A Different Tone From Canada...


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
On the National Security front...

In a speech this week that has received precious little media attention (especially considering the frenzy surrounding Abu Ghraib), Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin announced that he believes Saddam Hussein possessed biological, chemical and nuclear WMD, which have now fallen into terrorist hands. "The fact is that there is now, we know well, a proliferation of nuclear weapons, and that many weapons that Saddam Hussein had, we don't know where they are," Martin told university researchers and business leaders in Montreal on Sunday. "That means terrorists have access to all of that."

Saying that the threat leveled against the West is even greater now than in the aftermath of September 11, 2001, Martin continued, "I believe that terrorism will be, for our generation, what the Cold War was to generations that preceded us," he said. "I don't think we're out of it yet." Equally bold, Martin took direct aim at his predecessor, consummate braying Jacque-ass Jean Chrétien, who infamously identified the root of terrorism and the 9/11 attacks as poverty. "The cause of terrorism is not poverty," rebutted Martin, "it is hatred."

I think slowly nations will begin to realize this. that its not the question were they there, but rather where did they go. When it comes down to it, no one is willing to risk their nation's security on a hunch that a Ruthless Dictator with known ties with terrorists didnt give terrorists his WMDs.
Someone who finally gets that poverty is not the cause of terrorism. I mean look at Osama. he is very wealthy. no, its quite the reverse though. Terrorism is the cause of poverty.

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