70 Facts About The Economy That Obama Doesn't Want You To Know


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
These are some astounding indisputable facts (though it won't stop the liberals from trying with their propaganda):

  • The price of gas*– When Obama took office, a gallon of gas cost you $1.85. Today, it’s up to $3.59 per gallon (July’s rise was 17 cents a gallon).

  • You have to work 107 days each year just to pay Federal, State, & Local taxes*– That means you don’t earn a penny until April 18th.

  • More than 30% of unemployed Americans have been out of work for more than a year*– In 2007, that number was 10%.

  • Speaking of “no faith in the US Dollar”*– The price of gold when Obama was inaugurated, $850 an ounce. Today, gold is over $1500.

  • The disappearing family farm – In the mid-1930s, America had an estimated 6.8 million farms. Today, the EPA estimates that number to be right around two million (and getting squeezed more and more by constricting regulation).

  • Another (bad) trade record set with China*– In 2011, our trade deficit with China was almost $300 billion dollars. That is the single highest deficit that one country has had with another… ever.

  • A stunning amount spent on stupid studies like Why do chimps throw their poop?*– Almost $600,000 of your tax dollars was sent to the folks who studied chimpanzee poop tossing, plus $198,195 paid to find out if “tweeting” makes people happy…

70 Facts About The Economy That Obama Doesn’t Want You To See | TheBlaze.com

One thing about the economy we all know, republicans want it to suck to the point of engaging in sabotage.
These are some astounding indisputable facts (though it won't stop the liberals from trying with their propaganda):

  • The price of gas*– When Obama took office, a gallon of gas cost you $1.85. Today, it’s up to $3.59 per gallon (July’s rise was 17 cents a gallon).

  • You have to work 107 days each year just to pay Federal, State, & Local taxes*– That means you don’t earn a penny until April 18th.

  • More than 30% of unemployed Americans have been out of work for more than a year*– In 2007, that number was 10%.

  • Speaking of “no faith in the US Dollar”*– The price of gold when Obama was inaugurated, $850 an ounce. Today, gold is over $1500.

  • The disappearing family farm – In the mid-1930s, America had an estimated 6.8 million farms. Today, the EPA estimates that number to be right around two million (and getting squeezed more and more by constricting regulation).

  • Another (bad) trade record set with China*– In 2011, our trade deficit with China was almost $300 billion dollars. That is the single highest deficit that one country has had with another… ever.

  • A stunning amount spent on stupid studies like Why do chimps throw their poop?*– Almost $600,000 of your tax dollars was sent to the folks who studied chimpanzee poop tossing, plus $198,195 paid to find out if “tweeting” makes people happy…

70 Facts About The Economy That Obama Doesn’t Want You To See | TheBlaze.com


I urge posters to read more at the link.
These are some astounding indisputable facts (though it won't stop the liberals from trying with their propaganda):

  • The price of gas*– When Obama took office, a gallon of gas cost you $1.85. Today, it’s up to $3.59 per gallon (July’s rise was 17 cents a gallon).

  • You have to work 107 days each year just to pay Federal, State, & Local taxes*– That means you don’t earn a penny until April 18th.

  • More than 30% of unemployed Americans have been out of work for more than a year*– In 2007, that number was 10%.

  • Speaking of “no faith in the US Dollar”*– The price of gold when Obama was inaugurated, $850 an ounce. Today, gold is over $1500.

  • The disappearing family farm – In the mid-1930s, America had an estimated 6.8 million farms. Today, the EPA estimates that number to be right around two million (and getting squeezed more and more by constricting regulation).

  • Another (bad) trade record set with China*– In 2011, our trade deficit with China was almost $300 billion dollars. That is the single highest deficit that one country has had with another… ever.

  • A stunning amount spent on stupid studies like Why do chimps throw their poop?*– Almost $600,000 of your tax dollars was sent to the folks who studied chimpanzee poop tossing, plus $198,195 paid to find out if “tweeting” makes people happy…

70 Facts About The Economy That Obama Doesn’t Want You To See | TheBlaze.com


Oh, please, can you start another partisan hackery anti Obama thread. This board needs them like Bush needs to renew is membership at Mensa...
The price of gas?

