A look at violence and the transsexual population..more truth, less lying.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This column explores the truth about violence and transsexuals…how the left is lying about this topic, as they lie about every topic……..

The myth of anti-trans crime becomes evident when looking through the supposed "victims."

Human Rights Campaign (HRC) is claiming that this trans dudette was murdered though they "forgot" that he and another man — perhaps a john — were both found dead in the same car. Was this a prostitute trying to rob a john or vice versa? Did being "trans" have anything to do with the situation at all, or is this a typical hooker-gone-bad situation? It doesn't matter; the left needs dead trans people to inflate their numbers of supposed "anti-trans" crimes
Another dirty little secret of actual trans murders is that most victims are black or Hispanic and are almost always killed by someone of the same race.

But this never happens

Another fact the left refuses to accept is the shocking number of children who are sexually assaulted by transgender people. I wrote about this back in April 2022. I found 12 examples of trans people sexually assaulting kids, usually in restrooms or locker rooms.
I been seeing a lot of queers doing bad things with guns... maybe queers should not be allowed to have a gun.
Queer is a mental disease. Mental disease disqualifies you from legally owning a gun.
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I been seeing a lot of queers doing bad things with guns... maybe queers should not be allowed to have a gun.
Queer is a mental disease. Mental disease disqualifies you from legally owning a gun.
Dirty little secret.....transgenderism used to be considered a mental-illness.

Seems the Uniparty needs lots of crazy luggage-thieves in government positions for some weird reason.
Dirty little secret.....transgenderism used to be considered a mental-illness.

Seems the Uniparty needs lots of crazy luggage-thieves in government positions for some weird reason.

It is the devil's party, and the devil hates men and women, God's creations.....

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