"A man without a country"

I agree with this thought, but would like to remind posters that no efforts to demean this president when Liberal mobs "protested" by lighting fires in stores, cars and homes, looting throwing projectiles at police officers.

Today the Conservative "protestors" steamed forward to congress and broke in ending with protester being killed by LE and talk of Using the 25 amendment to replace Trump.

That's because today's riots were fomented by Donald Trump LYING TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. There was no election fraud. Trump is the fraud. Big difference between Trump lying to encourage in insurrection, and people being upset about the murder of unarmed citizens by the police, which has been going on for years.

Not again!

Another leftist unsupported claim of Trump pushing an insurrection shows up.....

How come no evidence is posted having him tell his supporters to break into the Capital?

You can google it asshole. Not everything needs a link when he incited a riot on national TV.
If he did, He made Progs proud all over. He did what they do. These commie politicians are on notice now. The condemnation by the media and entertainers of Repub voters and others needs to be curtailed.

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