A Major Fear for Democrats: Will the Party Come Together by November?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
A Major Fear for Democrats:
Will the Party Come Together by November?

Even the goal of defeating President Trump isnā€™t enough for some voters to commit to backing the eventual Democratic nominee​

January 24, 2020 ~ By Jonathan Martin
FORT DODGE, Iowa ā€” Democrats have always represented a cacophonous array of individuals and interests, but the so-called big tent is now stretching over a constituency so unwieldy that itā€™s easy to understand why voters remain torn this close to Iowa, where no clear front-runner has emerged. The partyā€™s voters are splintered across generational, racial and ideological lines, prompting some liberals to express reluctance about rallying behind a moderate presidential nominee, and those closer to the political middle to voice unease with a progressive standard-bearer. The lack of a united front has many party leaders anxious ā€” and for good reason. In over 50 interviews across three early-voting states ā€” Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina ā€” a number of Democratic primary voters expressed grave reservations about the current field of candidates, and in some cases a clear reluctance to vote for a nominee who was too liberal or too centrist for their tastes.
As she walked out of a campaign event for former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. in Fort Dodge this week, Barbara Birkett said she was leaning toward caucusing for Senator Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota, and dismissed the notion of even considering the two progressives in the race, Senators Bernie Sanders of Vermont and Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts. ā€œNo, Iā€™m more of a Republican and thatā€™s just a little bit too far to the left for me,ā€ said Ms. Birkett, a retiree. She said that sheā€™d like to support a Democrat this November because of her disdain for Mr. Trump but that Mr. Sanders would ā€œbe a hard one.ā€

Actually, itā€™s refreshing to see Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats have to, ā€˜Hold Their Nose To Voteā€™ as we did with McCain and Romney. TG for President Donald J. Trump! After his Landslide victory, I know, as the awesome businessman he is, heā€™s going to be grooming someone to take the reigns. Just donā€™t let it be an immediate Family Member.
The harder PMS/DSA Leftist Democrats try to remove DJT with fake and made up charges, the more determined his supporters are to get out and vote. Surveys at his rallies are showing strong non-Republican support. Even Democrats are attending and converting. Under Trump, blacks are seeing real improvement that Democrats have promised for decades and never delivered. Hispanics are tired of illegals aliens taking their jobs. Union workers are making more money than ever. Foreign leaders who sneered and laughed at Obama as a pussy now fear and/or respect Trump. All the Dems have promised is to reverse what Trump has done for America.
When each and every supporter of the Democratic Party needs to ask themselves can be reduced to only one question. Which one of the names out there will resurrect the Democratic Party of tradition? The Democrats of the FDR/New Deal legacy bringing once again to the forefront Progressive Marxist Socialist domestic policy dealing with quality of life issues that effect all Americans. Demonstrate a value system that recognizes and supports the American worker and wage earner. Bottom line, pick the Presidential wannabe whoā€™ll bring back the Democratic Party relinquished over the last 40 years.
"Bottom line, pick the Presidential wannabe whoā€™ll bring back the Democratic Party relinquished over the last 40 years."

I don't any such person exists, certainly no one in the current field could do that or even wants to. And in fact that Democratic Party is long gone, and I doubt it will return.
It's abundantly clear that they have not learned anything in the past three years. They will not learn anything during this year either.

The real question is will Republicans ignore the distaste they have for the orange fat assed embarrassment and vote Trump? How many will ignore the glow of lies. The glow of hate. The skyrocketing deficits, the shrinking GDP growth. Ignore the impeachment. Ignore Trumps trashing of the Constitution. Ignore Trump's trashing of our military leaders & veterans.

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