600-lb Woman Dies...

Trump needs to think outside the box. Throw this fat cow's carcass on the border and our wall is done.
I bet there will be a few people who claim she had an illness that made her overweight...lol. Yes, she does have an illness - it was called the inability to put down a fork.

So she is dead. I feel sorry for the morgue who have to find a freezer big enough for her fat body, the gravediggers who have to dig an extra bigger hole, and the pallbearers who will struggle to carry her flabby mass, and the coffin makers who have to make a super sized coffin.

Ever hear of Cushing's Syndrome? How about the genetic disorder 'Prader-Willi Syndrome'? No? I didn't think so. So, YES, there could very well have been an illness at work in her case, making her as big as she was through no fault of her own. Most, if not all, idiots who make posts like yours are uneducated, myopic igmoramuses who are grossly lacking in empathy and understanding about a world that goes far beyond their front doorsteps. So now that you have heard of PWS, go look it up. Educate yourself so you don't make such a huge ASS of yourself next time you let your fingers slither across a keyboard. And, p.s., bigger people ~ like my beloved, sweet, gentle soul of an auntie who succumbed recently from complications that arose after a negligent nurse 2 years earlier had forced her trach tube in backwards, injuring her throat and making her bleed out for 4 hours, killing her brain ~ are often cremated; they aren't always buried in larger, custom-made coffins. So I repeat: education. It has provided redemption to many a former dumbass.

Your very first message and it's on a thread over two years old. Strange
Cushing's syndrome is quite treatable and very rare. Not sure if p w s is treatable but it's even more rare
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Tipsy's name used to be katzndogs?
Tigerred59 is DEAD!!!!!!!!!?????

Who knew?

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I bet there will be a few people who claim she had an illness that made her overweight...lol. Yes, she does have an illness - it was called the inability to put down a fork.

So she is dead. I feel sorry for the morgue who have to find a freezer big enough for her fat body, the gravediggers who have to dig an extra bigger hole, and the pallbearers who will struggle to carry her flabby mass, and the coffin makers who have to make a super sized coffin.

Slice her up and feed the parts into the crematorium. Problem solved.
I was that big once...couldn't play with my kids,couldn't walk around store etc. I am sure it also had a hand in how my back healed after I had back surgery and that doc told me unless I lost weight I would throw my back out again. Had surgery in 2012 after losing 75 pounds by myself and lost a good bit after that as well...can play with my kids,can walk around store etc now.Still too fat and I know that.Last time I bought a 2 liter of soda was December and was going through 2 or 3 of those a day! I am down to 1 1 liter a day and trying to cut that out completely as well. I RARELY let my kids have soda so hopefully they will NEVER get addicted to this crap. Lucky so far no diabetes etc but do have bad back still and sleep apnea which SUCKS! Doesn't help that I am the stay at home dad so am not as active as I want to be. god forsaken gym here costs 55$ a month which is a ripoff I can't afford right now. Goal for now is to keep weight steady and once ALL kids start school in fall to start walking on our greenway or buying a bike or something. I HATE being fat and I want to lose the weight. I could get skin removal surgery if I wanted but I have had enough damn surgeries and I PERSONALLY don't think I have lost enough weight to warrant the removal. I will never understand WHY I got so big...my dad is fat as is my brother but my mother isn't and nor were my grandparents on either side. I am sure it has a lot to do with the way people cope with shit.
I was that big once...couldn't play with my kids,couldn't walk around store etc. I am sure it also had a hand in how my back healed after I had back surgery and that doc told me unless I lost weight I would throw my back out again. Had surgery in 2012 after losing 75 pounds by myself and lost a good bit after that as well...can play with my kids,can walk around store etc now.Still too fat and I know that.Last time I bought a 2 liter of soda was December and was going through 2 or 3 of those a day! I am down to 1 1 liter a day and trying to cut that out completely as well. I RARELY let my kids have soda so hopefully they will NEVER get addicted to this crap. Lucky so far no diabetes etc but do have bad back still and sleep apnea which SUCKS! Doesn't help that I am the stay at home dad so am not as active as I want to be. god forsaken gym here costs 55$ a month which is a ripoff I can't afford right now. Goal for now is to keep weight steady and once ALL kids start school in fall to start walking on our greenway or buying a bike or something. I HATE being fat and I want to lose the weight. I could get skin removal surgery if I wanted but I have had enough damn surgeries and I PERSONALLY don't think I have lost enough weight to warrant the removal. I will never understand WHY I got so big...my dad is fat as is my brother but my mother isn't and nor were my grandparents on either side. I am sure it has a lot to do with the way people cope with shit.
Just start walking everyday, you don't need the gym. Eat protein and vegetables. Lose weight, you'll feel so much better.
second one being: how many starving Haitians coulda been fed by the stuff this insatiable pig put away...?

