A 45 million year record of Arctic sea temperatures and ice melt

I know you’re trying to say something, but you just sound stupid.

Being stupid is what you Moon Bats do when you ignore the real science.

The fact that you ignore real science is the reason we constantly find you creating false and cherry picked data to push this silly ass AGW scam.

You little dumbshits don't know any more about Climate Science than you know about Biology, Economics, History, Ethics or the Constitution.

The next time I teach a course in Environmental Science at USF you should sign up for the course. You would learn something. I do a module on Climate change. I teach real facts, not this bogus Environmental Wacko bullshit.

Of course maybe you won't learn anything. When you ignorant uneducated Moon Bats stick your heads up your Libtard asses it becomes hard to pull it out.
I'm done with your nonsense as it seems your play here is to mouth off things were "made up shit". Why don't you then post unmade up shit that proves warming and sea level rise. I'll wait.
he won't because that data does not exist. Their prophet, the great algore, said that by now the entire state of florida and most of the east coast would be under water and that there would be no ice at either pole. He lied.
A new study uses AI and machine learning to examine data from archaean lipid membranes providing surface temperature, CO2 levels and oxygen isotope content correlation over the past 45 million years.

Cenozoic evolution of the Antarctic ice sheets is thought to be driven primarily by long-term changes in radiative forcing, but the tectonic evolution of Antarctica may also have played a substantive role. While deep-sea foraminiferal oxygen isotope records provide a combined measure of global continental ice volume and ocean temperature, they do not provide direct insights into non-radiative influences on Antarctic Ice Sheet dynamics. Here we present an Antarctic compilation of Cenozoic upper-ocean temperature for the Ross Sea and offshore Wilkes Land, generated by membrane lipid distributions from archaea. We find trends of ocean temperature, atmospheric carbon dioxide and oxygen isotopes largely co-vary. However, this relationship is less clear for the late Oligocene, when high-latitude cooling occurred despite interpretation of oxygen isotopes suggesting global warming and ice-volume loss. We propose this retreat of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet occurred in response to a tectonically driven marine transgression, with warm surface waters precluding marine-based ice-sheet growth. Marine ice-sheet expansion occurred only when ocean temperatures further cooled during the Oligocene–Miocene transition, with cold orbital conditions and low atmospheric carbon dioxide. Our results support a threshold response to atmospheric carbon dioxide, below which Antarctica’s marine ice sheets grow, and above which ocean warming exacerbates their retreat. "

Climatic and tectonic drivers of late Oligocene Antarctic ice volume - Nature Geoscience (Sorry, but this is a Nature Geoscience paywall)

This study supports the earlier study finding a high likelihood that CO2 levels above 400 ppm are likely to completely eliminate the Antarctic ice shelves which will lead to massively increased glacial ice sheet loss and large rises in sea levels.
Anyone that claims they know what was going on 45 million years ago is an idiot.
Why don't you then post unmade up shit that proves warming and sea level rise. I'll wait.
Sea level rise ? Now you change the topic. Some how you can’t or won’t read the plethora of sources cause you don’t give a fk. You’re just here to take up time. Besides, there are 3400 accredited university web sites, every gov agency and related corporation and every climate research facility that will give you the same fking answers to your dullard questions including global warming and sea level rise.

We know you guys are science illiterate, just by the way you word your questions.
I'm done with your nonsense as it seems your play here is to mouth off things were "made up shit". Why don't you then post unmade up shit that proves warming and sea level rise. I'll wait.
More made up shit. Science proves nothing. It demonstrates relationships. So keep asking foolish questions.
You’re done with my nonsense ? You going to cry now ?
Sea level rise ? Now you change the topic. Some how you can’t or won’t read mThe plethora of sources cause you don’t give a fk. You’re just here to take up time. Besides, there are 3400 accredited university web sites, every gov agency and related corporation and every climate research facility that will give you the same fking answers to your dullard questions including global warming and sea level rise.

We know you guys are science illiterate, just by the way you word your questions.
Okay, ran across this clip today from 2005, went to see who Crichton was and found he was deceased. Hmm sorry to hear, I looked at other information on him here’s that info too.

It seems he’s with me about global warming.

IPCC garbage. Laughing my ass off.

Let’s hear from you?
More made up shit. Science proves nothing. It demonstrates relationships. So keep asking foolish questions.
You’re done with my nonsense ? You going to cry now ?
Got nothing huh?
That isn’t what they said
They said….in the report. You have a reading problem ?
“Water vapor and clouds are the major contributors to Earth's greenhouse effect, but a new atmosphere-ocean climate modeling study shows that the planet's temperature ultimately depends on the atmospheric level of carbon dioxide”
Maybe you should actually read it then you’d know what they said.
We were discussing NASA……

you’re afraid then.
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