A Covid Death goes to trial


Diamond Member
May 20, 2014
“I was taken out by an armed guard on the 10th. We had to hire an attorney to have my daughter in as a replacement advocate. My wife couldn’t do it because she had COVID at the time. What we found out in looking at the records is that on Oct. 9, the day before I was kicked out of the hospital, they started Grace on a sedation medication that causes acute respiratory failure,” Schara said. Landmark COVID lawsuit moves to trial after man watched his daughter die over FaceTime
About time. Heres a ventilator please die. Wonder if the Doc got a cut of the $300,000
“I was taken out by an armed guard on the 10th. We had to hire an attorney to have my daughter in as a replacement advocate. My wife couldn’t do it because she had COVID at the time. What we found out in looking at the records is that on Oct. 9, the day before I was kicked out of the hospital, they started Grace on a sedation medication that causes acute respiratory failure,” Schara said. Landmark COVID lawsuit moves to trial after man watched his daughter die over FaceTime
About time. Heres a ventilator please die. Wonder if the Doc got a cut of the $300,000
The Hospitals made an absolute fortune on Covid courtesy of the Federal government.
“I was taken out by an armed guard on the 10th. We had to hire an attorney to have my daughter in as a replacement advocate. My wife couldn’t do it because she had COVID at the time. What we found out in looking at the records is that on Oct. 9, the day before I was kicked out of the hospital, they started Grace on a sedation medication that causes acute respiratory failure,” Schara said. Landmark COVID lawsuit moves to trial after man watched his daughter die over FaceTime
About time. Heres a ventilator please die. Wonder if the Doc got a cut of the $300,000
Don't get vaxed.
Ignore medical advice
Treat with horse meds
Then sue?

Is it any wonder the MAGAT death rate lines up with GOP election losses?
Still spouting your propo eh
Those are the facts as presented.
Didn't get vaxxed
Didn't follow medical advice
Treated with horse medications against medical advice
Then begged the doctors to save them from their stupidity and
when it was too late
Blame the doctors for their own willful ignorance and stupidity and sue.

I thought the GOP used to be about accepting responsibility.
Now it's only about finding someone to blame for their stupidity.
Don't get vaxed.
Ignore medical advice
Treat with horse meds
Then sue?

Is it any wonder the MAGAT death rate lines up with GOP election losses?
Just another lie....nobody used horse meds.....you obviously swallow real good govt
Kirsch reports that both Macrae and an ICU doctor he spoke to after the interview estimated that roughly 90 percent of those who died were actually killed by the COVID-19 treatment protocols rather than the virus itself.
The more government gets involved with medicine, the worst medicine becomes, even to the point of murder. Back to MAGA

That is not true.
Back in the 50's, we had much better health care because there were free public hospital, no one had health insurance, and there was almost no profit motive in health care.

The problem with health care is always the profit motive.
That is why expensive live saving treatments are often denied, and useless extra procedures are performed on people on Medicare.
Don't get vaxed.
Ignore medical advice
Treat with horse meds
Then sue?

Is it any wonder the MAGAT death rate lines up with GOP election losses?

The mRNA vax is not only proven by now to not at all work, but also have over 10 times the deadly side effect rate of any real vaccine.

We now know that the "medical advice" from Fauci was from the person who paid to create covid at Wuhan, with gain of function research.

Ivermectin is used to treat parasites, but it works by deadening the ability of parasites to detect food in the hosts. The exact same deadening of nerves prevents covid from being able to open cell ACE2 receptors.
It is proven ivermectin does work to a degree, to prevent infection.
Ivermectin just does no good after a person is already infected.
Did the guy and his wife not get vaxxed?

On them, then. Sad.

How can the mRNA vax possibly work at all?
All if does is get our own cells to start growing spike proteins.
The whole point of spike proteins is that our own exosomes use them in order to get ACE2 receptors in our cells to open and let them in.
So you can not get the immune system to attack spike proteins.
If you did somehow, then our immune system would attack our own exosomes because they have the same spike proteins.
And if our immune system were to attack the spike proteins of our exosome, we die.
Kirsch reports that both Macrae and an ICU doctor he spoke to after the interview estimated that roughly 90 percent of those who died were actually killed by the COVID-19 treatment protocols rather than the virus itself.

Covid has never killed anyone.
The cause of death after covid infection, is a "cytokine storm".
Its an over reaction by the immune system, causing pneumonia that suffocates by filling the lungs with lymphatic fluids.
Just another lie....nobody used horse meds.....you obviously swallow real good govt
Yes, ylou are lying, AGAIN, LIAR.

"There seems to be a growing interest in a drug called ivermectin for the prevention or treatment of COVID-19 in humans. Certain animal formulations of ivermectin such as pour-on, injectable, paste, and "drench," are approved in the U.S. to treat or prevent parasites in animals. For humans, ivermectin tablets are approved at very specific doses to treat some parasitic worms, and there are topical (on the skin) formulations for head lice and skin conditions like rosacea.

However, the FDA has received multiple reports of patients who have required medical attention, including hospitalization, after self-medicating with ivermectin intended for livestock."

Not for COVID but you can kill yourself with it. LIAR
The mRNA vax is not only proven by now to not at all work, but also have over 10 times the deadly side effect rate of any real vaccine.

We now know that the "medical advice" from Fauci was from the person who paid to create covid at Wuhan, with gain of function research.

Ivermectin is used to treat parasites, but it works by deadening the ability of parasites to detect food in the hosts. The exact same deadening of nerves prevents covid from being able to open cell ACE2 receptors.
It is proven ivermectin does work to a degree, to prevent infection.
Ivermectin just does no good after a person is already infected.

Oh, that's right
“Now that we have the detailed records, we can put together this timeline. And we see that [the doctor] had already ordered strapping Grace down to the bed before the call and made her defecate in the bed. While we were on the call with him, he ordered the increase to Precedex to the maximum allowable dose. We got off the phone with the doctor at 10:55 a.m. At 10:56, he put an illegal ‘do-not-resuscitate’ order on Grace’s chart,” Schara said.

In other words, the doc killed her.....

Kirsch reports that both Macrae and an ICU doctor he spoke to after the interview estimated that roughly 90 percent of those who died were actually killed by the COVID-19 treatment protocols rather than the virus itself.
Ventilators are death machines. People are not supposed to be on the for any long period of time.

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