A One-Issue Congress Is Needed


Sep 23, 2010
This is the first incremental step that will soon be millions Ă  la illegal immigration:

Got that? Obama wants to import 250,000 more Muslims in the next two years. And what better cover than to appear compassionate and compelled to act after seeing “images of children washing up on European shores”? The talking point is that these images “spurred the Obama administration into action” to ensure we take in “our fair share.”​

I did not watch the debate. I saw this story among a deluge of autopsy reports.

Donald Trump had a relatively poor performance in Wednesday night's CNN debate. But one of his stronger moments — at least from the point of view of his supporters — came when the topic of immigration arose.​

The Washington Examiner went on to say:

But in reality, the problem over which Trump obsesses now ran its course long ago. Mass immigration was last decade's big problem in the U.S., not today's. It's not just that immigration levels are lower today than they were in previous periods of greater peace and economic growth, such as the turn of the Twentieth Century. It's also that mass illegal immigration just isn't happening anymore, the recent influx of child migrants notwithstanding.

Trump is obsessed with an immigration crisis that's already over
By Washington Examiner • 9/17/15 1:08 AM

Trump is obsessed with an immigration crisis that's already over

Far from last decade’s problem, immigration is finally coming to a boil, fueled by the United Nations dictating our immigration policy with refugees.

If ever there was a one-issue election, uncontrolled immigration is it. Getting the country out of the hands of the people who created the immigration disaster is the one reason a supermajority in both Houses of Congress is now imperative. So long as Democrats have enough seats in one, or both, Houses means that open-borders, and the United Nations dumping economic refugees on our country, will continue.

I do not especially trust a Republican president. I can name at least four Republican wannabes who would veto everything that stops the invasion of illegal aliens. I think every wannabe has announced a plan for amnesty one way or another. Indeed, I doubt if you can name one that will stand up to United Nations and their refugees:

So if we elect a Republican in 2016 and if that Republican understands the nature of this threat, then, perhaps we might be able to head some of this off at the pass.


But after nearly 7 years of Obama’s reign of madness, I’m putting my money on his administration, along with the United Nations, finding some way to expedite the process.

September 17, 2015
No, Obama does not want to import 10,000 Muslim migrants. Add another zero to that number.
By Carol Brown

Blog: No, Obama does not want to import 10,000 Muslim migrants. Add another zero to that number.

A supermajority in Congress is the only way I can see to put a muzzle on Democrats and the PRESIDENCY. Even then, conservatives will have to:

1. Pass whatever legislation it takes to end uncontrolled immigration for all time.

2. Pass whatever legislation it takes to deport illegal aliens within a 5 year time period.

3. Withdraw from the United Nations before the supermajority is lost.

4. Short of withdrawing, do whatever it takes to break the hold the UN has on this country’s internal affairs.

5. Make it treason for judges and bureaucrats who clearly act on behalf of the New World Order.

NOTE: America’s immigration policy is entirely domestic. The UNIC (United Nations/International Community) have no say. So Congress can, and should, put everything else aside until after every immigration problem is resoled in favor of the AMERICAN PEOPLE without giving a thought to what the UNIC wants.
"Trump is obsessed with an immigration crisis that's already over
By Washington Examiner • 9/17/15 1:08 AM

Trump is obsessed with an immigration crisis that's already over"

So the media has declared the issue is resolved - status quo, the invasion continues, no effort to secure the border will be made, laws will continue NOT to be enforced, govt will allow Sanctuary Cities to spread across the country like disease-carrying rats...

...okay then.
So the media has declared the issue is resolved - status quo, the invasion continues, no effort to secure the border will be made, laws will continue NOT to be enforced, govt will allow Sanctuary Cities to spread across the country like disease-carrying rats...

...okay then
To easyt65: Disease-carrying rats were infected by the Chicago sewer rat.

Anyway, Ann Coulter has it right:

Today, the fight in the Republican Party isn’t over abortion, guns or the Sandinistas; the dividing line is immigration. Will we continue to be the United States, or will we become another failed Latin American state?

On this, it’s Donald Trump (and the people) vs. everyone else.


The media will talk about anything but Trump’s specific, detailed policies on immigration — all while claiming he doesn’t have any “policy details.” The very fact that the entire media — including most of the conservative commentariat — obdurately refuse to acknowledge the popularity of Trump’s immigration plans is exactly why Trump is exploding in the polls.