How is he hiding that? Also, how does he have any real effect on it at all?

You mean other than refusing drilling and blocking the Keystone Pipeline? Gee, other than those MASSIVE energy policies, nothing I guess... :cuckoo:
These are some astounding indisputable facts (though it won't stop the liberals from trying with their propaganda):

  • The price of gas*– When Obama took office, a gallon of gas cost you $1.85. Today, it’s up to $3.59 per gallon (July’s rise was 17 cents a gallon).

  • You have to work 107 days each year just to pay Federal, State, & Local taxes*– That means you don’t earn a penny until April 18th.

  • More than 30% of unemployed Americans have been out of work for more than a year*– In 2007, that number was 10%.

  • Speaking of “no faith in the US Dollar”*– The price of gold when Obama was inaugurated, $850 an ounce. Today, gold is over $1500.

  • The disappearing family farm – In the mid-1930s, America had an estimated 6.8 million farms. Today, the EPA estimates that number to be right around two million (and getting squeezed more and more by constricting regulation).

  • Another (bad) trade record set with China*– In 2011, our trade deficit with China was almost $300 billion dollars. That is the single highest deficit that one country has had with another… ever.

  • A stunning amount spent on stupid studies like Why do chimps throw their poop?*– Almost $600,000 of your tax dollars was sent to the folks who studied chimpanzee poop tossing, plus $198,195 paid to find out if “tweeting” makes people happy…

70 Facts About The Economy That Obama Doesn’t Want You To See | TheBlaze.com


Oh, please, can you start another partisan hackery anti Obama thread. This board needs them like Bush needs to renew is membership at Mensa...

In other words, these indisputable FACTS are so damning, we idiot Socialists better change the conversation quickly and talk about Bush!!! :lol:
These are some astounding indisputable facts (though it won't stop the liberals from trying with their propaganda):

  • The price of gas*– When Obama took office, a gallon of gas cost you $1.85. Today, it’s up to $3.59 per gallon (July’s rise was 17 cents a gallon).
  • You have to work 107 days each year just to pay Federal, State, & Local taxes*– That means you don’t earn a penny until April 18th.
  • More than 30% of unemployed Americans have been out of work for more than a year*– In 2007, that number was 10%.
  • Speaking of “no faith in the US Dollar”*– The price of gold when Obama was inaugurated, $850 an ounce. Today, gold is over $1500.
  • The disappearing family farm – In the mid-1930s, America had an estimated 6.8 million farms. Today, the EPA estimates that number to be right around two million (and getting squeezed more and more by constricting regulation).
  • Another (bad) trade record set with China*– In 2011, our trade deficit with China was almost $300 billion dollars. That is the single highest deficit that one country has had with another… ever.
  • A stunning amount spent on stupid studies like Why do chimps throw their poop?*– Almost $600,000 of your tax dollars was sent to the folks who studied chimpanzee poop tossing, plus $198,195 paid to find out if “tweeting” makes people happy…

70 Facts About The Economy That Obama Doesn’t Want You To See | TheBlaze.com


Other issues link:

23 - According to U.S. Representative Betty Sutton, an average of 23 manufacturing facilities permanently shut down in the United States every single day during 2010.

35 - U.S. housing prices are now down a total of 35 percent from the peak of the housing bubble.

40 - The official U.S. unemployment rate has been above 8 percent for 40 months in a row.

48 - Shockingly, at this point 48 percent of all Americans are either considered to be "low income" or are living in poverty.

53 - Last year, an astounding 53 percent of all U.S. college graduates under the age of 25 were either unemployed or underemployed.

61 - At this point the Federal Reserve is essentially monetizing much of the U.S. national debt. For example, the Federal Reserve bought up approximately 61 percent of all government debt issued by the U.S. Treasury Department during 2011.

71 - Today, 71 percent of all small business owners believe that the U.S. economy is still in a recession.

