A LIBERAL'S view of Trump


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Trump supporters, I don't blame you for voting for the way you did, frankly I think President Trump sincerely means well in what he is doing, and I was no more impressed with Hillary Clinton than you are. Hillary graduated from one of the best law schools in America, she had to know using her private email address in this manner was going to come back to bite her, but did she stop after a few emails on her private address? No, she kept on doing it. What the hell was she thinking?! Before you engage in too much self celebration however, you'd do well to consider a few things:

* Donald Trump and his cabinet full of billionaire CEO types have made careers out of shipping American jobs offshore, and exploiting the American working class. If you think they will now all of a sudden going to do a "180" bring all those jobs back, and become the working man's friend, I'm afraid you're going to be disappointed.

* The world in in the information age, not the industrial age. Trying to artificially recreate those blue collar jobs from a bygone era that are now mostly done by robots is going to be nearly impossible.

* Solar and wind power is fast replacing coal and oil as energy sources, since they are now financially competitive, and more sustainable. It may make you feel good to run that pipeline through Indian country, but it's not going to create enough jobs to make a difference.

* "The Donald" has been complaining that Yahoo, Microsoft, and other tech giants don't employ enough Americans, not considering for the last 40 years the countries in Europe and Asia have invested in education, and are now far ahead of most American's in math and science, these tools are now the very ones tech companies seek. America's philosophy of "who needs education when you can blow up the world?!" attitude may need to change.

* For the 8 years of the Obama administration, an average of 7 American's died each year as a result of terror related attacks in our country, as opposed to over 35,000 deaths per by traffic accident. Add old age and cancer deaths on to this figure, and ask yourself if this terror threat is as horrible as "The Donald" is trying to convince us it is.

Frankly, I think some good things might come from this Trump administration. Our trade agreements do need to be set up in a way to keep more jobs in America, and I can live with deporting illegal aliens with criminal records, but.....don't be surprised if these much ballyhooed jobs don't materialize in big numbers, like "The Donald" promised. Market forces create jobs, not gerrymandering by our government.
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A libturd's view of everything:

America's view of Trump: He's the lyingest president and human being ever.

How can they not?
Trump supporters, I don't blame you for voting for the way you did, frankly I think President Trump sincerely means well in what he is doing, and I was no more impressed with Hillary Clinton than you are. Hillary graduated from one of the best law schools in America, she had to know using her private email address in this manner was going to come back to bite her, but did she stop after a few emails on her private address? No, she kept on doing it. What the hell was she thinking?! Before you engage in too much self celebration however, you'd do well to consider a few things:

* Donald Trump and his cabinet full of billionaire CEO types have made careers out of shipping American jobs offshore, and exploiting the American working class. If you think they will now all of a sudden going to do a "180" bring all those jobs back, and become the working man's friend, I'm afraid you're going to be disappointed.

* The world in in the information age, not the industrial age. Trying to artificially recreate those blue collar jobs from a bygone era that are now mostly done by robots is going to be nearly impossible.

* Solar and wind power is fast replacing coal and oil as energy sources, since they are now financially competitive, and more sustainable. It may make you feel good to run that pipeline through Indian country, but it's not going to create enough jobs to make a difference.

* "The Donald" has been complaining that Yahoo, Microsoft, and other tech giants don't employ enough Americans, not considering for the last 40 years the countries in Europe and Asia have invested in education, and are now far ahead of most American's in math and science, these tools are now the very ones tech companies seek. America's philosophy of "who needs education when you can blow up the world?!" attitude may need need to change.

* For the 8 years of the Obama administration, an average of 7 American's died each year as a result of terror related attacks in our country, as opposed to over 35,000 deaths per by traffic accident. Add old age and cancer deaths on to this figure, and ask yourself if this terror threat is as horrible as "The Donald" is trying to convince us it is.

Frankly, I think some good things might come from this Trump administration. Our trade agreements do need to be set up in a way to keep more jobs in America, and I can live with deporting illegal aliens with criminal records, but.....don't be surprised if these much ballyhooed jobs don't materialize in big numbers, like "The Donald" promised. Market forces create jobs, not gerrymandering by our government.

