A new study shows that good looking women are more likely to be right wingers. Angry and bitter women are more likely to be left wing.

I think we see this from so many frightfully unattractive leftoid women in politics and on shows like The View.

very informative and true ! it is common knowledge that the average leftist woman is an extremely unattractive shrill angry person .. there are exceptions to the rule in Hollywood and the entertainment industries .. but most average everyday democrat women are absolutely hideous and are an assault on both the optical and nasal senses .
Well, no wonder I'm a right winger man. :hyper:
There is certainly a marked difference with Fox Babes and the leftwinger women on Fox and CNN and other leftwing women news persons.
I think we see this from so many frightfully unattractive leftoid women in politics and on shows like The View.

I totally believe that. Prejudices aside, there aren't hardly any lefties who are gorgeous. I have never even found AOC overly attractive. Yes, she's not a dog but she ain't winnin any beauty contests either. The lefty gene must not carry good looks with it.
I totally believe that. Prejudices aside, there aren't hardly any lefties who are gorgeous. I have never even found AOC overly attractive. Yes, she's not a dog but she ain't winnin any beauty contests either. The lefty gene must not carry good looks with it.
and the lefty gene doesn't carry intelligence with it either .
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I think the good looking woman thing is B.S. but one thing is certain that leftie men seem attracted to fake women for some reason.
There are some ugly conservatives and some pretty democrats. But on the whole I see that to be true.

Especially the ones out there protesting and trying to get attention are usually ugly ass mean spirited bitches that have bodies that looks like a garbage full of mango pulp.
No study needed for that.
If I had a picture of my wife with all of her friends here in this ultra-left wing college town, she’d clearly be the easiest to spot and look at.
She doesn’t let her hair go gray like the hypocrite democrat women.
Charlie Kirk should've chosen a hot chick for his spiel. Instead he picked one of the 'I know your brother, you look just like him' gals. But, everyone likes what they like.

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