“99% of the Palestinians in Gaza have no connection to Hamas”

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They willingly sell their children and women to Hamas,
those are not real men, not humans really.

And that's not enough, from now on they must
fear even utter the names Jew and Israel out loud.
The elections were Rigged. You saw the evidence most people don’t support Hamas

This is America we are Americans not Israelis Orr Palestinians. And we should be neutral in the conflict. Our country is in a hell hole today a hundred thousand Americans die each year from drugs brought over the border

The American media is out of control. Did you know that there’s a conflict in Armenia and in late September alone hundreds of Armenians died hundreds of Christians.
The elections were Rigged. You saw the evidence most people don’t support Hamas

This is America we are Americans not Israelis Orr Palestinians. And we should be neutral in the conflict. Our country is in a hell hole today a hundred thousand Americans die each year from drugs brought over the border

The American media is out of control. Did you know that there’s a conflict in Armenia and in late September alone hundreds of Armenians died hundreds of Christians.
Jimmy Carter observed in person the election where Hamas was first elected.

He said it was legitimate.
Palestinian schools teach children to hate jews:

Like I said, kill them all. They are infected with endless hate for Jews.
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