I wonder what got you to be such a jerk. Did you do it all my yourself or did you get help.
My mother is a bit overweight, she's diabetic and suffers from blood sugar regulation issues even with medication - ie her brain drives her to eat high sugar food. I recall she was constantly on diets when I was a kid, constantly popping diet pills and stuff because she thought she was ugly... I'm no doctor, but I've always felt she wasn't /that/ overweight, and I've always thought her beautiful. Thankfully with advances in insulin treatments and such she's much better off weight wise and has stopped all the diet pill "abuse."

She hates me though... My metabolism is so high I can eat anything I want and never gain weight (in fact I weigh only a couple pounds more than I did in HS and that's after kids) I don't even have to do anything and weight falls off me. I've always wished I could like share with her so she didn't struggle with her self-confidence :/ especially since I think I could use a few pounds ( I tend to prefer a lady with some meat on her. )
I bet there will be a few people who claim she had an illness that made her overweight...lol. Yes, she does have an illness - it was called the inability to put down a fork.

So she is dead. I feel sorry for the morgue who have to find a freezer big enough for her fat body, the gravediggers who have to dig an extra bigger hole, and the pallbearers who will struggle to carry her flabby mass, and the coffin makers who have to make a super sized coffin.

You know the real subject of this thread isn't the fat lady who died. That happens often with people grossly over weight. The real subject are all the jerks, like Noomi here, responding to it.
I eat anything I want and I'm like 120 pounds. Take that, fatties.

It was a slow suicide, as her doctor said, she was dead already. That bed was her coffin.

There are a lot of people in this world living in psychic pain; some of them gorge themselves to stuff those feelings. Some of them use drugs, or drink themselves sick. Some of them fuck everything that moves. Some of them work 80-100 hour weeks and never interact with family. Some of them gamble themselves into bankruptcy. Other abuse the people who love them.

Imagine how much we could improve physical health in this country if we invested in early mental health screenings and intervention. Maybe we could teach kids in school to meditate and use yoga or other means to cope with the stresses of our society?

I do think that it's sad family members are manipulated into feeding a person who is in this condition; had she been forced to do a water fast or LCD her life might have been saved.
all these people should have their own veggie gardens.. or buy organic

be semi- vegetarian (no red meat just fish chicken and seafood)

No RoundUp disinfectants ...No GMO's

if they want to live a longer...healthier life


Funny to read this from you because you're always hissy-fitting about FLOTUS Michelle Obama recommending a healthful diet.

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all these people should have their own veggie gardens.. or buy organic

be semi- vegetarian (no red meat just fish chicken and seafood)

No RoundUp disinfectants ...No GMO's

if they want to live a longer...healthier life


Funny to read this from you because you're always hissy-fitting about FLOTUS Michelle Obama recommending a healthful diet.

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Hi there

look ...don't present to me that name Michelle Obama ok?

Do not care for that person at all.

And anyway, she stuffed her face with pizza while trying to feed everybody shit.

I appreciate you want a clean diet but do not talk to me about that person please.

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