Yeah.....this post is why we don't trust you with control of the government.....the funniest part of your post is the part with solar and wind.....that is really funny.....
Trump supporters, I don't blame you for voting for the way you did, frankly I think President Trump sincerely means well in what he is doing, and I was no more impressed with Hillary Clinton than you are. Hillary graduated from one of the best law schools in America, she had to know using her private email address in this manner was going to come back to bite her, but did she stop after a few emails on her private address? No, she kept on doing it. What the hell was she thinking?! Before you engage in too much self celebration however, you'd do well to consider a few things:

* Donald Trump and his cabinet full of billionaire CEO types have made careers out of shipping American jobs offshore, and exploiting the American working class. If you think they will now all of a sudden going to do a "180" bring all those jobs back, and become the working man's friend, I'm afraid you're going to be disappointed.

* The world in in the information age, not the industrial age. Trying to artificially recreate those blue collar jobs from a bygone era that are now mostly done by robots is going to be nearly impossible.

* Solar and wind power is fast replacing coal and oil as energy sources, since they are now financially competitive, and more sustainable. It may make you feel good to run that pipeline through Indian country, but it's not going to create enough jobs to make a difference.

* "The Donald" has been complaining that Yahoo, Microsoft, and other tech giants don't employ enough Americans, not considering for the last 40 years the countries in Europe and Asia have invested in education, and are now far ahead of most American's in math and science, these tools are now the very ones tech companies seek. America's philosophy of "who needs education when you can blow up the world?!" attitude may need need to change.

* For the 8 years of the Obama administration, an average of 7 American's died each year as a result of terror related attacks in our country, as opposed to over 35,000 deaths per by traffic accident. Add old age and cancer deaths on to this figure, and ask yourself if this terror threat is as horrible as "The Donald" is trying to convince us it is.

Frankly, I think some good things might come from this Trump administration. Our trade agreements do need to be set up in a way to keep more jobs in America, and I can live with deporting illegal aliens with criminal records, but.....don't be surprised if these much ballyhooed jobs don't materialize in big numbers, like "The Donald" promised. Market forces create jobs, not gerrymandering by our government.

And hilary.....she knew what she was doing with the secret, illegal server...but she needed a way to sell her public office and arrange payments from the governments that wanted to buy her influence......and she had the clinton foundation to launder the money, but she needed a secret.....she thought, way to take the bids.....
Trump supporters, I don't blame you for voting for the way you did, frankly I think President Trump sincerely means well in what he is doing, and I was no more impressed with Hillary Clinton than you are. Hillary graduated from one of the best law schools in America, she had to know using her private email address in this manner was going to come back to bite her, but did she stop after a few emails on her private address? No, she kept on doing it. What the hell was she thinking?! Before you engage in too much self celebration however, you'd do well to consider a few things:

* Donald Trump and his cabinet full of billionaire CEO types have made careers out of shipping American jobs offshore, and exploiting the American working class. If you think they will now all of a sudden going to do a "180" bring all those jobs back, and become the working man's friend, I'm afraid you're going to be disappointed.

* The world in in the information age, not the industrial age. Trying to artificially recreate those blue collar jobs from a bygone era that are now mostly done by robots is going to be nearly impossible.

* Solar and wind power is fast replacing coal and oil as energy sources, since they are now financially competitive, and more sustainable. It may make you feel good to run that pipeline through Indian country, but it's not going to create enough jobs to make a difference.

* "The Donald" has been complaining that Yahoo, Microsoft, and other tech giants don't employ enough Americans, not considering for the last 40 years the countries in Europe and Asia have invested in education, and are now far ahead of most American's in math and science, these tools are now the very ones tech companies seek. America's philosophy of "who needs education when you can blow up the world?!" attitude may need need to change.

* For the 8 years of the Obama administration, an average of 7 American's died each year as a result of terror related attacks in our country, as opposed to over 35,000 deaths per by traffic accident. Add old age and cancer deaths on to this figure, and ask yourself if this terror threat is as horrible as "The Donald" is trying to convince us it is.

