A Detailed Look at One Medida Lie About Trump, the Mulvaney Quid ProQuo Comment


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Chris Wallace is such a lying little Weeasel.

'You said what you said': Fox News' Chris Wallace rejects Mulvaney's attempt to walk back Ukraine comments
"Fox News Sunday" host Chris Wallace asked Mulvaney why he said "that aid to Ukraine depended on investigating the Democrats." Mulvaney denied that was what he had said.

"That's what people said I said," he told Wallace. Mulvaney claimed "people got sidetracked" at the news conference and that he had said the aid was withheld for two reasons: corruption concerns and to pressure European nations into giving Ukraine more aid.

Ukraine: Trump's conspiracy theories thrive as young democracy battles corruption and distrust

More: Mick Mulvaney acknowledges Trump held up aid to pressure Ukraine, then rows back

He said the president had mentioned the Democratic National Committee server "from time to time" but "it wasn't connected to the aid."

But Wallace was unpersuaded, telling Mulvaney, "I believe that anyone listening to what you said in that briefing could come to only one conclusion."

"No, you totally said that," Wallace said.​

No that is not what he said.

Mick Mulvaney suggests Trump withheld Ukraine aid in quid pro quo

“Did he also mention to me in the past the corruption that related to the DNC server? Absolutely, no question about that,” Mulvaney continued. “But that’s it. That’s why we held up the money.”

Asked about mixing politics with foreign policy, Mulvaney replied: “We do that all the time with foreign policy … I have news for everybody. Get over it. There is going to be political influence in foreign policy. Elections have consequences.”

Mulvaney’s statement contradicted Trump’s repeated denials that his administration had made military aid to Ukraine contingent upon Kyiv’s willingness to open an investigation into the debunked DNC theory and the dealings of Hunter Biden in Ukraine.

At worst, Mulvaney wanted the Ukraine to look into the DNC server as part of the investigation regarding the origins of the fake Russia Collusion horse shit that Giulliani was also investigating. Notice how the press slips the Hunter Biden allegation into the statement that Mulvaney never made!



I will never watch another show hosted by that lying son of a bitch as long as I live.
Chris Wallace is such a lying little Weeasel.

'You said what you said': Fox News' Chris Wallace rejects Mulvaney's attempt to walk back Ukraine comments
"Fox News Sunday" host Chris Wallace asked Mulvaney why he said "that aid to Ukraine depended on investigating the Democrats." Mulvaney denied that was what he had said.

"That's what people said I said," he told Wallace. Mulvaney claimed "people got sidetracked" at the news conference and that he had said the aid was withheld for two reasons: corruption concerns and to pressure European nations into giving Ukraine more aid.

Ukraine: Trump's conspiracy theories thrive as young democracy battles corruption and distrust

More: Mick Mulvaney acknowledges Trump held up aid to pressure Ukraine, then rows back

He said the president had mentioned the Democratic National Committee server "from time to time" but "it wasn't connected to the aid."

But Wallace was unpersuaded, telling Mulvaney, "I believe that anyone listening to what you said in that briefing could come to only one conclusion."

"No, you totally said that," Wallace said.​

No that is not what he said.

Mick Mulvaney suggests Trump withheld Ukraine aid in quid pro quo

“Did he also mention to me in the past the corruption that related to the DNC server? Absolutely, no question about that,” Mulvaney continued. “But that’s it. That’s why we held up the money.”

Asked about mixing politics with foreign policy, Mulvaney replied: “We do that all the time with foreign policy … I have news for everybody. Get over it. There is going to be political influence in foreign policy. Elections have consequences.”

Mulvaney’s statement contradicted Trump’s repeated denials that his administration had made military aid to Ukraine contingent upon Kyiv’s willingness to open an investigation into the debunked DNC theory and the dealings of Hunter Biden in Ukraine.

At worst, Mulvaney wanted the Ukraine to look into the DNC server as part of the investigation regarding the origins of the fake Russia Collusion horse shit that Giulliani was also investigating. Notice how the press slips the Hunter Biden allegation into the statement that Mulvaney never made!