81 - Credit card debt among Americans in the 25 to 34 year old age bracket has risen by 81 percent since 1989.

$5,000,000,000,000 - The U.S. national debt has risen by more than 5 trillion dollars since the day that Barack Obama first took office. In a little more than 3 years Obama has added more to the national debt than the first 41 presidents combined.
These are some astounding indisputable facts (though it won't stop the liberals from trying with their propaganda):

  • The price of gas*– When Obama took office, a gallon of gas cost you $1.85. Today, it’s up to $3.59 per gallon (July’s rise was 17 cents a gallon).

  • I don't know what the fuck you are smoking but gas prices at the pump haven't been even close to $1.85... And throughout the Bush era it was a hell of a lot higher. You remember the whole war thing right?

    I'm sorry but are you expecting people not to remember this?

    What the fuck do you want another subsidy for the oil companies? How else would the president bring the price of gas down? God damn I can't believe you'd post such complete stupidity. I mean WHY? Why would you want people to think you are stupid enough to believe this?
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These are some astounding indisputable facts (though it won't stop the liberals from trying with their propaganda):

  • The price of gas*– When Obama took office, a gallon of gas cost you $1.85. Today, it’s up to $3.59 per gallon (July’s rise was 17 cents a gallon).

  • I don't know what the fuck you are smoking but gas prices at the pump haven't been even close to $1.85... And throughout the Bush era it was a hell of a lot higher. You remember the whole war thing right?

    I'm sorry but are you expecting people not to remember this?

    What the fuck do you want another subsidy for the oil companies? How else would the president bring the price of gas down? God damn I can't believe you'd post such complete stupidity. I mean WHY? Why would you want people to think you are stupid enough to believe this?

  • First of all, oil companies have NEVER NEVER NEVER EVER received a "subsidy" from the US government. Thank you for showing the world what a typical ignorant liberal you are.

    Second, I do not want oil companies to receive a subsidy.

    Third, when GWB left office, gas prices were at $1.89 per gallon (this can be independently verified by anyone who isn't an ignorant fuck liberal like Shelzin here who are too lazy to do a little research)

    Fourth, and final (and most important), the president could make the cost of gas plummet by stopping his idiot blockage on off shore drilling. By NOT blocking the Keystone pipeline, and by not doing ANY of his ignorant engergy policies that are creating energy shortages which are causing prices to skyrocket. You are one ignorant fuck-tard liberal who just got schooled. Your parents must be so ashamed that you are their child....
If the focus is on the economy and it continues to be stagnant, Obama will lose.

If the economy starts up trending fairly well in then Obama wins.
One thing about the economy we all know, republicans want it to suck to the point of engaging in sabotage.

Yeah, that's right. We all want to lose millions in our businesses and become unemployed, all in a big (yet secret) conspiracy to take down Obama.

Let me ask you this - do you truly believe that any average American (ie not a politician in Washington) would rather see a GOP president who fails over a Democrat president who excels? You actually believe that if a liberal president expanded our freedoms, lowered our taxes so that we had more money in our pockets, paid off the national debt, ensured we had strong national defense, and gave us a booming economy, we would root against him?

People hate Obama because he has destroyed America. Period. There is no giant conspiracy. Had he brought prosperity to America, we'd all love him no matter what party he registered with...

It never ceases to astound me how you guys on the left simply will not acknowledge the failure and will create any lie or blame any falsehood to distract from the real issue.
If the focus is on the economy and it continues to be stagnant, Obama will lose.

If the economy starts up trending fairly well in then Obama wins.

There is no scenario where Obama wins. While the economy is certainly number 1 on the American people's agenda, he still has stripped America of their freedoms (something an American does not forget or forgive), has still spent us $16 trillion into debt (more debt in his first 3 years than all US presidents combined in history in their first 3 years), and he's still a radical racist and liar.

His problems go far beyond the economy. It's just that the economy is so important and such a mess because of him, that there's no need to even discuss the rest of his failures.
These are some astounding indisputable facts (though it won't stop the liberals from trying with their propaganda):

  • The price of gas*– When Obama took office, a gallon of gas cost you $1.85. Today, it’s up to $3.59 per gallon (July’s rise was 17 cents a gallon).

