A greater detriment to American society...Guns or illegal Mexicans?

Illegals kill about 9000 people per year

You should paint that on a sandwich board, and wear it on the street corner. That'll show them.

So go ahead and state your position on the matter.
Are you implying that you only want to help protect Americans a little bit?
CNN and a few children you admire have told you to get excited about this gun thing...is that all you have time for? Are you waiting for them to tell you what to get behind next?

I have been for reasonable gun control for years before the mass shootings of the last few years. I'm angry that it took kids being tired of seeing their friends being killed in front of them at school for the country to finally take the unregulated gun problem seriously.

Awesome...good for you.
BUT, you’re not equally angered by illegals killing, raping, maiming and robbing Americans daily?
Explain that logic to us...would you please?
Everytime I tune in to the news i see US born criminals raping, stealing, hit and run, mass shooting...and are committing all heinous crimes, you are not outraged ?

Nope, you wanna be? No? STFU then.
To any stupid motherfucker that is against illegals.

I ran into an illegal in 1989 on the 5th floor of the Morgan Street jail in Tampa.

He told me he got a gun and murdered somebody. I illegal, I get illegal gun, go bang bang.

Go fuck yourselves, anyone that doesn't comprehend this. Illegals need the fuck up out of America.
Simple answer isn’t it?
So when are we all storming the steps of D.C. to demand aggressive immigration enforcement?

Guns are a much bigger problem . It’s staggering how many Americans are killed by guns every year.
Can anyone explain to me why.. um, our leaders have this huge PRO MEXICAN bias, and why our so called representatives throw our own poor under the bus for the benefit of POOR illegal foreign nationals instead? It makes me that much more cynical about American politics. Liberals, in particular. Beneficent fascist, they create this illusion of humanitarianism, and its taboo to question that. Please, creating a sanctuary for Mexican nationals WITHOUT the expressed consent of the local populace seems like massive over reach. And please, I see the effects that has, with the huge increase in homelessness, let alone other less tenable effects. Liberal ideology does far more harm than school shootings or Muslim terrorism, over all.
I AM appalled at modern liberalism. This coming from a old school liberal hippy. Liberals now remind me now of NAZI brown shirt thugs looking to bust heads for some kind fleeting recognition or credibility, not someone sincerely interested in facts looking to find the truth wherever it leads...
Simple answer isn’t it?
So when are we all storming the steps of D.C. to demand aggressive immigration enforcement?

Why do you only hate illegal Mexicans?

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I HATE all illegals...I prefer to discuss the ninety percentile though...that being Mexicans, Central and South Americans...you know, the ones raping, killing, driving intoxicated, dropping anchor babies at a cockroaches pace in the laps of good Americans and degrading our communities, cities and states. Nobody really cares about the good, clean, moral, respectful illegals here from New Zealand....weird huh?

Then would it not be better to just say illegals vice illegal Mexicans since Mexican make us less than 50% of illegals in this country?

That way people would not mistake you for a racist...:04:
nope they are around 56%.....in California defiantly higher....
A greater detriment to American society...Guns or illegal Mexicans?

GUNS! Mexicans are simply trying to reclaim their birthright that was stolen from them.


The Hispanic Experience - Stolen Birthright
it wasnt stolen from them.....
I AM appalled at modern liberalism. This coming from a old school liberal hippy. Liberals now remind me now of NAZI brown shirt thugs looking to bust heads for some kind fleeting recognition or credibility, not someone sincerely interested in facts looking to find the truth wherever it leads...
Only they're kinda wimpy, so it 's probably their heads that will get busted.
Simple answer isn’t it?
So when are we all storming the steps of D.C. to demand aggressive immigration enforcement?

Why do you only hate illegal Mexicans?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

I HATE all illegals...I prefer to discuss the ninety percentile though...that being Mexicans, Central and South Americans...you know, the ones raping, killing, driving intoxicated, dropping anchor babies at a cockroaches pace in the laps of good Americans and degrading our communities, cities and states. Nobody really cares about the good, clean, moral, respectful illegals here from New Zealand....weird huh?

Then would it not be better to just say illegals vice illegal Mexicans since Mexican make us less than 50% of illegals in this country?

That way people would not mistake you for a racist...:04:

Mexicans aren't a race. . .

This is a Mexican, born here, father Mexican, grew up in Mexico . . .

Louis C.K.: I'm an Accidental White Person
Well, Mexicans get guns. Illegals celebrating Saint Uppyerass ST. Gringos day, fireworks, celebratory gun shots observed because Mexicans want a better life. Same Catholic observant folks that subjugate and abuse women, bash homosexuality and have a entire music culture devoted to drug smugglers. Oh and then a side line abuse animals as a sport. Bulls, dogs, roosters...We are so much better as a culture for enabling that...
Well, Mexicans get guns. Illegals celebrating Saint Uppyerass ST. Gringos day, fireworks, celebratory gun shots observed because Mexicans want a better life. Same Catholic observant folks that subjugate and abuse women, bash homosexuality and have a entire music culture devoted to drug smugglers. Oh and then a side line abuse animals as a sport. Bulls, dogs, roosters...We are so much better as a culture for enabling that...
Shoot Banty in neck @ 100 yards.
A greater detriment to American society...Guns or illegal Mexicans?

GUNS! Mexicans are simply trying to reclaim their birthright that was stolen from them.


The Hispanic Experience - Stolen Birthright
So let's say they are simply trying to get back their "birthright."

I don't see anyone in any hurry to give the land back to the Aztecs, the Mayans, the Hopi, etc.

You can play this game back to infinity.

The Mexicans and Spanish are guilty of the same crimes that the Anglos are guilty of, so don't be a hypocrite, that is how the game of civilization worked back then.

Nobody is going to give anything up to the losers of the now marginalized groups and you know this.

Stop whining and crying and trying to play the victim card, because the group you are lobbying for has also done it's share of victimization.

It's a dog eat dog world. Suck it up.

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