A challenge


I love Andrea & April
Mar 7, 2007
San Diego, CA
how can anyone say, its israel fault that the palestinians live in squalor

the palestinians have been teaching their kids to do nothing but hate jews and commit jihad against them.

then, ever since 1948 they have been waging wars against israel over and over again, yet some people want the jews to live with palestinians and hope they dont get blown up. Israel lives under constant thread of being murdered, and having their entire country destroyed but all of the monday morning quarterbacks in america and europe, i say to you... when you live under threat of being murdered every second, youre country destroyed and a second holocaust against you, just for needing a place to stay and call home since the world turned its back on you on the first holocaust, then you can talk, i.e. ill take you seriously and wont consider you an anti semite
how can anyone say, its israel fault that the palestinians live in squalor

the palestinians have been teaching their kids to do nothing but hate jews and commit jihad against them.

then, ever since 1948 they have been waging wars against israel over and over again, yet some people want the jews to live with palestinians and hope they dont get blown up. Israel lives under constant thread of being murdered, and having their entire country destroyed but all of the monday morning quarterbacks in america and europe, i say to you... when you live under threat of being murdered every second, youre country destroyed and a second holocaust against you, just for needing a place to stay and call home since the world turned its back on you on the first holocaust, then you can talk, i.e. ill take you seriously and wont consider you an anti semite

Many Palestinians who just want peace can say much of the same things. Imagine being told that you must leave your house because some Jews are arriving and need a place to stay. I am so tired of this debate. Both groups – Pals and Jews have blood on their hands. One side bulldozes a home. The other side lobs a bomb. The other side takes more territory. The other side launches rockets. There is a brief ceasefire until someone from one side or the others does something foolish and the whole mess starts over again. Don’t tell me that Jews have never been an aggressor after a momentary ceasefire. I’m sure that I can find examples where they resorted to striking first – and you can find examples of Pals launching a supposedly unprovoked attack. It seems like this war will go on and on and on.
<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/t_B1H-1opys&rel=1"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/t_B1H-1opys&rel=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

Watch that and see if you still feel that way.
I've posted anti-arab hateful shit out of JEWISH israel too.. the guage of your own racism is weather you choose to acknowedlge such.

In effect, Acts, you are no better than an American who denied that the Germans were exterminating their jews.
i say to you... when you live under threat of being murdered every second, youre country destroyed and a second holocaust against you, just for needing a place to stay and call home since the world turned its back on you on the first holocaust, then you can talk, i.e. ill take you seriously and wont consider you an anti semite

So what is the point of this thread? To point out that you won't take anyone here seriously and you'll think they're anti-semitic (because clearly they don't meet the criteria you describe). Why start a thread and then point out that you aren't going to take any responses seriously? That's just stupid.
it's just a big jew hating conspiracy, isnt it?

After all, it's probably true that jews have never used propaganda too!

Man, being chosen must really be neat.
such simplistic drivel from you... both sides bad, both sides equally bad.


Many Palestinians who just want peace can say much of the same things.

me: what are you talking about?

Imagine being told that you must leave your house because some Jews are arriving and need a place to stay.

me: its not some jews, were nearly wiped off the face of the earth, because the u.s. and everyone else didnt give a dam and hated us, Palestinians NEVER owned the land. in 1948... they could have have kept there homes but the palestinains were told to flee their homes, by the arabs, and when the GREAT victory against the jews happened they could return, it is their own dam fault.
That said, I do feel sorry for them in a way, who does want to lose their house, but that is no excuse for turning to terrorism.

I am so tired of this debate. Both groups &#8211; Pals and Jews have blood on their hands.

me: bullshit, one sides predominantly wants peace, the other blows themselves up in disco techs and pizza parlots, starts wars to annilate the other, while the other just want peacem (FOR THE MOST PART)

One side bulldozes a home. The other side lobs a bomb.

me: your an absolute idiot. Your comparing losing a home, because not having the proper permit, to mudering innocent people.

The other side takes more territory.

me: we have given land back, that really worked out

Other side launches rockets.

me: wow murdering innocent people with rockets really compares to losing a home :cuckoo:

me: The palestinians want every jew dead, even if 40-60&#37; of palestianians want peace, which i dont know if i believe is true. Its so intellectually lazy for you to just blame both sides, instead of looking at the facts, doing a little reseach. Apparently its just easier for to equate israelies who want peace, to palestianians who want the death of all jews.