Frankly, I think some good things might come from this Trump administration. Our trade agreements do need to be set up in a way to keep more jobs in America, and I can live with deporting illegal aliens with criminal records, but.....don't be surprised if these much ballyhooed jobs don't materialize in big numbers, like "The Donald" promised. Market forces create jobs, not gerrymandering by our government.

When it comes to terrorism,or maybe more so, importing an underclass that is unable to assimilate well. the point is to stop the US from becoming like the European model before it happens. Why wait until we look like Sweden and then look back and scratch your head wondering about the steps you should have taken before things got out of hand?

America's philosophy of "who needs education when you can blow up the world?!" attitude may need need to change.

Do you really think this is the attitude of most American parents when they send their kids off to school? Or just most Republican parents? I would say NOT.
Our school systems are a mess because Schools are trying to do too many things instead of trying to do the important things well. There are too many special interests involved. Lot of blame to go around there.
The liberal mind is limited and incapable of thinking for itself and this thread proves it. For the sake of our country and the civilized world, their power must be limited as well.
Basically their view is that there does not need to be any proof of anything. Just assertions are enough to back up any claim...

Solar power is competitive in Alaska, because they tell you it is!
* Donald Trump and his cabinet full of billionaire CEO types have made careers out of shipping American jobs offshore, and exploiting the American working class. If you think they will now all of a sudden going to do a "180" bring all those jobs back, and become the working man's friend, I'm afraid you're going to be disappointed.
Leaps and bounds better than populating his cabinet with ivory tower dwelling academics and brown nosers, whose exposure to how the real world works is extremely limited, if it exists at all. In this case, the CEOs have some knowledge as to the regulatory nonsense that has been at least partially responsible for offshoring.

* The world in in the information age, not the industrial age. Trying to artificially recreate those blue collar jobs from a bygone era that are now mostly done by robots is going to be nearly impossible.
We're also in the service age. But democrats are famous for belittling these professions as "burger flippers", when there are tremendous opportunities in fields like nursing, property upkeep and management, technicians, and the like.

* Solar and wind power is fast replacing coal and oil as energy sources, since they are now financially competitive, and more sustainable. It may make you feel good to run that pipeline through Indian country, but it's not going to create enough jobs to make a difference
Were this true, wind and solar wouldn't need obscene levels of taxpayer subsides. It might make you feel good to believe that those unreliable sources are more viable, but simple economics tells a far different tale. Until such a time as you can power things through harnessing gravity, the planet's electromagnetism, or some other zero-point source, hyrdrocarbon fuels are going to going to provide the most reliable and cost effective energy. Far more viable than blue sky environmentalist-leftist boilerplate talking points.

* "The Donald" has been complaining that Yahoo, Microsoft, and other tech giants don't employ enough Americans, not considering for the last 40 years the countries in Europe and Asia have invested in education, and are now far ahead of most American's in math and science, these tools are now the very ones tech companies seek. America's philosophy of "who needs education when you can blow up the world?!" attitude may need need to change.
Yahoo, Microsoft and other tech giants have fired Murican IT pros, in order to hire cheaper help from overseas. They've also forced them to train the newcomers, at the risk of losing their severance pay. For someone all bent out of shape about offshoring, you seem blissfully ignorant of this travesty. Let's hope it's not because the tech world overwhelmingly supports democrats.

* For the 8 years of the Obama administration, an average of 7 American's died each year as a result of terror related attacks in our country, as opposed to over 35,000 deaths per by traffic accident. Add old age and cancer deaths on to this figure, and ask yourself if this terror threat is as horrible as "The Donald" is trying to convince us it is.
For the entire 8 years of the Obama administration, a bomb dropped on foreign soil at an average of one every 20 minutes. Do you expect that the terror threat will become smaller by giving people a reason to hate Murica, then importing tens of millions of them?

Frankly, I think some good things might come from this Trump administration. Our trade agreements do need to be set up in a way to keep more jobs in America, and I can live with deporting illegal aliens with criminal records, but.....don't be surprised if these much ballyhooed jobs don't materialize in big numbers, like "The Donald" promised. Market forces create jobs, not gerrymandering by our government.
The last president was openly hostile to market forces. Job numbers can't help but get better, for no better reason than having a regime in place that is business friendly.
It's all that's required when responding to inane leftist drivel.
Not only is your stupid little quip in violation of zone 2 rules, it's embarrassing to seeing dumbass "Mericans", such as yourself, doing the internets version of a drive by shooting. Whassa matta Peetee, to dum to argue one of the points in the OP?

