6 In 10 Young Republicans Favor Legal Marijuana...So why dont Republicans?


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2010

Nearly two-thirds of Millennials who identify as Republican support legalizing marijuana, while almost half of older GOP Gen-Xers do, according to a recently released Pew survey that could be an indicator of where the debate is heading.

While the Pew Research Center survey published on Friday shows a 14 percentage point gap between Republicans and Democrats under the age of 34, six-in-10 GOP-leaning Millennials still said they favor legalizing cannabis. Seventy-seven percent of surveyed Democrats in the same age group held that view.

For those aged 35 to 50, the same 14 percentage point gap between Republicans and Democrats was evident, but the respective percentages were somewhat lower. In that age group, 47 percent of Republicans favored legalization, as opposed to 61 percent of Democrats.

As Pew notes: "The debate over marijuana also comes ahead of the 2016 presidential election, when both political parties are fighting over the coveted Millennial vote as this group of eligible voters swells in size, even if its members do not consistently show up on Election Day."

The survey follows controversial decisions in Alaska and the District of Colombia.They join Colorado and Washington State. Medical marijuana is legal in some other states, such as California and Minnesota.

The survey on attitudes on marijuana legalization by political affiliation largely mirrors a survey Pew conducted a year ago concerning same-sex marriage. It showed that 61 percent of self-identified Republicans under 30 favored allowing gays and lesbians to marry, as opposed to 77 percent of Democrats in the same age group.
Republicans are protecting Big Pharma by resisting Medical Marijuana. It's a gift or payback to them.

That doesn't mean Democrats are so great though.
Some are some are not,same for Dems.The mime that Repubs are protecting big Pharm is absurd,big pharm is already in the game.
Older republicans see what young people do when they are high. Older democrats are high themselves.
Hey OP, don't worry, the future belongs to potheads.
Each state will fall just like gay marriage. You won.
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'Young Republicans' says it all. The old-guard Statist leadership in the Party is still clinging to outdated concepts on Marijuana. When they die off, things will probably change in the Party. No one should be imprisoned over Marijuana. It's time to dump archaic drug laws.
Legalizing marijuana is a two-edges sword. Until recently marijuana was 100% decriminalized in Alaska and there was no legal hassle associated with it. Then the Republican-controlled legislature smiled and put "legalization" on the ballot. It passed overhwlemingly and now the users are finding themselves confronted with licenses, license fees, and soon-to-be-enacted state and local taxes. Also users have found themselves subject to restrictions that have long existed on sale/use of alcohol and tobacco....none of them which existed before "decriminalization" gave way to the wildly popular "legalization".

Who knew you could shoot yourself in the foot with a friggin' joint!
No Citizen should have their door kicked in and home stormed by Government forces, for merely doing and possessing drugs. American drug laws are ridiculously archaic. The act of doing drugs is not a criminal act. It's an adult choice, no different than choosing to consume alcohol. People like to get high & drunk. So what? It's not a Government issue.
Older republicans see what young people do when they are high. Older democrats are high themselves.

And what do young people do when high?
For one

Fatal Car Crashes Involving Pot Use Have Tripled in U.S. Study Finds

Propaganda. Marijuana should be decriminalized immediately. No one should be imprisoned over Marijuana. It's so absurd we keep millions of Citizens in cages on Marijuana prosecutions. Time to decriminalize it and release millions from our prisons.
Agreed,pot should be legal,it has its draw backs but certainly has medical advantages,if it wasn't for maryjane,I would have suffered much more during Chemo treatments,it worked way better than the drugs given to me by my oncologist.
Agreed,pot should be legal,it has its draw backs but certainly has medical advantages,if it wasn't for maryjane,I would have suffered much more during Chemo treatments,it worked way better than the drugs given to me by my oncologist.

Certainly no one should be imprisoned over it. We have to dump our archaic drug laws.
Older republicans see what young people do when they are high. Older democrats are high themselves.

And what do young people do when high?
For one

Fatal Car Crashes Involving Pot Use Have Tripled in U.S. Study Finds

Epidemiological studies have been inconclusive regarding whether cannabis use causes an increased risk of accidents; in contrast, unanimity exists that alcohol use increases crash risk.



Marijuana and Driving A Review of the Scientific Evidence
Older republicans see what young people do when they are high. Older democrats are high themselves.

And what do young people do when high?
For one

Fatal Car Crashes Involving Pot Use Have Tripled in U.S. Study Finds

and if men wear their underwear too tight they get headaches and their balls hurt ......... studies find .

Ha, a big ole Blunt will probably cure that too. ;)
Older republicans see what young people do when they are high. Older democrats are high themselves.

And what do young people do when high?
For one

Fatal Car Crashes Involving Pot Use Have Tripled in U.S. Study Finds

and if men wear their underwear too tight they get headaches and their balls hurt ......... studies find .

Ha, a big ole Blunt will probably cure that too. ;)

a blacklight, Hendrix posters, and Led Zepplin cranked up to 10 always help ... studies find

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