9 Times The Obama Admin Fought Subpoenas or Blocked Officials from Testifying Before Congress


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
9 Times The Obama Administration Fought Subpoenas or Blocked Officials from Testifying Before Congress

9 Times The Obama Administration Fought Subpoenas or Blocked Officials from Testifying Before Congress
5 Jun 19 ~ By Matt Margolis
After the long and thorough, and, of course, incredibly expensive Mueller investigation, Democrats were left distraught over a lack of any crime to justify going forward with impeachment. In the wake of the Mueller report, they’ve since promised new investigations in the hopes of finding some crime to justify putting the country through a process that most don’t want us to go through just because Democrats haven’t gotten over the 2016 election. In recent weeks, stories about subpoenas being challenged and Trump officials being instructed not testify have been saturating the news and being presented as evidence of further obstruction. Most notably, Attorney General Barr faces a forthcoming vote of contempt in the House for not wanting to be a part of the Democrats’ witch hunt.
It seems as good a time as any to remind Democrats that we know their outrage is phony and that we know this is just pandering to their base, who wants to see them "resist, resist, resist" at all costs. So, I've compiled nine examples of fights over subpoenas or testimony during the Obama years. The point here is that fights between the executive branch and the legislative branch over executive privilege are nothing new. Despite the rhetoric that the Trump administration's fighting back against Democrat witch hunts being unprecedented, Barack Obama spent eight years fighting with Congress over their exercising their rights to oversight.

Fighting subpoenas in the New Black Panther Party voter intimidation investigation: Former Justice Department Lawyer Accuses Holder of Dropping New Black Panther Case for Racial Reasons
EDITORIAL: Justice thwarts Black Panther subpoenas

Refusing to let the White House social secretary testify on party crashers scandal:
Breaking News, Analysis, Politics, Blogs, News Photos, Video, Tech Reviews - TIME.com

Refusal to provide subpoenaed Solyndra documents:
White House Fires Back at 'Overbroad' Subpoena on Solyndra Documents

Justice Kagan's Obamacare conflict on interest:
Justice Kagan's ObamaCare Conflict | Investor's Business Daily
DOJ Refuses Judiciary Committee’s Request for Kagan-Obamacare Documents; Holder Then Testifies He Was Unaware of Request

White House refuses to allow political director to testify:
W.H. to launch new political office
White House political director refuses to testify

Treasury officials blocked from testifying on Obamacare subsidies:
Cruz slams Obama officials for refusing to testify

Ben Rhodes not allowed to testify on Iran Nuclear Deal:
White House cites executive privilege, keeps Obama adviser from testifying about Iran nuclear deal

Lois Lerner refuses to testify on IRS targeting:
Lois Lerner pleads the fifth again, doesn't testify on IRS targeting

Eric Holder refuses to provide subpoenaed Fast & Furious documents:
Obama asserts executive privilege and backs Holder over Fast and Furious
Holder held in contempt

A trip down memory lane sometimes is eye opening. The author Matt Margolis is pointing out the hypocrisy and double standards of the left.
The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats and especially the biased media seem to have short term memory loss. Probably due to excessive marijuana consumption. Surely, I’m sure there was no collusion or obstruction in any of those cases. Nope, not possible with those moral, constitutional, patriotic people. They've created their own reality. And they're bound to it now.
The PMS/DSA Democrat Left are not so much mad at Trump at winning as they are his successful efforts to undo the harm to the nation his predecessor accomplished while in office. For that there is unmitigated hatred for him and those that elected him.
So much for leftist lunacy there were no scandals associated with the regime of the hate America false messiah and Manchurian Candidate #44.
But then he also spewed the fantasy he was a Constitutional professor when all he was a common lecturer noted for easy grades.
I don't recall the MSM whining about those? Holder is proud to be Obama's wingman. He loves his contempt of congress medal. I'm waiting for Barr, Huber, Durham, and Horowitz to issue their reports on the deep state conspirators. Then we'll see the rats scatter and try to cut immunity deals
9 Times The Obama Administration Fought Subpoenas or Blocked Officials from Testifying Before Congress

