A Place For Special Nonsense. What Is With These People?


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
Let's see - Hillary lost, Russia collusion didn't pan out, obstruction of justice didn't jell, ISIS largely finished, Pelosi's gone senile, Maxine's in a permanent fugue state, they blew DACA, emoluments clause thing went nowhere, economy humming ...

Let's attack Clarence Thomas (of all people) with old shit right from the masthead! That might work ...

New York Magazine Makes A Case For Impeaching Clarence Thomas | HuffPost
Since the election of the amazing Pres. Trump.

The liberals and their Democrat party has been reduced to a chaotic mess of disorganization and political impotency. With no direction, the only item on their party platform that holds them together is to, "hate Trump".

So they are grasping at anything and everything to become relevant. .... :cool:
Let's see - Hillary lost, Russia collusion didn't pan out, obstruction of justice didn't jell, ISIS largely finished, Pelosi's gone senile, Maxine's in a permanent fugue state, they blew DACA, emoluments clause thing went nowhere, economy humming ...

Let's attack Clarence Thomas (of all people) with old shit right from the masthead! That might work ...

New York Magazine Makes A Case For Impeaching Clarence Thomas | HuffPost
Time for the GOP to play the race card on this one!
Clarence is black, ergo it must be racially motivated, No?

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