There is a brief ceasefire until someone from one side or the others does something foolish and the whole mess starts over again.

me: again, intellectual laziness. It is in the isralies best interest to make peace with the pales, on the other hand it is in the best interest of the pales to wage war against the jews, because muslims, excuse jihadists have been doing it since the dawn of islam. They want us all dead, even muslims who dont do what they want, they will continue the war with the u.s. and the jews, till were all dead or converted, they can wait, they have numbers. Get that through your thick skull the next time you wanna morally equate a democracy with a bunch of murderous thugs.

Don&#8217;t tell me that Jews have never been an aggressor after a momentary ceasefire. I&#8217;m sure that I can find examples where they resorted to striking first

me: Nope, israelies only do agressive tactical strikes to protect their citizens, perhaps if they had done more less kids from pizza parlors would be in body bags, but for you palestinians apologists , it will never be enough until the jews are all dead, or moved.

me: You blame the jews, for the pales actions, as if being a thug is explainable or excusable.

&#8211; and you can find examples of Pals launching a supposedly unprovoked attack. It seems like this war will go on and on and on.

me: the jews want peace, the arabs (that what pales really are) will never stop attacking the jews and the western world, until were all dead, just look at muslim history, they tried to take over europe.

me: You fools, will be the death of us all

Once israel falls, they will all come after us, they first came for the jews, then europe, and we did nothing, now their coming for us.
You are a palestinian apologist and sympathizer. I never hear you condemn palestinian terror, all i hear you say is jews bad, no right to land, basically things along those lines.

it's just a big jew hating conspiracy, isnt it?

After all, it's probably true that jews have never used propaganda too!

Man, being chosen must really be neat.
this has nothing to do with the nazis

Israel has 20% muslims. Perhaps you would feel better with you s.s. nazi uniform on, because ALL you ever seem to do is defend the palestinians and blame the jews!

I've posted anti-arab hateful shit out of JEWISH israel too.. the guage of your own racism is weather you choose to acknowedlge such.

In effect, Acts, you are no better than an American who denied that the Germans were exterminating their jews.
no, the point of my thread was.

Explain to me, how anyone can think the jews dont deserve a homeland, but the so-called perfect palestinians do.

I am taking people seriously, even when it seems i dont.

This is like a verbal boxing match, me and some other people will fight, and hug afterwords.

there is a difference between what sounds to me like an anti-semetic statement, and an actual anti semite.

I say things, that im sure other people think are stupid are racist.

This is my most passionate issue.

Secretly, I like shogun, I consider him a friend, but i dont like some of his statements.

So what is the point of this thread? To point out that you won't take anyone here seriously and you'll think they're anti-semitic (because clearly they don't meet the criteria you describe). Why start a thread and then point out that you aren't going to take any responses seriously? That's just stupid.
You are a palestinian apologist and sympathizer. I never hear you condemn palestinian terror, all i hear you say is jews bad, no right to land, basically things along those lines.

and I've seen you make so many zionist assumptions that I cold probably predict your next 5 posts on the topic.

me: the jews want peace, the arabs (that what pales really are) will never stop attacking the jews and the western world, until were all dead, just look at muslim history, they tried to take over europe.

learn some history, dude. There was a time, BEFORE THE CREATION OF ISRAEL, when muslims, christians and jews lived in peace like they are doing in Lebannon right now. Remember the 06 israeli cluster bomb solution for civilian populations? IT WAS CHRISTIANS IN LEBANNON SUPPORTING MUSLIMS AGAINST THE JEWS. this is true for a very significant reason. What you are defending is no more merely a safe haven for jews than it is a western democracy. YOU are defending israel for the same reasons Aryans defended germany from their perceived threat. Instead of pointinf figners at me try taking an hour to read quotes by David Ben-gurion on the PROBLEM of arabs. Maybe see how his very words bring us to where we are today. You are no less racist by generalizing pals than Jo Geobles was when drawing the next piece of jew-hating nazi garbage.
You are a palestinian apologist and sympathizer. I never hear you condemn palestinian terror, all i hear you say is jews bad, no right to land, basically things along those lines.

I have this bad habit of having empathy with humanity that is being dominated on by a majoirty population hellbent on ETHNIC PURITY and DEMONIZING SCAPEGOAT POPULATIONS.

sue me.

What you've never heard was anything close to "jews are bad". If you can find it then quote me. Otherwise, spare me the Antisemite routine. You really water down its meaning every time you whip it out as a solution for anything resembling criticism of your pet nation.