9 Times The Obama Administration Fought Subpoenas or Blocked Officials from Testifying Before Congress
5 Jun 19 ~ By Matt Margolis
After the long and thorough, and, of course, incredibly expensive Mueller investigation, Democrats were left distraught over a lack of any crime to justify going forward with impeachment. In the wake of the Mueller report, they’ve since promised new investigations in the hopes of finding some crime to justify putting the country through a process that most don’t want us to go through just because Democrats haven’t gotten over the 2016 election. In recent weeks, stories about subpoenas being challenged and Trump officials being instructed not testify have been saturating the news and being presented as evidence of further obstruction. Most notably, Attorney General Barr faces a forthcoming vote of contempt in the House for not wanting to be a part of the Democrats’ witch hunt.
It seems as good a time as any to remind Democrats that we know their outrage is phony and that we know this is just pandering to their base, who wants to see them "resist, resist, resist" at all costs. So, I've compiled nine examples of fights over subpoenas or testimony during the Obama years. The point here is that fights between the executive branch and the legislative branch over executive privilege are nothing new. Despite the rhetoric that the Trump administration's fighting back against Democrat witch hunts being unprecedented, Barack Obama spent eight years fighting with Congress over their exercising their rights to oversight.

Fighting subpoenas in the New Black Panther Party voter intimidation investigation: Former Justice Department Lawyer Accuses Holder of Dropping New Black Panther Case for Racial Reasons
EDITORIAL: Justice thwarts Black Panther subpoenas

Refusing to let the White House social secretary testify on party crashers scandal:
Breaking News, Analysis, Politics, Blogs, News Photos, Video, Tech Reviews - TIME.com

Refusal to provide subpoenaed Solyndra documents:
White House Fires Back at 'Overbroad' Subpoena on Solyndra Documents

Justice Kagan's Obamacare conflict on interest:
Justice Kagan's ObamaCare Conflict | Investor's Business Daily
DOJ Refuses Judiciary Committee’s Request for Kagan-Obamacare Documents; Holder Then Testifies He Was Unaware of Request

White House refuses to allow political director to testify:
W.H. to launch new political office
White House political director refuses to testify

Treasury officials blocked from testifying on Obamacare subsidies:
Cruz slams Obama officials for refusing to testify

Ben Rhodes not allowed to testify on Iran Nuclear Deal:
White House cites executive privilege, keeps Obama adviser from testifying about Iran nuclear deal

Lois Lerner refuses to testify on IRS targeting:
Lois Lerner pleads the fifth again, doesn't testify on IRS targeting

Eric Holder refuses to provide subpoenaed Fast & Furious documents:
Obama asserts executive privilege and backs Holder over Fast and Furious
Holder held in contempt

A trip down memory lane sometimes is eye opening. The author Matt Margolis is pointing out the hypocrisy and double standards of the left.
The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats and especially the biased media seem to have short term memory loss. Probably due to excessive marijuana consumption. Surely, I’m sure there was no collusion or obstruction in any of those cases. Nope, not possible with those moral, constitutional, patriotic people. They've created their own reality. And they're bound to it now.
The PMS/DSA Democrat Left are not so much mad at Trump at winning as they are his successful efforts to undo the harm to the nation his predecessor accomplished while in office. For that there is unmitigated hatred for him and those that elected him.
So much for leftist lunacy there were no scandals associated with the regime of the hate America false messiah and Manchurian Candidate #44.
But then he also spewed the fantasy he was a Constitutional professor when all he was a common lecturer noted for easy grades.

Wow, only 1 reply, and that from a Conservative.

You don't think the Leftists are trying to bury this thread, to hide their HYPOCRISY do you? Say it isn't so Leftists-)

Let me tell you OP--------->the Left was screwed, the day they allowed Barr to be confirmed, it is just that simple. Most of the Leftists on here, really have no clue what is actually going on! They hear IMPEACHMENT, IMPEACHMENT, IMPEACHMENT on their favorite news channels, CNN or MSNBC, and think they are winning, lol. They are all to damn LAZY to investigate for themselves, what is really going on.

Of course, maybe with them realizing that Paige and Priestep are co-operating with the DOJ, and the fact that Steele is now going to talk to the DOJ, they may possibly be better off playing Ostrich, lol. Their faces may be in the sand, but the sh** from the sh** show that is coming, is still going to coat them enough, to make many on their side, unelectable, along with DESTROYING their fantasy, of the OBYSMAL Administration-)

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