7 HUGE ISSUES Almost Nobody's Talking About


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
1. MRIs

2. Huma Abedin

3. Pet Insurance

4. Race Hustlers

5. Pakistan's Nukes

6. Connection Between Income Inequality & Immigration

7. Affirmative Action

1. Minimum Income Requirements - All over America, seniors and disabled veterans are being discriminated against in housing. This is huge because few things are more important than being able to obtain a place to live. Landlords discriminate by imposing on prospective renters a requirement that they have an income that is 3 times the amount of the rent. This has become pretty standard now across the whole USA.
This absurd requirement is nothing but the LLs attempt to have a young, fast, hip, cool crowd in the complex, masquerading as something economic. Seniors and disable people on Social Security and VA disability/pensions (who are more reliable renters than people with jobs) should be up in arms about this.

2. Huma Abedin - Although no longer Hillary Clinton's Deputy Chief of Staff at the State Dept., HUma goes everywhere Hillary does providing constant political input. With Hillary a presidential contendor, this is a huge issue with Huma a long-time operative of the Muslim Brotherhood in America, which is sworn to destroy America. This was revealed in their infamous Explanatory Memorandum (May 22, 1991), discoverd by the FBI in 2004. If anyone is still unaware of Huma's MB exploits (and why wouldn't they be, when the media never touches it ?), they can find the information here >>> See Post # 2 of this thread.

3. Pet Insurance - Many Americans have pets. No matter what kind of pet we may have, most people consider their pets to be similar to children, and as part of the family. Yet, millions pf Americans are losing their pets to needless illness and death simply becasue of the lack of veterinary care. And that lack of care is due to the odd way that pet medical insurance is handled. Unlike human medical insurance, veterinarians must be paid fully in advance of care being given
In the case of seriously ill pets, this almost always means ultrasound and surgery. This is thousands of $$$ UP FRONT, or your pet dies. Amazing how taken for granted this has become, with veterinarians calmly recommending euthanasia (killing). If, like with people insurance, the vet was to be reimbursed by the insurance co.AFTER the care is done, your pet could be saved. Millions of pets are dying needlessly becasue of this screwy policy.

4. Race Hustlers - At first glance, many would say "Oh sure, we know about them." But do you really ? For instance, do you know that the South Carolina cop who shot a guy running away from him, and is charged with murder is actually obviously innocent ? And that he is only being chargedtoprotect him from the racist Black mobs, and to mitigate the potential of riots ?
The Fleeing Felon Rule established by the SCOTUS in the 1985 Tennessee vs Garner case clearly clears Officer Slager, yet talking heads all over the media have the guy convicted on TV.
Likewise, (even worse) in the Michael Dunn case, the prosecution never proved Dunn didn't act in self-defense, yet Dunn was convicted and sits in prison.
The race hustlers, led by President Obama, and Al Sharpton are taking over America, and its police departments, and the ability of all of us to defend ourselves from crime (Sanford, FL, Ferguson. MO, New York City, Baltimore MD, etc).

5. Pakistan's Nukes - When actor George Clooney asked Obama what is the number 1 thing that keeps him awake at night, Obama answered >>> "Pakistan". Of course! Pakistan is a nation of almost 200 million people, 99% Muslim, and heavily jihadist. Combine that with a fragile govt that leans toward the jihadists (remember the sheltering of Osama bin Laden ?), and an arsenal of 100+ NUCLEAR warheads, and you can understand Obama's trepidation.
The Pentagon has long had plans to go into Pakistan and seize the nukes, and bring them back to the US. In response, Pakistan has bee driving the warheads through city streets, in ordinary cargo vans, trying to protect them from both US troops and Pakistani jihadists (who have repeatedly raided, unsuccessfully, storage facilites where the nukes were being stored).

6. Connection Between Income Inequality & Immigration - Cable news shows are filled with Democratswho love to talk about income inequality. They think this is an issue they own, and that Republicans are weak on. They're wrong.
The most important factor in income inequality is unemployment. It is the unemployed who are at the bottom of the income ranks. And no political activity is more damaging to unemployed Americans than the immigration so highly supported by Obama, and Democrats in general.
It has widely been reported that since 2000, in general, created jobs have been going to immigrants (legal & illegal), while Americans remain on the unemployed sidelines. This link New York Times article is just one of many on this subject.

