A Perspective on Shootings That Liberals Won't Discuss


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Fact is that only .00007% of gun owners are even likely to consider going on a shooting spree. When they do, they will choose a gun-free zone nearly every time. Even though the liklihood of being shot by a mass murderer is less than the chance of getting hit by lightning or way less than the chances of being killed in a car accident, the liberals are in a constant state of alarm just because people are allowed to own guns. Most murders are committed with knives. And more people die due to medical malpractice than any other, but liberals focus on the one thing that tyrants hate- armed citizens. Sorry, but if it was about safety, they would be up in arms about other things and not the right of citizens to own guns. Tyrants only fear people who are able to fight back against tyranny. And it's no coincidence that the left focuses on the 2nd amendment over other things that are far more likely to harm or kill people. They claim it's a safety issue, but I call bullshit considering the things they ignore.

If the left had gotten their way with gun control, those mass shootings would still have occurred. It would just mean a few more laws broken. I know many on the left actually would ban guns if they could. Some are honest about that, though I believe that is the endgame with most. Crazies and criminals never have trouble getting their hands on weapons. The theater shooter could have just as easily pipe bombed the theater or set it on fire and hurt even more people. If a mass murderer was going around tossing bombs, would the media get as upset as they do with guns? You'd think that people doing something illegal would be the biggest complaint and not the means they happen to choose. Murdering, in any fashion, should be the focus, but liberals only focus on shootings, particularly by white males. We don't see the same coverage when it's a Muslim shooting people at a base or a gang member with lots of kills under their belt.

The law abiding citizens, especially NRA members, are constantly told they are responsible whenever a mass shooting happens.

Funny that the auto companies don't get blamed for all the accidents and drunk drivers.

Cell phone companies don't get blamed for all the accidents caused by a driver texting. Hell, in that case, the government made sure they handed out more phones. Are they trying to kill people? I hope they know they will be responsible when a driver with an Obamaphone is texting and crosses the center line and kills someone.

Stores don't get called names for selling knives, rope, lighter fluid and other things often used in murders.

Only the NRA gets blamed for shootings, as if they have anything to do with the criminals and insane people who misuse their weapons. Luckily, it has been very few. Despite it being a rare occurrence, the left and the media act as if it's an epidemic. They ignore the real epidemics, which is gangs, and human or drug trafficking. How many people have died of drug overdoses and how many young girls have disappeared because of human trafficking? The left's answer is to legalize drugs. They likely want prostitution legalized. Not much is being done about the human traffickers because they are 10 steps ahead of law enforcement. Those problems occur every day and yet the media isn't sounding the alarms on that. They are too busy bashing the average gun owner because they disapprove of one of our rights.

"It is a sad truth that there are likely more mentally ill individuals in our nation who will one day get their hands on guns, legally or illegally, and take the lives of some innocent souls.

But some perspective is needed.

Let’s take that figure for the number of people killed in the last 30 years during a mass shooting of 560 and add another nine to it. That makes 569.

Now compare that number to 10,076. According to MADD, that’s the number of people killed during drunk driving crashes in 2013 alone. In fact, every day in America, another 28 people die in drunk driving crashes. Every. Single. Day.

Using the liberal logic of banning guns because of tragic (and thankfully, comparatively rare) mass shootings undertaken by crazy white folks (and some not so white), should we not then ban cars?

Cars clearly cause many more fatalities in terms of numbers each day than whack nuts with a gun.

Heck, we should ban bathtubs too. Because 341 people die from drowning and submersion while in or falling into bathtubs. And floors. We need to ban floors too, because 565 people die each year from slipping, tripping or falling.

I don’t mean to be flippant, or to trivialize this terrible tragedy. But as the stories fly around in the next few days regarding this event, you can be darn tootin’ liberals will begin pushing their agendas."

"Gun control" has nothing to do with Liberals. See if you can aim juuuuust slightly higher than Allen Fucking West for a clue.


The article was not written by West, not that it matters. He's still better than half the lunatics in the liberal media. Why don't you learn how to read. Sheeeesh.

I think liberals are all about gun control, or maybe banning guns is more accurate. It's always the liberals crying about the 2nd amendment.
You liberals all missed the point, as usual. You want more laws that will do nothing. Mass shootings are very rare with less than 600 people killed over a 30 year period.

West did not write the article. It was from another source that he linked to and I don't give a shit what you think of any source. If it makes sense, I'll go with it.

Grow up. I should have known I'd get a clown pic from the clown poster who can't put an intelligent sentence together or actually engage in a discussion.
You liberals all missed the point, as usual. You want more laws that will do nothing. Mass shootings are very rare with less than 600 people killed over a 30 year period.

West did not write the article. It was from another source that he linked to and I don't give a shit what you think of any source. If it makes sense, I'll go with it.

Grow up. I should have known I'd get a clown pic from the clown poster who can't put an intelligent sentence together or actually engage in a discussion.

If laws don't do anything, why do we have any.
"Gun control" has nothing to do with Liberals. See if you can aim juuuuust slightly higher than Allen Fucking West for a clue.