Don't care to prove your drivel? You're just going to put a label on it and move on. You too stupid to argue the Presidents Cabinet is good for the nation? Can't state why the "border wall" and GWOT are bigger problems than stupid, dumbass Americans with a 3rd grade education?

How 'bout we take a closer look at what you said? Since you're saying the OP is "inane leftist drivel", to paraphrase, you're saying its bullshit. So lets take a look at the OP's points one by one through the prism of your statement:
  • the billionaire boys club (Cabinet) do not offshore jobs and will bring back what they're not doing
  • companies are now tired of a half-century of cost cutting measures and want to go back to the less competitive manufacturing policies of the past by hiring stupid shits like you
  • the fossil fuel industry is not making the planet uninhabitable
  • you're really an Einstein with a PH.D who likes to talk like an idiot in his spare time
  • you don't really give a shit about Americans as long as you can kill brown people
  • good things will not come from the Trump administration and jobs only come from the government
Was that you're point, Swaggy P?
Basically their view is that there does not need to be any proof of anything. Just assertions are enough to back up any claim...

Solar power is competitive in Alaska, because they tell you it is!


Related: The 720 kW of solar energy currently installed in Alaska ranks the state 49th in the country in installed solar capacity. There is enough solar energy installed in the state to power 80 homes.

See also: Energy Dept Spends $7 Million On North Alaska Solar Power, Except It’s Dark 24/7
Trump supporters, I don't blame you for voting for the way you did, frankly I think President Trump sincerely means well in what he is doing, and I was no more impressed with Hillary Clinton than you are. Hillary graduated from one of the best law schools in America, she had to know using her private email address in this manner was going to come back to bite her, but did she stop after a few emails on her private address? No, she kept on doing it. What the hell was she thinking?! Before you engage in too much self celebration however, you'd do well to consider a few things:

* Donald Trump and his cabinet full of billionaire CEO types have made careers out of shipping American jobs offshore, and exploiting the American working class. If you think they will now all of a sudden going to do a "180" bring all those jobs back, and become the working man's friend, I'm afraid you're going to be disappointed.

* The world in in the information age, not the industrial age. Trying to artificially recreate those blue collar jobs from a bygone era that are now mostly done by robots is going to be nearly impossible.

* Solar and wind power is fast replacing coal and oil as energy sources, since they are now financially competitive, and more sustainable. It may make you feel good to run that pipeline through Indian country, but it's not going to create enough jobs to make a difference.

* "The Donald" has been complaining that Yahoo, Microsoft, and other tech giants don't employ enough Americans, not considering for the last 40 years the countries in Europe and Asia have invested in education, and are now far ahead of most American's in math and science, these tools are now the very ones tech companies seek. America's philosophy of "who needs education when you can blow up the world?!" attitude may need need to change.

* For the 8 years of the Obama administration, an average of 7 American's died each year as a result of terror related attacks in our country, as opposed to over 35,000 deaths per by traffic accident. Add old age and cancer deaths on to this figure, and ask yourself if this terror threat is as horrible as "The Donald" is trying to convince us it is.

Frankly, I think some good things might come from this Trump administration. Our trade agreements do need to be set up in a way to keep more jobs in America, and I can live with deporting illegal aliens with criminal records, but.....don't be surprised if these much ballyhooed jobs don't materialize in big numbers, like "The Donald" promised. Market forces create jobs, not gerrymandering by our government.

Yeah.....this post is why we don't trust you with control of the government.....the funniest part of your post is the part with solar and wind.....that is really funny.....

It doesn’t really matter who you vote for, Wall Street, Goldman Sachs, your “job creator” class and the hedge fund parasites always have control of your govt. Same as it ever was.
* Donald Trump and his cabinet full of billionaire CEO types have made careers out of shipping American jobs offshore, and exploiting the American working class. If you think they will now all of a sudden going to do a "180" bring all those jobs back, and become the working man's friend, I'm afraid you're going to be disappointed. It's common sense. They shipped offshore because it penciled out to do so. They were operating within the law. In other terms, they're competent.