Donald Trump: The Only People Who Like Him Are The Voters
Ann Coulter
Political Commentator
6:08 PM 09/16/2015

So long as Democrats have enough seats in one, or both, Houses means that open-borders, and the United Nations dumping economic refugees on our country, will continue.
What a great word to lay on Democrats:


Anyone who thinks American Muslims are any different than the UN’s economic refugees flooding into Europe is crazy. Disarming law-abiding Americans is the only thing American Muslims are waiting for while Muslim imams fill the media with philosophical crapola about their religion of peace. I only wish a way could be found to convince Democrats to read this entire article:

Some central and east European countries are being criticized by more “progressive” Western nations for not wanting to take in Muslim refugees.

Chief among them is Hungary, specifically in the person of Prime Minister Viktor OrbĂĄn.


We don’t want to criticize France, Belgium, any other country, but we think all countries have a right to decide whether they want to have a large number of Muslims in their countries. If they want to live together with them, they can. We don’t want to and I think we have a right to decide that we do not want a large number of Muslim people in our country. We do not like the consequences of having a large number of Muslim communities that we see in other countries, and I do not see any reason for anyone else to force us to create ways of living together in Hungary that we do not want to see….”


So-called mainstream media ignore the fact that blended in among the thousands of refugees are operatives from the Islamic State, which is currently reliving the “Ottoman days” in Iraq, Syria, Libya, and elsewhere, and which plans on reliving them in Hungary and southeastern Europe. Already, Muslims trying to force their way into Hungary—and Slovenia, which is also resistant to Muslim migrants—are shouting Islam’s ancient war cry, “Allah Akbar!”

As for the other, “regular” Muslim refugees, many of them will never assimilate and some will abuse and exploit the weak—particularly women and children—and enforce Islamic law in their enclaves. That’s exactly what OrbĂĄn was referring to when he said “We do not like the consequences of having a large number of Muslim communities that we see in other countries.”​

And it is not only Europe:

For example, in Myanmar (Burma), non-indigenous Muslim minorities are behind the same sort of anti-infidel mayhem, violence, and rape.

In response, anti-Muslim sentiment has grown among Buddhist majorities, followed by the usual Western media criticism.

Thus popular Buddhist leader Ashin Wirathu, whom the media refer to as the “Burmese bin Laden,” staunchly opposes Muslim presence in Myanmar: “You can be full of kindness and love, but you cannot sleep next to a mad dog,” says the monk in reference to Muslims: “I call them troublemakers, because they are troublemakers.”​

The media is doing its part to convince the American people that a million or two or three or four Muslim refugees will assimilate just as did other groups:

Justifying Muslim presence in non-Muslim nations on the basis that far outnumbered Muslims can never be a problem is par for the course. After expressing puzzlement at Orbán’s stress on history, the Washington Post stressed “the fact that Muslims comprise less than 1 percent of the country’s [Hungary’s] population.”

This media canard ignores Islam’s unwavering Rule of Numbers: whenever and wherever Muslims grow in numbers, the same “anti-infidel” violence endemic to Muslim-majority nations grows with them.​

Please read the part about how the country with the largest Muslim population in the world got that way:

America Must Listen to Nations Experienced with Muslim ‘Refugees’
Raymond Ibrahim
Monday Sep 21, 2015 11:12 AM

America Must Listen to Nations Experienced with Muslim ‘Refugees’ | Human Events
3. Withdraw from the United Nations before the supermajority is lost.

4. Short of withdrawing, do whatever it takes to break the hold the UN has on this country’s internal affairs.
Pass H.R. 75 on the day the Chicago sewer rat is gone:


The United Nations is set to launch its “new universal agenda” for humanity and the planet September 25, 2015. The UN’s “2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” document is a blueprint to “transform our world for the better by 2030,” and yet most major media outlets in the United States refuse to report on the far reaching implications of this document.
A Media blackout of United Nations activities on behalf of the global government crowd has been in effect since the early 1950s; so not reporting on the oppressive details in 2030 Agenda should come as no surprise:

Take this one to the bank. Anything the United Nations is planning must be paid for with tax dollars.

Unlike the UN Agenda 21 action plan, which mainly focused on the environment, the 2030 Agenda action plan will strictly regulate nearly every human activity in every area of life.


Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 1. End poverty in all its forms everywhere
Goal 2. End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
Goal 4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
Goal 5. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
Goal 6. Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
Goal 7. Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all
Goal 8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
Goal 9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
Goal 10. Reduce inequality within and among countries
Goal 11. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
Goal 12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
Goal 13. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts*
Goal 14. Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
Goal 15. Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss
Goal 16. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
Goal 17. Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development

Nearly every nation in the world is expected to sign on to the 2030 Agenda. But what happens to the nations that won’t sign on or go along with the plan? Or better yet, what happens to freedom of conscience, individual liberty, and free enterprise in those nations that do go along?