Unskilled Workers Lose Out to Immigrants - NYTimes.com

7. Affirmative Action - The rioting in Baltimore has brought AA back into the forefront (although most media is still silent on it). The Baltimore protestors keep talking about Blacks being "disenfranchised". This is puzzling. It sounds like they are talking from a 1960 newsreel. Then it might have been true. But after 51 years of AA ENfranchisement given to Blacks in job hiring, job promotions, college admissions, college financial aid, business loans, etc (at the expense of the really disenfranchised Whites), it is incredible that anyone could talk, with a straight face, and call Blacks the disenfranchised ones.
This is most likely a result of the liberal slanted educational system and media, neiter of which mention AA very much, if at all.
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A letter was sent to the State Department accusing Abedin's late father, mother and brother of being connected to the Muslim Brotherhood, is far from being "unsubstantiated", as some Islamapologist (if not Islamist) critics whined. Not only is it a solid fact that they are connected to the Muslim Brotherhood, it's also a fact that Huma Abedin herself, is also connected to the Muslim Brotherhood. Here's a rundown of here M background (bad gys noted in red)

She was an executive board member of George Washington University's (GWU) Muslim Students Association(MSA-the founding Muslim Brotherhood front group in America), heading the organization's “Social Committee.” A couple of the names that passed through that GWU-MSA were Anwar al-Awlaki, the al Qaeda advisor who mentored Major Nidal Hasan, who killed 13 US troops in Fort Hood, TX, and who himself was assassinated by US drones. Another was Mohamed Omeish, who headed the International Islamic Relief Organization, which has been tied to the funding of al Qaeda.

From 1996-2008, Abedin was employed by the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs (IMMA) as the assistant editor of its in-house publication, the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs (JMMA). It is vital to note that IMMA's "Muslim Minority Affairs" agenda was, and remains to this day, a calculated foreign policy of the Saudi Ministry of Religious Affairs, designed, as journalist Andrew C. McCarthy (also the prosecutor of the1993 World Trade Center bombers/jihadists) explains, "to grow an unassimilated, aggressive population of Islamic supremacists who will gradually but dramatically alter the character of the West." The first seven of those years overlapped with the al Qaeda-affiliated Abdullah Omar Naseef's active presence at IMMA. Abedin's last six years at the Institute (2002-2008) were spent as a JMMA editorial board member; for one of those years, 2003, Naseef and Abedin served together on that board. When Hillary Clinton became Secretary of State in 2009, Abedin became her deputy chief of staff. At approximately that same point in time, Abedin's name was removed from the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs' masthead.

Her family members' connections to the Muslim Brotherhood are just as factual. Her brother and sister still remain as editors of the JMMA. Her mother, Dr. Saleha Abedin , is an influential member of the Muslim Brotherhood’s division for women, the Muslim Sisterhood. She is also a zealous advocate of sharia law’s oppression of women, and a board member of the International Islamic Council for Dawa and Relief. The IICDR has been long banned in Israel for supporting Hamas. It is also part of the Union for Good, which is a formally designated international terrorist organization under federal law. The Union for Good is led by Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, the chief sharia jurist of the Muslim Brotherhood. He is the world’s most influential Islamic cleric, and has issued fatwas endorsing suicide bombings against Israel and terrorist attacks against American forces in Iraq.


And with Huma by her side, Hillary's record as S of S has been as damaging to America, and atrocious as any S of S in American history. Since Abedin has held her deputy Chief of Staff position, an awful lot of pro-Muslim Brotherhood things have been happening at the State Dept. A Fulbright scholarship was awarded to Siham al-Qaradawi, the daughter of Sheikh Qaradawi, an Islamist scholar, and spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, who's banned from the USA, UK, and France. While the sheikh’s daughter is said to be an exceptional chemist, the world is full of exceptional chemists. How is it that Qaradawi’s daughter gets the State Department prize?
And since Secretary Clinton’s tenure began, with Huma Abedin serving as a top adviser, the United States has aligned itself with the Muslim Brotherhood in myriad ways. To name just a few (the list is by no means exhaustive):
Our government

1- reversed the policy against formal contacts with the Brotherhood;

2- funded Hamas;

3- continued funding Egypt even after the Brotherhood won the elections;

4- dropped an investigation of Brotherhood organizations in the U.S. that were previously identified as co-conspirators in the case of the Holy Land Foundation financing Hamas;

5- hosted Brotherhood delegations in the United States;

6- issued a visa to a member of the Islamic Group (a designated terrorist organization) and hosted him in Washington because he is part of the Brotherhood’s parliamentary coalition in Egypt;

7- announced that Israel should go back to its indefensible 1967 borders;

8- excluded Israel, the world’s leading target of terrorism, from a counterterrorism forum in which the State Department sought to “partner” with Islamist governments that do not regard attacks on Israel as terrorism;

9- and pressured Egypt’s pro-American military government to surrender power to the anti-American Muslim Brotherhood parliament and president just elected by Egypt’s predominantly anti-American population.