I will never watch another show hosted by that lying son of a bitch as long as I live.
I'm sure he loses sleep over your impactful decision. Mulvaney's statements are on tape for all to see. no amount of spin will change what he said or how everyone..including Trump's supporters...see it.

this is no case of uninformed rumor..or anonymous sources....he said what he said..get over it..or not.
I'm sure he loses sleep over your impactful decision. Mulvaney's statements are on tape for all to see. no amount of spin will change what he said or how everyone..including Trump's supporters...see it.

this is no case of uninformed rumor..or anonymous sources....he said what he said..get over it..or not.
There is nothing to get over. The people who froth and growl when they see a picture of Trump will remain
emotionally damaged and Trump supporters see nothing wrong here.
It's a blip in the weekly events being managed by the deep state and their media.
These politicians are terrified on not getting invited back on so they play nice.. but someone needs to block Chris Wallace on National tv as the democrat hack he is. Anti trump every Sunday. Gives dems a free pass.

Wtf does he have Juan token Williams on they panel for? He gets destroyed 5 days a week. He’s a joke lol
Detailed look at how conservative media tells its audience to reject the evidence of their eyes and ears"
Whatever you need to help you sleep at night as Trump continues inexorably to a second term.
Lol, he thinks I get this from 'conservative media'.

No, I get it from OBJECTIVE MEDIA.

Mulvaney referenced the DNC server issue, and the Guardian twists it to be about Biden, when it was not,t he Chrissy Pooh Wallace acts as if that is what Mulvaney actualy stated, when h e did not.

Wallace is perpetuating a lie and h e knows it, the bastard.
Detailed look at how conservative media tells its audience to reject the evidence of their eyes and ears"
Whatever you need to help you sleep at night as Trump continues inexorably to a second term.
Lol, he thinks I get this from 'conservative media'.

No, I get it from OBJECTIVE MEDIA.

Mulvaney referenced the DNC server issue, and the Guardian twists it to be about Biden, when it was not,t he Chrissy Pooh Wallace acts as if that is what Mulvaney actualy stated, when h e did not.

Wallace is perpetuating a lie and h e knows it, the bastard.
^ regurgitating conservative talking points
Detailed look at how conservative media tells its audience to reject the evidence of their eyes and ears"
Whatever you need to help you sleep at night as Trump continues inexorably to a second term.
Lol, he thinks I get this from 'conservative media'.

No, I get it from OBJECTIVE MEDIA.

Mulvaney referenced the DNC server issue, and the Guardian twists it to be about Biden, when it was not,t he Chrissy Pooh Wallace acts as if that is what Mulvaney actualy stated, when h e did not.

Wallace is perpetuating a lie and h e knows it, the bastard.
^ regurgitating conservative talking points

No truth and facts.

It's been consistent that the military aid was withheld as they looked into the new government to make sure it wasn't corrupt like the last two were.
He did the right thing.
There was no quid pro quo yet media and left keep spinning it.
Detailed look at how conservative media tells its audience to reject the evidence of their eyes and ears"
Whatever you need to help you sleep at night as Trump continues inexorably to a second term.
Lol, he thinks I get this from 'conservative media'.

No, I get it from OBJECTIVE MEDIA.

Mulvaney referenced the DNC server issue, and the Guardian twists it to be about Biden, when it was not,t he Chrissy Pooh Wallace acts as if that is what Mulvaney actualy stated, when h e did not.

Wallace is perpetuating a lie and h e knows it, the bastard.
^ regurgitating conservative talking points

No truth and facts.

It's been consistent that the military aid was withheld as they looked into the new government to make sure it wasn't corrupt like the last two were.
He did the right thing.
There was no quid pro quo yet media and left keep spinning it.
Quid pro quo is the entire Trump Presidency. It's why our military is currently purchased by Saudi Arabia, and also is surrendering bases to Putin.
Detailed look at how conservative media tells its audience to reject the evidence of their eyes and ears"
Whatever you need to help you sleep at night as Trump continues inexorably to a second term.
Lol, he thinks I get this from 'conservative media'.

No, I get it from OBJECTIVE MEDIA.

Mulvaney referenced the DNC server issue, and the Guardian twists it to be about Biden, when it was not,t he Chrissy Pooh Wallace acts as if that is what Mulvaney actualy stated, when h e did not.

