A flat tax revenue system would destroy the Left !!


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
With a 10% flat tax rate the left would no longer be able to use class warfare to promote their socialist agenda !! and knowing that Americans taxes cant be raised they would no longer be able to buy votes and freedom with increased spending on social programs !!
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Steve Forbes proposed a 17% flat tax back in the 80's and the bean counters figured out that it wouldn't come close to covering the spending back then.
200million people paying 10 % is a lot of cash !! and the waste that goes on in big government would be reduced because they would not have the means to get more money !!
Steve Forbes proposed a 17% flat tax back in the 80's and the bean counters figured out that it wouldn't come close to covering the spending back then.

Bean counters, like many others, have a tendency to ignore information not in front of their eyes. specifically the uncacluated benefits to the economy of a simplified tax system.

Not to mention that any sane person supporting the flat tax also realizes that we need to severely cut government spending.
The people who are in control will never allow a flat tax without exclusions and exceptions.
Steve Forbes proposed a 17% flat tax back in the 80's and the bean counters figured out that it wouldn't come close to covering the spending back then.

Bean counters, like many others, have a tendency to ignore information not in front of their eyes. specifically the uncacluated benefits to the economy of a simplified tax system.

Not to mention that any sane person supporting the flat tax also realizes that we need to severely cut government spending.

Kind of like the uncalculated benefits that supply side economics were going to magically produce?


Btw. a 10% flat tax on my top line income (aka gross) would be a tax INCREASE for me, and I don't have any dependents.

Careful what you wish for.
Kind of like the uncalculated benefits that supply side economics were going to magically produce?


The economy boomed for 20 years after Reagan's tax cuts.

Btw. a 10% flat tax on my top line income (aka gross) would be a tax INCREASE for me, and I don't have any dependents.

Careful what you wish for.

You must be one big time loser. I would be grateful to pay only 10%
Steve Forbes proposed a 17% flat tax back in the 80's and the bean counters figured out that it wouldn't come close to covering the spending back then.

And that spending on shit the government has no business in is a problem.... as well as over spending in areas it is constitutionally supposed to be in

Fix the spending... and whatever the flat tax with no loopholes then has to be, do it
Bean counters, like many others, have a tendency to ignore information not in front of their eyes. specifically the uncacluated benefits to the economy of a simplified tax system.

A progressive tax system is not complicated. A tax system with myriad deductions is complicated.
Kind of like the uncalculated benefits that supply side economics were going to magically produce?


The economy boomed for 20 years after Reagan's tax cuts.

Btw. a 10% flat tax on my top line income (aka gross) would be a tax INCREASE for me, and I don't have any dependents.

Careful what you wish for.

You must be one big time loser. I would be grateful to pay only 10%

The Reagan tax cuts produced 11 straight years of triple digit deficits.
Kind of like the uncalculated benefits that supply side economics were going to magically produce?


The economy boomed for 20 years after Reagan's tax cuts.

Btw. a 10% flat tax on my top line income (aka gross) would be a tax INCREASE for me, and I don't have any dependents.

Careful what you wish for.

You must be one big time loser. I would be grateful to pay only 10%

The Reagan tax cuts produced 11 straight years of triple digit deficits.

And we have had deficits every single year since 1957... time for a change away from the uber tax and uber spend system, laden with handouts and frivolous spending, wouldn't you say??
Kind of like the uncalculated benefits that supply side economics were going to magically produce?


The economy boomed for 20 years after Reagan's tax cuts.

Btw. a 10% flat tax on my top line income (aka gross) would be a tax INCREASE for me, and I don't have any dependents.

Careful what you wish for.

You must be one big time loser. I would be grateful to pay only 10%

As would I, and I dont make nearly enough money.
Bean counters, like many others, have a tendency to ignore information not in front of their eyes. specifically the uncacluated benefits to the economy of a simplified tax system.

A progressive tax system is not complicated. A tax system with myriad deductions is complicated.

And a flat tax is even simplier.
Kind of like the uncalculated benefits that supply side economics were going to magically produce?


The economy boomed for 20 years after Reagan's tax cuts.

Btw. a 10% flat tax on my top line income (aka gross) would be a tax INCREASE for me, and I don't have any dependents.

Careful what you wish for.

You must be one big time loser. I would be grateful to pay only 10%

The Reagan tax cuts produced 11 straight years of triple digit deficits.

No, that would be the Reagan spending.

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