Makes us wonder >>> Hypothetically, if Huma Abedin did have a bias in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood, and if she were actually acting on that bias to try to tilt American policy in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood, what exactly would the State Department be doing differently?
1. MRIs

2. Huma Abedin

3. Pet Insurance

4. Race Hustlers

5. Pakistan's Nukes

6. Connection Between Income Inequality & Immigration

7. Affirmative Action

1. Minimum Income Requirements - All over America, seniors and disabled veterans are being discriminated against in housing. This is huge because few things are more important than being able to obtain a place to live. Landlords discriminate by imposing on prospective renters a requirement that they have an income that is 3 times the amount of the rent. This has become pretty standard now across the whole USA.
This absurd requirement is nothing but the LLs attempt to have a young, fast, hip, cool crowd in the complex, masquerading as something economic. Seniors and disable people on Social Security and VA disability/pensions (who are more reliable renters than people with jobs) should be up in arms about this.

2. Huma Abedin - Although no longer Hillary Clinton's Deputy Chief of Staff at the State Dept., HUma goes everywhere Hillary does providing constant political input. With Hillary a presidential contendor, this is a huge issue with Huma a long-time operative of the Muslim Brotherhood in America, which is sworn to destroy America. This was revealed in their infamous Explanatory Memorandum (May 22, 1991), discoverd by the FBI in 2004. If anyone is still unaware of Huma's MB exploits (and why wouldn't they be, when the media never touches it ?), they can find the information here >>>

3. Pet Insurance - Many Americans have pets. No matter what kind of pet we may have, most people consider their pets to be similar to children, and as part of the family. Yet, millions pf Americans are losing their pets to needless illness and death simply becasue of the lack of veterinary care. And that lack of care is due to the odd way that pet medical insurance is handled. Unlike human medical insurance, veterinarians must be paid fully in advance of care being given
In the case of seriously ill pets, this almost always means ultrasound and surgery. This is thousands of $$$ UP FRONT, or your pet dies. Amazing how taken for granted this has become, with veterinarians calmly recommending euthanasia (killing). If, like with people insurance, the vet was to be reimbursed by the insurance co.AFTER the care is done, your pet could be saved. Millions of pets are dying needlessly becasue of this screwy policy.

4. Race Hustlers - At first glance, many would say "Oh sure, we know about them." But do you really ? For instance, do you know that the South Carolina cop who shot a guy running away from him, and is charged with murder is actually obviously innocent ? And that he is only being chargedtoprotect him from the racist Black mobs, and to mitigate the potential of riots ?
The Fleeing Felon Rule established by the SCOTUS in the 1985 Tennessee vs Garner case clearly clears Officer Slager, yet talking heads all over the media have the guy convicted on TV.
Likewise, (even worse) in the Michael Dunn case, the prosecution never proved Dunn didn't act in self-defense, yet Dunn was convicted and sits in prison.
The race hustlers, led by President Obama, and Al Sharpton are taking over America, and its police departments, and the ability of all of us to defend ourselves from crime (Sanford, FL, Ferguson. MO, New York City, Baltimore MD, etc).

5. Pakistan's Nukes - When actor George Clooney asked Obama what is the number 1 thing that keeps him awake at night, Obama answered >>> "Pakistan". Of course! Pakistan is a nation of almost 200 million people, 99% Muslim, and heavily jihadist. Combine that with a fragile govt that leans toward the jihadists (remember the sheltering of Osama bin Laden ?), and an arsenal of 100+ NUCLEAR warheads, and you can understand Obama's trepidation.
The Pentagon has long had plans to go into Pakistan and seize the nukes, and bring them back to the US. In response, Pakistan has bee driving the warheads through city streets, in ordinary cargo vans, trying to protect them from both US troops and Pakistani jihadists (who have repeatedly raided, unsuccessfully, storage facilites where the nukes were being stored).

6. Connection Between Income Inequality & Immigration - Cable news shows are filled with Democratswho love to talk about income inequality. They think this is an issue they own, and that Republicans are weak on. They're wrong.
The most important factor in income inequality is unemployment. It is the unemployed who are at the bottom of the income ranks. And no political activity is more damaging to unemployed Americans than the immigration so highly supported by Obama, and Democrats in general.
It has widely been reported that since 2000, in general, created jobs have been going to immigrants (legal & illegal), while Americans remain on the unemployed sidelines.