* The world in in the information age, not the industrial age. Trying to artificially recreate those blue collar jobs from a bygone era that are now mostly done by robots is going to be nearly impossible. Agreed. There are also too many people.

* Solar and wind power is fast replacing coal and oil as energy sources, since they are now financially competitive, and more sustainable. It may make you feel good to run that pipeline through Indian country, but it's not going to create enough jobs to make a difference. Who said it would? LOL at make conservatives feel good. Makes you feel good to say it.

* "The Donald" has been complaining that Yahoo, Microsoft, and other tech giants don't employ enough Americans, not considering for the last 40 years the countries in Europe and Asia have invested in education, and are now far ahead of most American's in math and science, these tools are now the very ones tech companies seek. America's philosophy of "who needs education when you can blow up the world?!" attitude may need to change. Our education system is trash not because of cash, but because of liberal policies and liberal class settings.

* For the 8 years of the Obama administration, an average of 7 American's died each year as a result of terror related attacks in our country, as opposed to over 35,000 deaths per by traffic accident. Add old age and cancer deaths on to this figure, and ask yourself if this terror threat is as horrible as "The Donald" is trying to convince us it is. I see. So you're on the side of reactive as opposed proactive. That should work well when a terrorist uses chemicals, biological or nuclear weapons on Americans. It's not a matter of if but when.
When it comes to terrorism,or maybe more so, importing an underclass that is unable to assimilate well. the point is to stop the US from becoming like the European model before it happens. Why wait until we look like Sweden and then look back and scratch your head wondering about the steps you should have taken before things got out of hand?

America's philosophy of "who needs education when you can blow up the world?!" attitude may need need to change.

Do you really think this is the attitude of most American parents when they send their kids off to school? Or just most Republican parents? I would say NOT.
Our school systems are a mess because Schools are trying to do too many things instead of trying to do the important things well. There are too many special interests involved. Lot of blame to go around there.
I think we're in this mess because American parents are total failures at raising their children. You can't teach someone who doesn't want to learn. Stupid parents don't make smart kids. They just stick'em in front of a TV and call it a day.
* Donald Trump and his cabinet full of billionaire CEO types have made careers out of shipping American jobs offshore, and exploiting the American working class. If you think they will now all of a sudden going to do a "180" bring all those jobs back, and become the working man's friend, I'm afraid you're going to be disappointed. It's common sense. They shipped offshore because it penciled out to do so. They were operating within the law. In other terms, they're competent.

* The world in in the information age, not the industrial age. Trying to artificially recreate those blue collar jobs from a bygone era that are now mostly done by robots is going to be nearly impossible. Agreed. There are also too many people.

* Solar and wind power is fast replacing coal and oil as energy sources, since they are now financially competitive, and more sustainable. It may make you feel good to run that pipeline through Indian country, but it's not going to create enough jobs to make a difference. Who said it would? LOL at make conservatives feel good. Makes you feel good to say it.

* "The Donald" has been complaining that Yahoo, Microsoft, and other tech giants don't employ enough Americans, not considering for the last 40 years the countries in Europe and Asia have invested in education, and are now far ahead of most American's in math and science, these tools are now the very ones tech companies seek. America's philosophy of "who needs education when you can blow up the world?!" attitude may need to change. Our education system is trash not because of cash, but because of liberal policies and liberal class settings.

* For the 8 years of the Obama administration, an average of 7 American's died each year as a result of terror related attacks in our country, as opposed to over 35,000 deaths per by traffic accident. Add old age and cancer deaths on to this figure, and ask yourself if this terror threat is as horrible as "The Donald" is trying to convince us it is. I see. So you're on the side of reactive as opposed proactive. That should work well when a terrorist uses chemicals, biological or nuclear weapons on Americans. It's not a matter of if but when.
That's the way you do it! Although I may disagree on a few points of yours, kudos for showing others how its (debating) done.

What ever happened to all the William F. Buckley conservatives? I miss them.

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