Wallace is perpetuating a lie and h e knows it, the bastard.
^ regurgitating conservative talking points

No truth and facts.

It's been consistent that the military aid was withheld as they looked into the new government to make sure it wasn't corrupt like the last two were.
He did the right thing.
There was no quid pro quo yet media and left keep spinning it.
Quid pro quo is the entire Trump Presidency. It's why our military is currently purchased by Saudi Arabia, and also is surrendering bases to Putin.

They should be the ones involved not us any longer.
Let European countries step up.
We have spent enough and lost enough of our military people.
Let them fight over the land and get it settled once and for all.
It's been going on for hundreds of years.
Whatever you need to help you sleep at night as Trump continues inexorably to a second term.
Lol, he thinks I get this from 'conservative media'.

No, I get it from OBJECTIVE MEDIA.

Mulvaney referenced the DNC server issue, and the Guardian twists it to be about Biden, when it was not,t he Chrissy Pooh Wallace acts as if that is what Mulvaney actualy stated, when h e did not.

Wallace is perpetuating a lie and h e knows it, the bastard.
^ regurgitating conservative talking points

No truth and facts.

It's been consistent that the military aid was withheld as they looked into the new government to make sure it wasn't corrupt like the last two were.
He did the right thing.
There was no quid pro quo yet media and left keep spinning it.
Quid pro quo is the entire Trump Presidency. It's why our military is currently purchased by Saudi Arabia, and also is surrendering bases to Putin.

They should be the ones involved not us any longer.
Let European countries step up.
We have spent enough and lost enough of our military people.
Let them fight over the land and get it settled once and for all.
It's been going on for hundreds of years.
So I assume you support Trump's surge of troops to Saudi Arabia and Iraq?
Mulvaney was taken out of context and his words were twisted. In other words democommiecrats were lying again.
Chris Wallace is such a lying little Weeasel.

'You said what you said': Fox News' Chris Wallace rejects Mulvaney's attempt to walk back Ukraine comments
"Fox News Sunday" host Chris Wallace asked Mulvaney why he said "that aid to Ukraine depended on investigating the Democrats." Mulvaney denied that was what he had said.

"That's what people said I said," he told Wallace. Mulvaney claimed "people got sidetracked" at the news conference and that he had said the aid was withheld for two reasons: corruption concerns and to pressure European nations into giving Ukraine more aid.

Ukraine: Trump's conspiracy theories thrive as young democracy battles corruption and distrust

More: Mick Mulvaney acknowledges Trump held up aid to pressure Ukraine, then rows back

He said the president had mentioned the Democratic National Committee server "from time to time" but "it wasn't connected to the aid."

But Wallace was unpersuaded, telling Mulvaney, "I believe that anyone listening to what you said in that briefing could come to only one conclusion."

"No, you totally said that," Wallace said.​

No that is not what he said.

Mick Mulvaney suggests Trump withheld Ukraine aid in quid pro quo

“Did he also mention to me in the past the corruption that related to the DNC server? Absolutely, no question about that,” Mulvaney continued. “But that’s it. That’s why we held up the money.”

Asked about mixing politics with foreign policy, Mulvaney replied: “We do that all the time with foreign policy … I have news for everybody. Get over it. There is going to be political influence in foreign policy. Elections have consequences.”

Mulvaney’s statement contradicted Trump’s repeated denials that his administration had made military aid to Ukraine contingent upon Kyiv’s willingness to open an investigation into the debunked DNC theory and the dealings of Hunter Biden in Ukraine.

At worst, Mulvaney wanted the Ukraine to look into the DNC server as part of the investigation regarding the origins of the fake Russia Collusion horse shit that Giulliani was also investigating. Notice how the press slips the Hunter Biden allegation into the statement that Mulvaney never made!



