$6 Billion in Student Loan Debt - