A call for mass exodus from public schools


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

People are waking up. The indoctrination centers may let you protest the garbage they want to teach your children, as the FBI investigates you for doing so, but they will never hear those voices that are not welcome.

The public schools belong to the Federal government, not you, much like the entire government. It is a government by and for the DNC and not you

You are either part of the opposition or willingly work their plantations

It is that simple.
Disturbing what they teach children now. If they spent the effort they spend on indoctrination and shifted back to Science, Math etc. we would lead the world in education.
I think the US ranks about 48th in math and science, which are the two fields that are the biggest indicator of whether a nation will have a strong economy or a weak one.

However, their entire focus is on wokeness instead as they pull kids out of math and science class to protest such things as guns and climate change.
We need cameras in the classroom

And then we need school choice where parents can remove their children from the public school along with the finds allocated to educate that child

When the lefty public teachers start losing their job they’ll get the message
We need cameras in the classroom

And then we need school choice where parents can remove their children from the public school along with the finds allocated to educate that child

When the lefty public teachers start losing their job they’ll get the message

Camera is ok long as each student have a sign in where the parents can view the camera anytime they want remotely and get playback far back as 7 days.

And no they won't get the message. They will just say the parents are conservative racists for taking their kids out and will blame "the system" or some other such nonsense. They won't ever think for a second they are wrong and start demanding action from the government and so on. Accepting responsibility is not a common trait anymore.
Home schooling works for some. If you want your wife you quit work and stay home with the kids.
I like the idea, but Americans should also withhold their tax dollars intended to fund these 'indoctrination facilities'. DEFUND public schools while holding kids out of these schools. Public school teachers, admin, staff - they are supposed to work for us. We should have the right to fire them....the same with out politicians.

IF the American people choose to go down this road, expect the federal govt to come after parents HARD to squash this rebellion. Agents will go after parents from withholding their kids from school - could charge them with endangering children. DHS / agencies could step in and threaten to take children from parents. (If you think this could not happen, remember the photos of heavily armored/armed agents raided a home and seized the Gonzales bot to send him back to Cuba?!) If tax dollars are withheld from paying for public schools the IRS / US govt will come after parents / citizens, armored and armed if need be.

People are waking up. The indoctrination centers may let you protest the garbage they want to teach your children, as the FBI investigates you for doing so, but they will never hear those voices that are not welcome.

The public schools belong to the Federal government, not you, much like the entire government. It is a government by and for the DNC and not you

You are either part of the opposition or willingly work their plantations

It is that simple.
:auiqs.jpg: You are correct about schools being indoctrination centers for nationalism, the pledge of allegiance is used to brainwash children into believing this is a fair nation ran by fair people.
I like the idea, but Americans should also withhold their tax dollars intended to fund these 'indoctrination facilities'. DEFUND public schools while holding kids out of these schools. Public school teachers, admin, staff - they are supposed to work for us. We should have the right to fire them....the same with out politicians.

IF the American people choose to go down this road, expect the federal govt to come after parents HARD to squash this rebellion. Agents will go after parents from withholding their kids from school - could charge them with endangering children. DHS / agencies could step in and threaten to take children from parents. (If you think this could not happen, remember the photos of heavily armored/armed agents raided a home and seized the Gonzales bot to send him back to Cuba?!) If tax dollars are withheld from paying for public schools the IRS / US govt will come after parents / citizens, armored and armed if need be.
Withhold yer taxes and the tax man takes yer property away. Or did you not know this?
We need cameras in the classroom

And then we need school choice where parents can remove their children from the public school along with the finds allocated to educate that child

When the lefty public teachers start losing their job they’ll get the message
What will a camera in the classroom getcha, it will not have audio.

People are waking up. The indoctrination centers may let you protest the garbage they want to teach your children, as the FBI investigates you for doing so, but they will never hear those voices that are not welcome.

The public schools belong to the Federal government, not you, much like the entire government. It is a government by and for the DNC and not you

You are either part of the opposition or willingly work their plantations

It is that simple.

US public schools are absolute Progressive hellholes of boredom and conformity.

People are waking up. The indoctrination centers may let you protest the garbage they want to teach your children, as the FBI investigates you for doing so, but they will never hear those voices that are not welcome.

The public schools belong to the Federal government, not you, much like the entire government. It is a government by and for the DNC and not you

You are either part of the opposition or willingly work their plantations

It is that simple.
The schools exist mainly as babysitters and as indoctrination centers----they aren't going to change and most parents will still send their kids to the schools because the babysitting part.
Color me (-: suspiciously cynical that her epiphany concerning her kids lack of readin writin and rithmetic being caused by secular indoctrination coincided with her being born again. I would not be suspicious if her kids started getting educations because she got right with her God or herself.

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