$750 Billion A YEAR in health care WASTE...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
So folks.. Obamacare ADDS 13,000 pages of NEW regulations, takes 80 million hours and as a result ADDS to the EXCESS ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS!!!

If that is the "benefit" of Obamacare... we can do without more HELP!!!

Here's yet another great reason to reform healthcare: According to a recent report by the Institute of Medicine, the U.S. health care system squanders $750 billion a year — roughly 30 cents of every medical dollar — through unneeded care, byzantine paperwork, fraud and other waste, the influential Institute of Medicine said Thursday in a report that ties directly into the presidential campaign.
More than 18 months in the making, the report identified six major areas of waste:

unnecessary services ($210 billion annually); (Defensive Medicine out of FEAR of LAWSUITS!!!)
inefficient delivery of care ($130 billion);
excess administrative costs ($190 billion); Research firm Gartner Group has estimated that HIPAA is expected to
cost the healthcare industry at least $3.8 billion between 2003 and 2008,
and potentially even 10 times that
inflated prices ($105 billion); (EMTALA a govt. mandate forces hospitals to "pad" sometimes by 6,000% their costs!!!)
prevention failures ($55 billion), and
fraud ($75 billion).
Adjusting for some overlap among the categories, the panel settled on an estimate of $750 billion.

it's amazing, we all know this extra paperwork is soooo useful (/rolleyes). The government should build roads and kill people on foreign battlefields, other than that, nothing else
Your sick bullshit has less credibility than ginscpy.

Just because ignorant dicks like you with ABsOLUTELY no experience as I have for example where 10,000 times a day Medicare providers ask ME if they'll get paid by Medicare!
And I have obviously MORE knowledge then you have!

HIPAA which YOU obviously HAVE NO knowledge as to what it even means, costs an additional $30 billion a year.. I mean when a pharmacy has to paint a line telling people stay behind this line for HIPAA compliance... come on ADDED costs!
AND Obamacare is 1,000 times worse!
13,000 pages of OF NEW regulations!

I just don't understand why IDIOTS like you have such total lack of knowledge!
Actually, healthcare has been wasting dollars for years and the cost of healthcare has been increasing at out-of-control rates for over a decade.
Will someone best honest here? Healthmyths, yep that's what you are, full of myths. (Which is like being full of shit).
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So folks.. Obamacare ADDS 13,000 pages of NEW regulations, takes 80 million hours and as a result ADDS to the EXCESS ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS!!!

If that is the "benefit" of Obamacare... we can do without more HELP!!!

Here's yet another great reason to reform healthcare: According to a recent report by the Institute of Medicine, the U.S. health care system squanders $750 billion a year — roughly 30 cents of every medical dollar — through unneeded care, byzantine paperwork, fraud and other waste, the influential Institute of Medicine said Thursday in a report that ties directly into the presidential campaign.
More than 18 months in the making, the report identified six major areas of waste:

unnecessary services ($210 billion annually); (Defensive Medicine out of FEAR of LAWSUITS!!!)
inefficient delivery of care ($130 billion);
excess administrative costs ($190 billion); Research firm Gartner Group has estimated that HIPAA is expected to
cost the healthcare industry at least $3.8 billion between 2003 and 2008,
and potentially even 10 times that
inflated prices ($105 billion); (EMTALA a govt. mandate forces hospitals to "pad" sometimes by 6,000% their costs!!!)
prevention failures ($55 billion), and
fraud ($75 billion).
Adjusting for some overlap among the categories, the panel settled on an estimate of $750 billion.


Thank you for proving Obama's point in needing to eliminate waste. Your linked report is from 2003....
He doesn't read his own links. He argued the validity of the facts I gave him....directly from his own link.
Sounds like a great opportunity for HNIC to create even bigger government via a new branch of bureaucracy just for this healthcare bullshit. Likely to be full of political hacks, nepotistic appointments, and affirmative action hires. Should be wonderful for our tax rate.
Actually, healthcare has been wasting dollars for years and the cost of healthcare has been increasing at out-of-control rates for over a decade.
Will someone best honest here? Healthmyths, yep that's what you are, full of myths. (Which is like being full of shit).

The Institute of Health's study JUST came out!

Best Care at Lower Cost: The Path to Continuously Learning Health Care in America - Institute of Medicine

DUH!!! Costs have been increasing no SHI!!!!

What's that got to do with Obamacare? Because OBAMACARE is ADDING to the cost!
That's the point!

GO back to 1986 when and do some research instead of GUESSING!!
called EMTALA this was suppose to help and as in ALL govt. involvement IT makes it WORSE!

As far as you MYTH idiocy! YOU have OBVIOUSLY not the access to the 6,000 hospital database that I have!
This shows what Medicare is CHARGED for 10,000 services/procedures/products!
And YOU have NO IDEA that the for example some hospitals OVERCHARGE by 6,000% and that's not a MYTH!
If you have the GUTS to tell me what city you live in, I'll tell you what the largest hospital in that city OVERCHARGES Medicare ... all because of the 1986 EMTALA law!
Deseasedmyth, I'm amazed that you continue to make threads with this same old debunked thesis. You seem to do this at least once a week, apparently hoping that you'll get a new result. You know what that's called?

As has been established time and time again every time you try to babble on with this ridiculousness, it's not "defensive" medicine that is the issue. It's not the fear of lawsuits. It's not malpractice that drives inflating costs in health care. It's the same thing that drives higher prices at your favorite restaurant, the local Wal-Mart, the grocery store, gas stations, the mall where you buy your clothes, and anywhere else you purchase goods and services. It's called sales. The more the doctor can convince you to sell, the more money the doctor makes.

No doctor can force a patient to undergo any procedure, whether it be a lab test or anything else. If they recommend a given procedure in order to rule something out, even if they think there's very little chance that that's actually the problem, it's an extra sale for them, and thus extra money in their pocket. It's really quite simple.
Actually, healthcare has been wasting dollars for years and the cost of healthcare has been increasing at out-of-control rates for over a decade.
Will someone best honest here? Healthmyths, yep that's what you are, full of myths. (Which is like being full of shit).

The Institute of Health's study JUST came out!

Best Care at Lower Cost: The Path to Continuously Learning Health Care in America - Institute of Medicine

DUH!!! Costs have been increasing no SHI!!!!

What's that got to do with Obamacare? Because OBAMACARE is ADDING to the cost!
That's the point!

GO back to 1986 when and do some research instead of GUESSING!!
called EMTALA this was suppose to help and as in ALL govt. involvement IT makes it WORSE!

As far as you MYTH idiocy! YOU have OBVIOUSLY not the access to the 6,000 hospital database that I have!
This shows what Medicare is CHARGED for 10,000 services/procedures/products!
And YOU have NO IDEA that the for example some hospitals OVERCHARGE by 6,000% and that's not a MYTH!
If you have the GUTS to tell me what city you live in, I'll tell you what the largest hospital in that city OVERCHARGES Medicare ... all because of the 1986 EMTALA law!

You keep on telling us what an expert you are. I have been in the health care industry for 20 years and buddy, you display more partisan bullshit than real life facts.
Look at your OP, it's full of partisan hackery. Look at the factual history of the rising cost of healthcare (see my graph within previous post) and then you try to blame Obama!
In 2011, healthcare increased by 9%, Obamacare (which I have always been against) accounted an average of 2% of the rise of healthcare. This year health care went up 4%, so in fact the pace of the growth of the cost actually slowed down for the first time in a decade.
If you left out your political hackery, stopped telling us what an expert you are and stopped with the calling people names who didn't agree with you, then maybe, just maybe, people would take your seriously.
Until that happens, very few people will take you seriously.

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