I will never watch another show hosted by that lying son of a bitch as long as I live.
funny that you watched that interview and concluded that Wallace was lying. First off we’ve all heard Mulvaney’s statements at the presser. This isn’t the media lying, he said what he said and we all heard it. It’s pretty obvious Trump told him to say that he never said what we all heard him say and now he is sticking to that story.

the interesting thing was Mulvaney put his foot in his mouth again! Insisting that holding aid was only reliant on two things, rooting out corruption and trying to get other countries to contribute more. Two things... but as the conversation progressed it turned into three things, and he was recorded saying that the DNC server Was the third thing. There’s also testimony about Rudy working on the server and the Biden’s for months, and a phone call between Trump and Ukraine where Trumped asked a favor for them to investigate the server and Biden... Oops. These fuckers are so dishonest they can’t even keep track of their own lies. And you play a very nice puppet. Incredible
Lol, he thinks I get this from 'conservative media'.

No, I get it from OBJECTIVE MEDIA.

Mulvaney referenced the DNC server issue, and the Guardian twists it to be about Biden, when it was not,t he Chrissy Pooh Wallace acts as if that is what Mulvaney actualy stated, when h e did not.

Wallace is perpetuating a lie and h e knows it, the bastard.
^ regurgitating conservative talking points

No truth and facts.

It's been consistent that the military aid was withheld as they looked into the new government to make sure it wasn't corrupt like the last two were.
He did the right thing.
There was no quid pro quo yet media and left keep spinning it.
Quid pro quo is the entire Trump Presidency. It's why our military is currently purchased by Saudi Arabia, and also is surrendering bases to Putin.

They should be the ones involved not us any longer.
Let European countries step up.
We have spent enough and lost enough of our military people.
Let them fight over the land and get it settled once and for all.
It's been going on for hundreds of years.
So I assume you support Trump's surge of troops to Saudi Arabia and Iraq?

The ones moved to Iraq was done for their safety.
The ones in Saudi Arabia are there to counter Iran threat.
If it’s within the purview of responsibility of the president to make sure US taxpayer foreign aid is not squandered by corruption, then trump is doing his due diligence. If corruption is determined and that corruption happens to involve other Americans who may be political rivals of the president, then that is on them, not the president.
Wallace is another left wing shill.
Detailed look at how conservative media tells its audience to reject the evidence of their eyes and ears"
Whatever you need to help you sleep at night as Trump continues inexorably to a second term.
Lol, he thinks I get this from 'conservative media'.

No, I get it from OBJECTIVE MEDIA.

Mulvaney referenced the DNC server issue, and the Guardian twists it to be about Biden, when it was not,t he Chrissy Pooh Wallace acts as if that is what Mulvaney actualy stated, when h e did not.

Wallace is perpetuating a lie and h e knows it, the bastard.
Because when trump talked to Zelensky, he asked him to look into the DNC server....

.... AND the Bidens.
If it’s within the purview of responsibility of the president to make sure US taxpayer foreign aid is not squandered by corruption, then trump is doing his due diligence. If corruption is determined and that corruption happens to involve other Americans who may be political rivals of the president, then that is on them, not the president.
Wallace is another left wing shill.
How is it squandered by events which purportedly occurred years ago? Shouldn't trump have been concerned about ongoing corruption?
If it’s within the purview of responsibility of the president to make sure US taxpayer foreign aid is not squandered by corruption, then trump is doing his due diligence. If corruption is determined and that corruption happens to involve other Americans who may be political rivals of the president, then that is on them, not the president.
Wallace is another left wing shill.
How is it squandered by events which purportedly occurred years ago? Shouldn't trump have been concerned about ongoing corruption?
You should take that up with those who buried that story. What’s more, it was a current event up to now — now that it’s being exposed.
If it’s within the purview of responsibility of the president to make sure US taxpayer foreign aid is not squandered by corruption, then trump is doing his due diligence. If corruption is determined and that corruption happens to involve other Americans who may be political rivals of the president, then that is on them, not the president.
Wallace is another left wing shill.
How is it squandered by events which purportedly occurred years ago? Shouldn't trump have been concerned about ongoing corruption?
You should take that up with those who buried that story. What’s more, it was a current event up to now — now that it’s being exposed.
Uh, no, it's all old news. The DNC server is from 2016 as is Biden threatening to withhold a billion dollars unless Shokin was kicked to the curb. Hunter Biden no longer works for Burisma.

So Trump's claim is he held up nearly $400 million over corruption yet the only corruption he (or Giuliani) mentions, are those old claims of corruption; and not a word about ongoing corruption.

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