81 percent of dollar store products tested contained chemicals linked to learning disab, cancer, ...


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
81 Percent of Dollar Store Products Tested Contain Chemicals Linked To Learning Disabilities, Cancer and Serious Illnesses

HealthyStuff, in collaboration with the Campaign for Healthier Solutions, released a report today about toxic chemicals found in Dollar store products. The report — A Day Late and a Dollar Short: Discount Retailers are Falling Behind on Safer Chemicals — includes testing results for 164 dollar store products such as toys, jewelry, school supplies and other household items, that found over 81% (133 of 164) contained at least one hazardous chemical above levels of concern.....................

And what will most loons say " well nothing we can do about it" . Why in the hell do you think they get away with it. Corporate power is useless when the people rise up together and call them on the carpet about it.
When people rise up then change can and does happen.
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