A Letter from a Marine Captain in Afghanistan


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
I wanted to share with Atlas readers a letter I received from a Marine captain I correspond with time and again. His missive is tragic and articulates all that I have warned of, predicted and worried so over for years. It bodes most ill ........

Lioness of Judah,

I am back in Afghanistan. There is no mission, no strategy. The Muslims have us pretty well figured out. They ask, ask and ask. We then give, give and give. The commander to balks at the cycle? He is replaced by someone who will go along. The Afghans are great allies--- so long as we bribe them with goods, services, and money. They turn when we leave. Just recently, an advisor team was ordered away from an Afghan Uniformed Police team in the south because, as higher headquarters claims, they were fully trained and operational independent of ISAF help. Just the other day, the chief of police for that team was caught on our drone assets delivering a Humvee-full of weapons and ammunition to a Taliban member who is targeted for death. Of course we did not drone strike him because, after all, this is what winning looks like.

In makes no difference from which blog this comes. The letter speaks for itself and tells us what a horrible mess our ineffective CinC has gotten us into. Read the entire letter @ A Letter from a Marine Captain in Afghanistan - Atlas Shrugs

The Israeli's have us pretty well figured out. They ask, ask and ask. We then give, give and give. The commander to balks at the cycle? He is replaced by someone who will go along. The Israeli's are great allies--- so long as we bribe them with goods, services, and money. ??
"In makes no difference from which blog this comes." if it came from stormfront.com would it make a difference?
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Its time to get the fuck out of there, we are wasting lives and money for nothing.

My older brother has served two tours in Afghanistan - VMU-2, macg-28 out of Cherry Point, NC.

He learned early on during his first tour that the majority of US servicemen view the Afghan army as a cabal of cowardly, seditious and useless hacks who will turn on you in a second. During the last tour, the guys in his unit always moved in groups of two or more with a squad mate watching your back. Although it was said to be forbidden on base, most guys had a round in the chamber of their rifles and lots of marines had the tips of the full metal jacket bullets cut off to make the first round count.
Its time to get the fuck out of there, we are wasting lives and money for nothing.

My older brother has served two tours in Afghanistan - VMU-2, macg-28 out of Cherry Point, NC.

He learned early on during his first tour that the majority of US servicemen view the Afghan army as a cabal of cowardly, seditious and useless hacks who will turn on you in a second. During the last tour, the guys in his unit always moved in groups of two or more with a squad mate watching your back. Although it was said to be forbidden on base, most guys had a round in the chamber of their rifles and lots of marines had the tips of the full metal jacket bullets cut off to make the first round count.

FMJ---can you believe we're still doing that ?

crazy rules of war

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