The article was not written by West, not that it matters. He's still better than half the lunatics in the liberal media. Why don't you learn how to read. Sheeeesh.

I think liberals are all about gun control, or maybe banning guns is more accurate. It's always the liberals crying about the 2nd amendment.

Wrong, and ignorantly so. Liberals wrote the Second Amendment.
Two things: Guns are designed to hurt other people. Autos are not designed to kill other people.

Second: Guns are banned in many countries including in the US at airports, schools and shopping malls. No country bans cars. Understand?

If you banned cars, then everyone will die. Try staying in your house forever without going anywhere in the absence of any vehicle and see how many days we as a species would survive. Hence we don't ban cars because banning cars will kill almost everyone within a few days. Not banning cars kills only a few people through accidents.
"Gun control" has nothing to do with Liberals. See if you can aim juuuuust slightly higher than Allen Fucking West for a clue.


The article was not written by West, not that it matters. He's still better than half the lunatics in the liberal media. Why don't you learn how to read. Sheeeesh.

I think liberals are all about gun control, or maybe banning guns is more accurate. It's always the liberals crying about the 2nd amendment.

Guns can't be banned. If the boogie man under your bed is that scary,

go sleep on the couch.
You liberals all missed the point, as usual. You want more laws that will do nothing. Mass shootings are very rare with less than 600 people killed over a 30 year period.

West did not write the article. It was from another source that he linked to and I don't give a shit what you think of any source. If it makes sense, I'll go with it.

Grow up. I should have known I'd get a clown pic from the clown poster who can't put an intelligent sentence together or actually engage in a discussion.

If laws don't do anything, why do we have any.

When you're talking about criminals, they don't stop them. Laws affect those who respect it, which thankfully is the majority. Do you think another law would have stopped the guy from shooting the people at that church? He already broke 4 laws by committing that crime. He wasn't allowed to have a gun because of felony charges, it was illegal to enter a gun-free zone with a gun, his father and he both broke the law by the father giving him a gun when he shouldn't have had one and, of course, murder is still against the law. If there had been other laws imposed, they would not have stopped the guy.

Laws exist as a means of drawing a red that will earn you punishment if you cross it. Most people won't. The laws aren't what stop people, it's either a sense of decency and what's right and wrong for most and maybe a fear of the punishment for breaking it that stops some. Many criminals don't fear getting caught and don't care what laws they break. Only hope is to catch them and not let them off the hook.
You liberals all missed the point, as usual. You want more laws that will do nothing. Mass shootings are very rare with less than 600 people killed over a 30 year period.

West did not write the article. It was from another source that he linked to and I don't give a shit what you think of any source. If it makes sense, I'll go with it.

Grow up. I should have known I'd get a clown pic from the clown poster who can't put an intelligent sentence together or actually engage in a discussion.

If laws don't do anything, why do we have any.

When you're talking about criminals, they don't stop them. Laws affect those who respect it, which thankfully is the majority. Do you think another law would have stopped the guy from shooting the people at that church? He already broke 4 laws by committing that crime. He wasn't allowed to have a gun because of felony charges, it was illegal to enter a gun-free zone with a gun, his father and he both broke the law by the father giving him a gun when he shouldn't have had one and, of course, murder is still against the law. If there had been other laws imposed, they would not have stopped the guy.

Laws exist as a means of drawing a red that will earn you punishment if you cross it. Most people won't. The laws aren't what stop people, it's either a sense of decency and what's right and wrong for most and maybe a fear of the punishment for breaking it that stops some. Many criminals don't fear getting caught and don't care what laws they break. Only hope is to catch them and not let them off the hook.

I repeat the question then, why have any laws? If they don't stop people from committing crimes, why have them?
I repeat the question then, why have any laws? If they don't stop people from committing crimes, why have them?

Exactly! Then why do we need gun control laws?

So uh....irony is not your best suit....

So you are in favor of public ownership of full auto machine guns, tripod full auto .50 caliber, 20mm chain guns, bazookas, tanks, nukes...
Any pro-gun rant that assumes all liberals want to totally ban guns is misinformed and should be disregarded.

You know damn well the vast majority of lowlife scum anti-gun anti-constitution gun control freaks are libs. Not all, just almost all.

I am all for cons carrying guns on them. In their households, on their kids, wives, in their bedrooms, in their own private situations like birthday parties, weddings, in their own backyard. Keep the guns everywhere you like.

I bet you probably live in fear of your life every second of your life, which is why you carry deadly weapons on you. Fortunately, most normal people nlcuding liberals, do not live their lives in total fear of losing it every 5 seconds.

What do you do when you go out for a walk in the park? Look over your shoulders every 2 seconds to make sure no criminal is ffollowing you? Do you provide deadly weapons to your kids when they go out to play or visit their friends in the next block away from you? Do you hire security detail to protect your wife and girlfriend when she goes shopping at a local mall?

Thank "god" unlike you, we on the left don't exactly love in panic mode 24-7.

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