  • I don't know what the fuck you are smoking but gas prices at the pump haven't been even close to $1.85... And throughout the Bush era it was a hell of a lot higher. You remember the whole war thing right?

    I'm sorry but are you expecting people not to remember this?

    What the fuck do you want another subsidy for the oil companies? How else would the president bring the price of gas down? God damn I can't believe you'd post such complete stupidity. I mean WHY? Why would you want people to think you are stupid enough to believe this?

  • First of all, oil companies have NEVER NEVER NEVER EVER received a "subsidy" from the US government. Thank you for showing the world what a typical ignorant liberal you are.

  • The tax credits are essentially the same thing. Why give them a pass? They get a break because of what they are.

    Second, I do not want oil companies to receive a subsidy.
    That's good. You shouldn't want them to get any

    Third, when GWB left office, gas prices were at $1.89 per gallon (this can be independently verified by anyone who isn't an ignorant fuck liberal like Shelzin here who are too lazy to do a little research)
    Please... verify it. It was below $2 for what...? A couple days? How in the world do you expect anyone to believe that? I'm sure 90% of us, at least, have to buy gas. You are basically calling people stupid for believing in what you are saying, and if you put any thought into it you would already know that. But you are just following... I don't know... A script maybe?

    Fourth, and final (and most important), the president could make the cost of gas plummet by stopping his idiot blockage on off shore drilling. By NOT blocking the Keystone pipeline, and by not doing ANY of his ignorant engergy policies that are creating energy shortages which are causing prices to skyrocket.
    Buddy... It's not my fault you don't know what the hell you are talking about when it comes to the Oil companies... Some of your information is right... Like about the stuff in this quoted paragraph. What's above it you are wrong. It's not my fault you are wrong. Don't blame me.

    Thanks for the neg rep... *shrugs*
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Sorry, Shelzin. You must be awfully young to be posting here.

Those of us who lived through Eisenhower-Kennedy-Nixon-Ford-Carter-Reagan-Bush41-Clinton-Bush43 saw gas wars in the 50s and 60s where parents bragged about finding gas for 9 cents a gallon from time to time. In my Senior year in high school I remember gas wars where gas was lower than last month's $.17 hike in gas prices.

What is happening to the economy is heinous. The press has quit its job of reporting facts and is now reporting cushy stuff about politicians it likes and avoiding the truth like reporters in my lifetime avoided lying. Today it's fashionable for them to claim bad things of Republicans always and great things of Marxist Democrats. Good Democrats are hiding under the sheets out of they remember good stuff about the press in past years, too, and their party used to be the watchdog for scientific truth. Now, it's engaged in obfuscating historical fact about the weather in order to hype up a presidential bid. And Republicans? We've dug our heels in, come what may, to try to make things just come out right for the American people. We're horrified by what we see and determined not to let poverty take us over. Democrats are pushing chaos for the sole purpose of gaining power so they can see-saw their lies every other term to destroy more and more of what my parents' America was--the land of the free and the home of the brave. In fact, Democrats used the Watergate scandal so they could forever hide their personal truths away from the voting public. Since then, they've been ten times worse obtaining secret FBI files and destroying those they hate and taking care of criminals so they don't have to go to prison. Nowadays, the only Democrats who go down are those who betray other Democrats. PERIOD. Democrats who are habitual criminals? They just have a Rose Garden Party feting the latest Democrat as a hero who decimated the Constitutional privileges of Americans on their hit list.

The only thing good about my mother dying in 1973 is that she didn't have to know all that about this country.

Rottweiler's information is correct.
One thing about the economy we all know, republicans want it to suck to the point of engaging in sabotage.
That's sick. Republicans are stopping Obama's kill Republican businesses crusade (decimating the energy business for personal revenge and hatred) on his Road to Chaos.
I don't know what the fuck you are smoking but gas prices at the pump haven't been even close to $1.85... And throughout the Bush era it was a hell of a lot higher. You remember the whole war thing right?

