6-Yr Old Boy Shot In Michigan; Shooter Claims Self Defense?


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"A 6-year-old boy from Michigan was shot by a man, and now MTO News is hearing that he may be planning a ‘self-defense’ claim. According to police reports, the incident began when the 6-yr old first grader, Coby Daniels left his bike on his neighbor’s lawn in Ypsilanti, Michigan. When Coby returned to get his bike, police say Ryan Le-Nguyen came out with a sledgehammer in his hand and said something to the boy. Coby allegedly made a comment to his neighbor, and it infuriated him.The neighbor went back inside and allegedly fired a gun through the front window, hitting Coby on the arm.

According to local reports, Ryan Le-Nguyen made comments at the scene that led many to suspect that the accused shooter is planning to plead self-defense against the first-grader. Ryan Le-Nguyen was charged with assault with intent to murder, but was released on a $ 10k bond."

Luckily the kid didn't die but still.... there is probably a lot missing from the story...we have no idea if the boy threatened violence on Mr. Le-Nguyen nor do we know if the boy was armed...it may be that the man had plenty of reason to fear for his safety to the point a sledgehammer and a gun was the only way he could come out alive...

"A 6-year-old boy from Michigan was shot by a man, and now MTO News is hearing that he may be planning a ‘self-defense’ claim. According to police reports, the incident began when the 6-yr old first grader, Coby Daniels left his bike on his neighbor’s lawn in Ypsilanti, Michigan. When Coby returned to get his bike, police say Ryan Le-Nguyen came out with a sledgehammer in his hand and said something to the boy. Coby allegedly made a comment to his neighbor, and it infuriated him.The neighbor went back inside and allegedly fired a gun through the front window, hitting Coby on the arm.

According to local reports, Ryan Le-Nguyen made comments at the scene that led many to suspect that the accused shooter is planning to plead self-defense against the first-grader. Ryan Le-Nguyen was charged with assault with intent to murder, but was released on a $ 10k bond."

Luckily the kid didn't die but still.... there is probably a lot missing from the story...we have no idea if the boy threatened violence on Mr. Le-Nguyen nor do we know if the boy was armed...it may be that the man had plenty of reason to fear for his safety to the point a sledgehammer and a gun was the only way he could come out alive...
Of course it is the guns fault, not the mentally ill progressive using the gun, am i right? If he didnt have a gun, would he of just run over the kid with his car, thus making sure the kid died? Or could the guy gone and gotten a chainsaw and just sawed the kid in 1/2? See, even if the mentally ill progressive didnt have a gun, the kid still would possibly be killed...

"A 6-year-old boy from Michigan was shot by a man, and now MTO News is hearing that he may be planning a ‘self-defense’ claim. According to police reports, the incident began when the 6-yr old first grader, Coby Daniels left his bike on his neighbor’s lawn in Ypsilanti, Michigan. When Coby returned to get his bike, police say Ryan Le-Nguyen came out with a sledgehammer in his hand and said something to the boy. Coby allegedly made a comment to his neighbor, and it infuriated him.The neighbor went back inside and allegedly fired a gun through the front window, hitting Coby on the arm.

According to local reports, Ryan Le-Nguyen made comments at the scene that led many to suspect that the accused shooter is planning to plead self-defense against the first-grader. Ryan Le-Nguyen was charged with assault with intent to murder, but was released on a $ 10k bond."

Luckily the kid didn't die but still.... there is probably a lot missing from the story...we have no idea if the boy threatened violence on Mr. Le-Nguyen nor do we know if the boy was armed...it may be that the man had plenty of reason to fear for his safety to the point a sledgehammer and a gun was the only way he could come out alive...
Of course it is the guns fault, not the mentally ill progressive using the gun, am i right? If he didnt have a gun, would he of just run over the kid with his car, thus making sure the kid died? Or could the guy gone and gotten a chainsaw and just sawed the kid in 1/2? See, even if the mentally ill progressive didnt have a gun, the kid still would possibly be killed...
"progressive"? How do you know he was a progressive? I thought progressives were against guns.
Um. Black hostility and anger is the problem here. I have seen how poor blacks given free homes and free food and free reign and murder each other. They NEVER aspire to find cure for say, sickle cell anemia, or what gravity is. White men are, white men created the internet and witto bitty things like cell phones and the technology that put a man and on the moon, and mars exporters. White culture did that did that. What have blacks accomplished? Fragile white egos aren't burning down cities.
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"A 6-year-old boy from Michigan was shot by a man, and now MTO News is hearing that he may be planning a ‘self-defense’ claim. According to police reports, the incident began when the 6-yr old first grader, Coby Daniels left his bike on his neighbor’s lawn in Ypsilanti, Michigan. When Coby returned to get his bike, police say Ryan Le-Nguyen came out with a sledgehammer in his hand and said something to the boy. Coby allegedly made a comment to his neighbor, and it infuriated him.The neighbor went back inside and allegedly fired a gun through the front window, hitting Coby on the arm.

According to local reports, Ryan Le-Nguyen made comments at the scene that led many to suspect that the accused shooter is planning to plead self-defense against the first-grader. Ryan Le-Nguyen was charged with assault with intent to murder, but was released on a $ 10k bond."

