A Cabal Of GOP State Treasurers Interferes In The Free Market To Promote Global Warming


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
Republicans, in the name of free markets, once worked hard to let companies pollute. That is no longer enough. They now want to punish companies that are trying not to pollute — or at least are supporting measures that will reduce global warming. These Republicans are not free marketeers. They are free-market socialists. Yes, that is an oxymoron. But that is the new conservative modus vivendi. Say one thing. Do another. Pay lip service to cops, the military, individual liberty, et al. — while trampling over the professed objects of their esteem.

But “using the tax dollars they control to punish companies that want to reduce greenhouse gas emissions” goes against the embrace of laissez-faire economics at the heart of conservative thinking. As Reagan said, “The basis of conservatism is a desire for less government interference.” This renders today’s conservatives hypocrites, as their desire to interfere in the economy, schools and individual choice is so ardent it would make a Marxist blush.

Have any of these partisan hacks even read Adam Smith's book? Do they know what capitalism is? Or are those questions rhetorical, and they are the partisan hacks they come off as, on the take from oil and coal companies?
Republicans, in the name of free markets, once worked hard to let companies pollute. That is no longer enough. They now want to punish companies that are trying not to pollute — or at least are supporting measures that will reduce global warming. These Republicans are not free marketeers. They are free-market socialists. Yes, that is an oxymoron. But that is the new conservative modus vivendi. Say one thing. Do another. Pay lip service to cops, the military, individual liberty, et al. — while trampling over the professed objects of their esteem.

But “using the tax dollars they control to punish companies that want to reduce greenhouse gas emissions” goes against the embrace of laissez-faire economics at the heart of conservative thinking. As Reagan said, “The basis of conservatism is a desire for less government interference.” This renders today’s conservatives hypocrites, as their desire to interfere in the economy, schools and individual choice is so ardent it would make a Marxist blush.

Have any of these partisan hacks even read Adam Smith's book? Do they know what capitalism is? Or are those questions rhetorical, and they are the partisan hacks they come off as, on the take from oil and coal companies?
Progs are children of fools. Build green energy plants in lily white Prog living areas and we see a direction. Send the illegals to Prog lily-white living areas and we see a direction. Obama has two oceanfront homes while he spews that the oceans are rising.
Get back to me when fossil fuels aren't subsidizing the "green energy" pipedreams.
I see they dailykommunist also falsely portrays Florida's anti-groomer laws with being anti-free markets.

You morons will eat up whatever propaganda your preferred Pravda pumps out of their poop shoots
Republicans, in the name of free markets, once worked hard to let companies pollute. That is no longer enough. They now want to punish companies that are trying not to pollute — or at least are supporting measures that will reduce global warming. These Republicans are not free marketeers. They are free-market socialists. Yes, that is an oxymoron. But that is the new conservative modus vivendi. Say one thing. Do another. Pay lip service to cops, the military, individual liberty, et al. — while trampling over the professed objects of their esteem.

But “using the tax dollars they control to punish companies that want to reduce greenhouse gas emissions” goes against the embrace of laissez-faire economics at the heart of conservative thinking. As Reagan said, “The basis of conservatism is a desire for less government interference.” This renders today’s conservatives hypocrites, as their desire to interfere in the economy, schools and individual choice is so ardent it would make a Marxist blush.

Have any of these partisan hacks even read Adam Smith's book? Do they know what capitalism is? Or are those questions rhetorical, and they are the partisan hacks they come off as, on the take from oil and coal companies?
DailyKos.....What a worthless piece of shit article. Funny how Joe Biden is allowing millions of diseased illegals to cross our southern border who pollute this country like they did theirs. Fuck off and die Skew, you are just a dumbass shill slave, for the progressive elites.

Illegal Immigrants Trash Border Lands With Tons Of Waste - Judicial Watch
Each year illegal immigrants leave behind an estimated 2,000 tons of trash—including soiled diapers, plastic bottles and abandoned vehicles—in public Arizona lands along the border, Darwin said, and it’s becoming tougher to clean up the huge mess. “These are dangerous areas,” Darwin told the panel. “These are known areas of illegal immigration, illegal drug trafficking.”
Republicans, in the name of free markets, once worked hard to let companies pollute. That is no longer enough. They now want to punish companies that are trying not to pollute — or at least are supporting measures that will reduce global warming. These Republicans are not free marketeers. They are free-market socialists. Yes, that is an oxymoron. But that is the new conservative modus vivendi. Say one thing. Do another. Pay lip service to cops, the military, individual liberty, et al. — while trampling over the professed objects of their esteem.

But “using the tax dollars they control to punish companies that want to reduce greenhouse gas emissions” goes against the embrace of laissez-faire economics at the heart of conservative thinking. As Reagan said, “The basis of conservatism is a desire for less government interference.” This renders today’s conservatives hypocrites, as their desire to interfere in the economy, schools and individual choice is so ardent it would make a Marxist blush.

Have any of these partisan hacks even read Adam Smith's book? Do they know what capitalism is? Or are those questions rhetorical, and they are the partisan hacks they come off as, on the take from oil and coal companies?
The cultural Maxists at Daily Kooks care about free markets?!?.....ROFLMFAO!....I don't think so.

Goebbels warmering is the greatest pseudo-scientific hoax in human history, crackpot.

"This content was created by a Daily Kos Community member."

Nuff said.....I wonder who the leftist Ivy Leaguer was who wrote that tripe so the OP could parrot it?

Last month, West Virginia’s treasurer, Riley Moore announced he would ban Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan, Morgan Stanley, Wells Fargo, and US Bancorp from doing business with the state. Their sin? They have stopped supporting the coal industry. Laissez-faire? My ass.

The Times also reports that Moore, and the treasurers of Louisiana and Arkansas, have pulled more than $700 million out of BlackRock, the world’s largest investment manager, saying that the firm is too focused on environmental issues.

So did these treasurers announce they would ban Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley, Wells Fargo, and US Bankcorp, and pull more than $700 million out of Blackrock, as they themselves claimed, as has been reported by numerous publications and media sources, easily looked up by a second grader on google?


Did these treasurers not
announce they would ban Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley, Wells Fargo, and US Bankcorp, and pull more than $700 million out of Blackrock, as they themselves claimed, as has been reported by numerous publications and media sources, easily looked up by a second grader on google?

Take your time.
Last month, West Virginia’s treasurer, Riley Moore announced he would ban Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan, Morgan Stanley, Wells Fargo, and US Bancorp from doing business with the state. Their sin? They have stopped supporting the coal industry. Laissez-faire? My ass.

The Times also reports that Moore, and the treasurers of Louisiana and Arkansas, have pulled more than $700 million out of BlackRock, the world’s largest investment manager, saying that the firm is too focused on environmental issues.

So did these treasurers announce they would ban Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley, Wells Fargo, and US Bankcorp, and pull more than $700 million out of Blackrock, as they themselves claimed, as has been reported by numerous publications and media sources, easily looked up by a second grader on google?


Did these treasurers not
announce they would ban Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley, Wells Fargo, and US Bankcorp, and pull more than $700 million out of Blackrock, as they themselves claimed, as has been reported by numerous publications and media sources, easily looked up by a second grader on google?

Take your time.
Now immense Wall Street banksters and hedge fund conglomerates are the embodiment laissez-faire?!?

Holy bailout, Batman!....You moonbats are funnah! :auiqs.jpg:

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