I'm sorry but are you expecting people not to remember this?

What the fuck do you want another subsidy for the oil companies? How else would the president bring the price of gas down? God damn I can't believe you'd post such complete stupidity. I mean WHY? Why would you want people to think you are stupid enough to believe this?

First of all, oil companies have NEVER NEVER NEVER EVER received a "subsidy" from the US government. Thank you for showing the world what a typical ignorant liberal you are.
The tax credits are essentially the same thing. Why give them a pass? They get a break because of what they are.

That's good. You shouldn't want them to get any

Third, when GWB left office, gas prices were at $1.89 per gallon (this can be independently verified by anyone who isn't an ignorant fuck liberal like Shelzin here who are too lazy to do a little research)
Please... verify it. It was below $2 for what...? A couple days? How in the world do you expect anyone to believe that? I'm sure 90% of us, at least, have to buy gas. You are basically calling people stupid for believing in what you are saying, and if you put any thought into it you would already know that. But you are just following... I don't know... A script maybe?

Fourth, and final (and most important), the president could make the cost of gas plummet by stopping his idiot blockage on off shore drilling. By NOT blocking the Keystone pipeline, and by not doing ANY of his ignorant engergy policies that are creating energy shortages which are causing prices to skyrocket.
Buddy... It's not my fault you don't know what the hell you are talking about when it comes to the Oil companies... Some of your information is right... Like about the stuff in this quoted paragraph. What's above it you are wrong. It's not my fault you are wrong. Don't blame me.

Thanks for the neg rep... *shrugs*

I'll address point three, only because it is obvious and I remember it well.
Here is the link to help you out, from October of 2008 to until November 2009, we were under $3.00 a gallon. From November 2008 to until the first of May 2009, we were under $2.00 a gallon.

Sorry, Shelzin. You must be awfully young to be posting here.
*shrugs* Define young.

Those of us who lived through Eisenhower-Kennedy-Nixon-Ford-Carter-Reagan-Bush41-Clinton-Bush43 saw gas wars in the 50s and 60s where parents bragged about finding gas for 9 cents a gallon from time to time. In my Senior year in high school I remember gas wars where gas was lower than last month's $.17 hike in gas prices.
That wasn't his argument. He made it sound like gas was just fine before Obama, and it went to hell after. that's complete bullshit. I suggest reading his argument again. I'd rather you didn't back that absolute stupidity.
First of all, oil companies have NEVER NEVER NEVER EVER received a "subsidy" from the US government. Thank you for showing the world what a typical ignorant liberal you are.
The tax credits are essentially the same thing. Why give them a pass? They get a break because of what they are.

That's good. You shouldn't want them to get any

Please... verify it. It was below $2 for what...? A couple days? How in the world do you expect anyone to believe that? I'm sure 90% of us, at least, have to buy gas. You are basically calling people stupid for believing in what you are saying, and if you put any thought into it you would already know that. But you are just following... I don't know... A script maybe?

Fourth, and final (and most important), the president could make the cost of gas plummet by stopping his idiot blockage on off shore drilling. By NOT blocking the Keystone pipeline, and by not doing ANY of his ignorant engergy policies that are creating energy shortages which are causing prices to skyrocket.
Buddy... It's not my fault you don't know what the hell you are talking about when it comes to the Oil companies... Some of your information is right... Like about the stuff in this quoted paragraph. What's above it you are wrong. It's not my fault you are wrong. Don't blame me.

Thanks for the neg rep... *shrugs*

I'll address point three, only because it is obvious and I remember it well.
Here is the link to help you out, from October of 2008 to until November 2009, we were under $3.00 a gallon. From November 2008 to until the first of May 2009, we were under $2.00 a gallon.

Historical Gas Price Charts - GasBuddy.com
We my ass... I wasn't. I remember damn sure the price of crude was down, but the gas prices didn't go with it.

Edit: In fact during Bush's term I remember betting a friend of mine that the price of gas wouldn't go below 3.20 a gallon. I was wrong... It was 3.18 for two days.
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