Luckily the kid didn't die but still.... there is probably a lot missing from the story...we have no idea if the boy threatened violence on Mr. Le-Nguyen nor do we know if the boy was armed...it may be that the man had plenty of reason to fear for his safety to the point a sledgehammer and a gun was the only way he could come out alive...
Of course it is the guns fault, not the mentally ill progressive using the gun, am i right? If he didnt have a gun, would he of just run over the kid with his car, thus making sure the kid died? Or could the guy gone and gotten a chainsaw and just sawed the kid in 1/2? See, even if the mentally ill progressive didnt have a gun, the kid still would possibly be killed...
"progressive"? How do you know he was a progressive? I thought progressives were against guns.
Crazy and violent----almost always are progressives.

"A 6-year-old boy from Michigan was shot by a man, and now MTO News is hearing that he may be planning a ‘self-defense’ claim. According to police reports, the incident began when the 6-yr old first grader, Coby Daniels left his bike on his neighbor’s lawn in Ypsilanti, Michigan. When Coby returned to get his bike, police say Ryan Le-Nguyen came out with a sledgehammer in his hand and said something to the boy. Coby allegedly made a comment to his neighbor, and it infuriated him.The neighbor went back inside and allegedly fired a gun through the front window, hitting Coby on the arm.

According to local reports, Ryan Le-Nguyen made comments at the scene that led many to suspect that the accused shooter is planning to plead self-defense against the first-grader. Ryan Le-Nguyen was charged with assault with intent to murder, but was released on a $ 10k bond."

Luckily the kid didn't die but still.... there is probably a lot missing from the story...we have no idea if the boy threatened violence on Mr. Le-Nguyen nor do we know if the boy was armed...it may be that the man had plenty of reason to fear for his safety to the point a sledgehammer and a gun was the only way he could come out alive...
Of course it is the guns fault, not the mentally ill progressive using the gun, am i right? If he didnt have a gun, would he of just run over the kid with his car, thus making sure the kid died? Or could the guy gone and gotten a chainsaw and just sawed the kid in 1/2? See, even if the mentally ill progressive didnt have a gun, the kid still would possibly be killed...
^ triggered ^
Um. Black hostility and anger is the problem here. I have seen how poor blacks given free homes and free food and free reign and murder each other. They NEVER aspire to find cure for say, sickle cell anemia, or what gravity is. White men are, white men created the internet and witto bitty things like cell phones and the technology that put a man and on the moon, and mars exporters. White culture did that did that. What have blacks accomplished? Fragile white egos aren't burning down cities.
So you agree the 6 yr old had it coming?
I'm guessing that he was in "extreme fear" that the six year old was going to kick him in the shins, or punch him in the crotch.
A thirty year old black addict of huge Chinese fentanyl influx, is black and named George Floyd is a victim of white cops...explain that to me.

"A 6-year-old boy from Michigan was shot by a man, and now MTO News is hearing that he may be planning a ‘self-defense’ claim. According to police reports, the incident began when the 6-yr old first grader, Coby Daniels left his bike on his neighbor’s lawn in Ypsilanti, Michigan. When Coby returned to get his bike, police say Ryan Le-Nguyen came out with a sledgehammer in his hand and said something to the boy. Coby allegedly made a comment to his neighbor, and it infuriated him.The neighbor went back inside and allegedly fired a gun through the front window, hitting Coby on the arm.

According to local reports, Ryan Le-Nguyen made comments at the scene that led many to suspect that the accused shooter is planning to plead self-defense against the first-grader. Ryan Le-Nguyen was charged with assault with intent to murder, but was released on a $ 10k bond."

Luckily the kid didn't die but still.... there is probably a lot missing from the story...we have no idea if the boy threatened violence on Mr. Le-Nguyen nor do we know if the boy was armed...it may be that the man had plenty of reason to fear for his safety to the point a sledgehammer and a gun was the only way he could come out alive...
Of course it is the guns fault, not the mentally ill progressive using the gun, am i right? If he didnt have a gun, would he of just run over the kid with his car, thus making sure the kid died? Or could the guy gone and gotten a chainsaw and just sawed the kid in 1/2? See, even if the mentally ill progressive didnt have a gun, the kid still would possibly be killed...
"progressive"? How do you know he was a progressive? I thought progressives were against guns.

No...progressives are against guns for anyone who opposes them....they are more than happy to own and carry guns......when progressives start filling mass graves with innocent men, women and children, it is a lot easier when the victims can't shoot back...
I don't know anything about this boy, but I DO know most "kids" today are vicious little demonic atrocities!!! They are taught that they can say and do anything they want, and just point the finger at any passing adult and say "they made me" or "they touched me".....and the fuktard courts believe them!!

THIS is how we got a nation full of worthless, useless, meaningless "adult" pieces of human garbage whining, crying, and throwing toddler tantrums!!

One good hard SMACK after being a little bastard in public when you are little will usually always do the trick in teaching the kid that there are reactions and disciplinary actions to what you do and say. But no, what they get is praise and gifts, and people kissing their little asses!!!

Is this kid one of them? I don't know, but I've seen a LOT of "kids" his age talk and act like pimps, whores, thieves, and murderers, as well as carrying weapons. More than I ever have cared to.
In 10 years this little darling will be dead or in prison.

It's interesting, the details left out by this "news source."

Coby allegedly made a comment to his neighbor, and it infuriated him
"Made a comment"?????

Why does the thug news site not tell us what that comment was???
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The little disrespectful thug probably called him the asian equivalent of a n1ger, so he is therefore justified

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