UN Set to Launch ‘New Universal Agenda’ for Global Governance
By Jerry A. Kane
September 22, 2015

UN Set to Launch ‘New Universal Agenda’ for Global Governance
Democrats have their one-issue Congress with Republicans like these guys:


Incredibly, despite the left-wing slant of the event, Republican Senators Thad Cochran (MS) and Bob Corker (TN) lent their names to the Honorary Congressional Host Committee for the gathering, while Republican Rep. Charlie Dent (PA) was listed as a participant.

Republicans Help MSNBC Create “Global Citizens”
By Cliff Kincaid
September 29, 2015

Republicans Help MSNBC Create “Global Citizens”
A supermajority in Congress is the only way I can see to put a muzzle on Democrats and the PRESIDENCY.
The abuse of the Electoral College is the primary reason a supermajority in both Houses of Congress is essential:

Illegal Immigrants Could Elect Hillary
How noncitizens decrease Republican chances of winning the White House next year.
By Paul Goldman and Mark J. Rozell
October 03, 2015

Illegal Immigrants Could Elect Hillary

Until the day comes when Americans are the only ones counted in the census, the Electoral College will always be manipulated by Democrats.

The Electoral College is also the very reason the media is pulling out all stops to get the public to concentrate on the presidency. Briefly, it does not matter if illegal aliens vote in the general election. Only Americans vote for Senators and Representatives. So even if the Electoral College gives the White House to Hillary Clinton, a supermajority of conservatives can hang her, and the parasite class, out to dry.

A supermajority can also shove presidential vetoes where the sun never shines. In addition, the Senate can block every liberal a Democrat sends up for ratification. I would rather see that scenario than rely on a douche bag Republican president chosen by the media.

More importantly, it will take a supermajority to undo all of the damage caused by the Chicago sewer rat. NO EXCUSES ACCEPTED.
A supermajority in Congress is the only way I can see to put a muzzle on Democrats and the PRESIDENCY.
The abuse of the Electoral College is the primary reason a supermajority in both Houses of Congress is essential:

Illegal Immigrants Could Elect Hillary
How noncitizens decrease Republican chances of winning the White House next year.
By Paul Goldman and Mark J. Rozell
October 03, 2015

Illegal Immigrants Could Elect Hillary

Until the day comes when Americans are the only ones counted in the census, the Electoral College will always be manipulated by Democrats.

The Electoral College is also the very reason the media is pulling out all stops to get the public to concentrate on the presidency. Briefly, it does not matter if illegal aliens vote in the general election. Only Americans vote for Senators and Representatives. So even if the Electoral College gives the White House to Hillary Clinton, a supermajority of conservatives can hang her, and the parasite class, out to dry.

A supermajority can also shove presidential vetoes where the sun never shines. In addition, the Senate can block every liberal a Democrat sends up for ratification. I would rather see that scenario than rely on a douche bag Republican president chosen by the media.

More importantly, it will take a supermajority to undo all of the damage caused by the Chicago sewer rat. NO EXCUSES ACCEPTED.

Indeed disturbing, but I don't believe a supermajority is possible in this day and age. Too many illegals, liberals and saboteurs for genuine Americans to be able to elect one.
Indeed disturbing, but I don't believe a supermajority is possible in this day and age. Too many illegals, liberals and saboteurs for genuine Americans to be able to elect one.
To Unvarnished: I believe a supermajority is possible if a simple majority of every eligible voter come to realize that the office of president is a magnet for crooks, freaks, priests, and do-gooders like the sewer rat and the Clintons. The American presidency has degenerated into something more corrupt than those offices throughout history; pope, king, emperor, etc. The worst in society get what they want from the presidency by electing Congress, while decent Americans are yet to see the presidency as their enemy. Right now there is a freak in the White House who thinks he is the nation’s spiritual leader.

Incidentally, repealing the XVII Amendment would go a long way toward breaking the grip the presidency has over every aspect of daily life. Conversely, a decent president does less good for the country than the damage done by long-serving senators like Ted Kennedy et al.

NOTE: A young Senator Ted Kennedy got away with doing this to the country because his brother was assassinated. In the decades after he set America’s immigration policies he continued tearing the country apart:

Half a century ago, Democrats looked at the country and realized they were never going to convince Americans to agree with them. But they noticed that people in most other countries of the world already agreed with them. The solution was obvious.

So in 1965 — 50 years ago this week — Sen. Ted Kennedy passed an immigration law that has brought 59 million foreigners to our shores, who happen to vote 8-2 for the Democrats.

Democrats haven’t won any arguments; they changed the voters. If anything, the Democrats have stopped bothering to appeal to Americans.

The War on America Turns 50
Ann Coulter | Wednesday Sep 30, 2015 7:15 PM

The War on America Turns 50 | Human Events

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