I like you too, Acts.. but you are totally wrong on this issue based on your ethnic ties to Israel. You are about as indicative as a white dude in America rationalizing the purging of germanys jews. In fact, it was white versions of people like you who made denial of the holocaust an easy method of avoiding ww2. OUR euro whites didn't believe that their homeland was capable, or were unjustified, of the horror of the holocaust. And, ironically enough, here you are playing that same hand when the ones being dominated are pals instead of jews. Make up your mind, is it OK to dominate an ethnic minority or not.
and I've seen you make so many zionist assumptions that I cold probably predict your next 5 posts on the topic.

me: the jews want peace, the arabs (that what pales really are) will never stop attacking the jews and the western world, until were all dead, just look at muslim history, they tried to take over europe.

learn some history, dude. There was a time, BEFORE THE CREATION OF ISRAEL, when muslims, christians and jews lived in peace like they are doing in Lebannon right now.

me: incorrect, the muslims treated them as they do in most muslim countries today, as second class citizens who had to pay a special tax for not being muslim.

me: lebanon, are you joking, 1975-1990 civil war, dude, a little research ok?

Remember the 06 israeli cluster bomb solution for civilian populations?

me: I have heard, all i ever here is jews are bad, blah blah, dont defend yourselves jews, blah blah


me: baloney, the muslims in nearly every country have been a problem for the non muslims living there, look at the global conflicts, nearly all of them involves muslims.

this is true for a very significant reason. What you are defending is no more merely a safe haven for jews than it is a western democracy. YOU are defending israel for the same reasons Aryans defended germany from their perceived threat.

me: let me get this straight, the whole push the jews into the sea, and wars the arabs started against the jews, along with homicide bombing and other terrorism attacks is the same threat jews all over europe posed to germany.

Instead of pointinf figners at me try taking an hour to read quotes by David Ben-gurion on the PROBLEM of arabs.

me: Im sure their have been statements against arabs, but by and large most jews people are the minority in the middle east, you really think most jews, want perpetual war?, or would it be in their best interests as a people to have people with the exploding arab population in the west bank and gaza, along with the 20% arab population inside israel.

me: now, youre the palestinians, and other arabs around the middle east, most 40-60% hate jews, why do you think they have committed so much terrorism against jews, because they want a state, or because they want the jews dead. look at the population numbers of world jews vs world muslims, who has the advantage overall?

me: There are about the same arab population of arabs, when you add the west bank and gaza, and 20% in israel, as jews overall in israel.

Why do you think we gave gaza back, and want to give the west bank back.

Maybe see how his very words bring us to where we are today. You are no less racist by generalizing pals than Jo Geobles was when drawing the next piece of jew-hating nazi garbage.

me: I think by bringing native americans and nazi's into the discussion is detracting from the real conversation, what to do about peace.

me: youre certainly welcome to say whatever you want, dont get me wrong.

me: the palestinians suffer from two things, terrorism by fellow palestinians.
if you or i were a palestinian and we said, lets make peace with jews, how long would we live?, you could ask anwar saddat, but he is dead.

second, no effective leadership by the pales, arafat put the money in paris banks, and didnt give a fuck about his people.

third: all pales childern taught to hate jews and jihad, and their culture embraces jihad.

can we discuss these issues right now, without bringing up israel and then discuss israel?
I have this bad habit of having empathy with humanity that is being dominated on by a majoirty population hellbent on ETHNIC PURITY and DEMONIZING SCAPEGOAT POPULATIONS.

me: i dont like lawyers sorry :rofl:

sue me.

What you've never heard was anything close to "jews are bad". If you can find it then quote me.

me: yes i have, the arabs, the newsmedia, other people.

Otherwise, spare me the Antisemite routine. You really water down its meaning every time you whip it out as a solution for anything resembling criticism of your pet nation.

me: i already apologized about that, and said its not up to me, or anyone to tell you what you think or feel, so quit breaking my balls ok, im sorry :rofl:

I like you too, Acts..

me: thank you, you are a respectable fellow, i have always respected you, althought a few times i acted like a jackass towards you.

but you are totally wrong on this issue based on your ethnic ties to Israel.

me: do i have a strong bias toward israel yes, but common dude, the population of israel and the west bank and gaza, the arabs and jews are about even on the population front, why would 20% arabs even be allowed to live there.

You are about as indicative as a white dude in America rationalizing the purging of germanys jews. In fact, it was white versions of people like you who made denial of the holocaust an easy method of avoiding ww2.

me: how do you want me to help pales, when their leaders, and terrorists will kill anyone who dares says peace, let alone think it.

OUR euro whites didn't believe that their homeland was capable, or were unjustified, of the horror of the holocaust.

me: i dont see it, i believe if the arabs would stop terrorism their would be peace, they have been offered it over and over again, and yet israel gets terrorism.

And, ironically enough, here you are playing that same hand when the ones being dominated are pals instead of jews. Make up your mind, is it OK to dominate an ethnic minority or not.

ME: the jews were not trying to take over europe for judaism, they werent commiting terrorist acts in the name of judaism,

I love you bro,you have a good night

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