7. Affirmative Action - The rioting in Baltimore has brought AA back into the forefront (although most media is still silent on it). The Baltimore protestors keep talking about Blacks being "disenfranchised". This is puzzling. It sounds like they are talking from a 1960 newsreel. Then it might have been true. But after 51 years of AA ENfranchisement given to Blacks in job hiring, job promotions, college admissions, college financial aid, business loans, etc (at the expense of the really disenfranchised Whites), it is incredible that anyone could talk, with a straight face, and call Blacks the disenfranchised ones.
This is most likely a result of the liberal slanted educational system and media, neiter of which mention AA very much, if at all.

1. I disagree. Let the landlords charge what they want to, the free market will decide.
2. I agree.
3. What do you propose? Getting the government involved? No thanks.
4. I agree, race hustlers are a problem but your examples are poor ones.
5. Yes, that is a concern.
6. Agreed. That is what Democrats do, they create a problem then they offer themselves and their policies as the solution.
7. Agreed. Affirmative Action is racist and wrong and needs to be stopped.

You cut and pasted this, didn't you?
I love how Huma has become this mythical figure to the right, who have all somehow become better security experts from scouring conspiracy websites than the CIA and FBI.

He's been shot down elsewhere too ...

OP - where did you c/p this rant from?
The only one of these I worry that much about is Pakistan Nukes, all the others are pretty much phantom fears and festering problems unlikely to suddenly blowup and kill thousands and provoke a gigantic regional conflict America would have to get involved in.
Did you know the US Government spent 250 Billion dollars of our money paying SS Disability benefits last year?

Most of that went to the attorneys like Binder and Binder. Most on the disability payroll were put there by the State governments who would rather have you on the Federal Government's books than their own.
I love how Huma has become this mythical figure to the right, who have all somehow become better security experts from scouring conspiracy websites than the CIA and FBI.
And it's further evidence just how deranged most on the right are.

Well, at least the list doesn't include Ebola. :rolleyes:
Ebola Zombies 2015 - IMDb
^ What the right feared that got them to the polls in 2014 :rofl:
I love how Huma has become this mythical figure to the right, who have all somehow become better security experts from scouring conspiracy websites than the CIA and FBI.
And it's further evidence just how deranged most on the right are.

Well, at least the list doesn't include Ebola. :rolleyes:
Ebola Zombies 2015 - IMDb
^ What the right feared that got them to the polls in 2014 :rofl:


Looks like I've upset the bed weter! :laugh:
6. Connection Between Income Inequality & Immigration - Cable news shows are filled with Democratswho love to talk about income inequality. They think this is an issue they own, and that Republicans are weak on. They're wrong.
The most important factor in income inequality is unemployment. It is the unemployed who are at the bottom of the income ranks. And no political activity is more damaging to unemployed Americans than the immigration so highly supported by Obama, and Democrats in general.
It has widely been reported that since 2000, in general, created jobs have been going to immigrants (legal & illegal), while Americans remain on the unemployed sidelines. This link New York Times article is just one of many on this subject.

If you were honest about it, the jobs the immigrants are doing are jobs like crop picking, and others distasteful jobs that Americans won't do. And before the cons made a big stink about immigration, American farmers could compete with Central and South American farmers. But now the U.S. farmers have to pay $7.00 an hour to have their crops picked, while south of the border farmers only pay 50 cents and hour to have their crops picked. So U.S. farmers crops rot in the field, and have to charge 6 times more for their crops. So most of the food you buy is from South America. Thanks for fucking the U.S. farmer, moron.
6. Connection Between Income Inequality & Immigration - Cable news shows are filled with Democratswho love to talk about income inequality. They think this is an issue they own, and that Republicans are weak on. They're wrong.
The most important factor in income inequality is unemployment. It is the unemployed who are at the bottom of the income ranks. And no political activity is more damaging to unemployed Americans than the immigration so highly supported by Obama, and Democrats in general.
It has widely been reported that since 2000, in general, created jobs have been going to immigrants (legal & illegal), while Americans remain on the unemployed sidelines. This link New York Times article is just one of many on this subject.

If you were honest about it, the jobs the immigrants are doing are jobs like crop picking, and others distasteful jobs that Americans won't do. And before the cons made a big stink about immigration, American farmers could compete with Central and South American farmers. But now the U.S. farmers have to pay $7.00 an hour to have their crops picked, while south of the border farmers only pay 50 cents and hour to have their crops picked. So U.S. farmers crops rot in the field, and have to charge 6 times more for their crops. So most of the food you buy is from South America. Thanks for fucking the U.S. farmer, moron.

As I posted earlier, Alabama has shown that deported migrant workers is a disaster.

For those who are interested, see the short documentary by VICE, entitled, "Sweet Home Alabama". Its a real eye opener.

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