on. Sorry dude, your self esteem issues are glaring. This definition fits you better then pseudo intellectual does.

Definition for internet troll:
In internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, , or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking other users into a desired emotional response.

Isn't it time to get more starbucks money from mommie now ?or better yet, you can go stroke meaow's ego and have a rep orgy so you guys can fell better about what you wish you were. Ya, schmendrik.
lamo....and still wrong!

Still responding. What a douche.
how Christian of you!
tell you what i will do. I will go to the original post, and go from there to ware you guys said that morals are not tough in religion. I have to go hand out paychecks .

i don't even know if that sentence is english, do you mean taught in religion?>

nobody said they weren't taught in religion.

What was said was, they didn't originate from religion. They came from humanity itself, through the vehicles of sentience and instinct.

you are right. You guys said that religion says that its acceptable to commit rape. As for as your lack of understanding, i was in a hurry because unlike you i work, and i have employees who work and needed to be paid.
The absence of proof that there is one is good enough for me to speculate that "we dont know," not..... "we do know, it's all in the Bible."

That go over your head, or what?

Morals come from Humanity.
The same humanity that wrote said fairly tales, thus asserted those morals.

Nice dodge, but typical of your ilk. Its more of the "I don't believe in relgion, therefore I must be right" mentaility of certain types of atheists that make people not really able to stand people like you.

I am abivalent on religon at best, but I do not begrudge devout people of thier beliefs. Congrats, the "abscence of proof" is good enough for you. It still does not remove the fact that the worlds religions provide most of the moral compass for our societies, from chrisitanity to buddism.

Does shitting on people beliefs by calling them "fairy tales" make you feel like a smug superior asshat?

If you don't say "my ilk," I won't call you pussy, pussy. But if you diminish my individuality by saying "your ilk" again, I'm going to have to keep calling you pussy, pussy.

I don't give a a flying fuck if you can't stand my opinions. I didn't say "I must be right," but to the contrary, I stated my **opinion** that I DONT KNOW EITHER WAY, and you're the one "arguing it," aka saying "I must be right," yourself, pussy.

Lastly, again, I'll assert it one more time for you: I disagree. The world's moral compass does not come from Religions. It comes from people, and further, people wrote said Religions which offers you further evidence of my contention.

The very fact that the Bible says that all men sin, yet the same Bible wants me to take it on Man's word that Man (The writers) is cOnveying the word of god in said bible, is enough rich irony for me to call it a day, pussy. Trust the word of flawed, sinning men that they're writing the WORD OF GOD? Yea, I don't think so.

Grow up you internet tough guy.
Nice dodge, but typical of your ilk. Its more of the "I don't believe in relgion, therefore I must be right" mentaility of certain types of atheists that make people not really able to stand people like you.

I am abivalent on religon at best, but I do not begrudge devout people of thier beliefs. Congrats, the "abscence of proof" is good enough for you. It still does not remove the fact that the worlds religions provide most of the moral compass for our societies, from chrisitanity to buddism.

Does shitting on people beliefs by calling them "fairy tales" make you feel like a smug superior asshat?

If you don't say "my ilk," I won't call you pussy, pussy. But if you diminish my individuality by saying "your ilk" again, I'm going to have to keep calling you pussy, pussy.

I don't give a a flying fuck if you can't stand my opinions. I didn't say "I must be right," but to the contrary, I stated my **opinion** that I DONT KNOW EITHER WAY, and you're the one "arguing it," aka saying "I must be right," yourself, pussy.

Lastly, again, I'll assert it one more time for you: I disagree. The world's moral compass does not come from Religions. It comes from people, and further, people wrote said Religions which offers you further evidence of my contention.

The very fact that the Bible says that all men sin, yet the same Bible wants me to take it on Man's word that Man (The writers) is cpnveying the word of god in said bible, is enough rich irony for me to call it a day, pussy.

No problem, asshat.

There are people who believe like you do, hence "your ilk", there is nothing wrong with me stating that.

Fine, you think religons are created by man. Those religons, however are still used as a moral compass by the majority of the worlds population, regardless of the source, no matter how hard you try to beleive it isnt so.

And on the pussy thing:


Sorry GT gotta side with Marty here.

I'm a non-believer like you, and I think people would have mostly good morals if no religion existed, however that doesn't mean they'd have the SAME morals. Many people I'm sure make adjustments to their set of morals based on their religion.

I would like to know who the first person was to give commands that man can agree on that they're morally right? Like these ones.

Exo 20:12 Honor your father and your mother, so that your days may be long upon the land which Jehovah your God gives you.
Exo 20:13 You shall not commit murder.
Exo 20:14 You shall not commit adultery.
Exo 20:15 You shall not steal.
Exo 20:16 You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
Exo 20:17 You shall not covet your neighbor's house. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is your neighbor's.

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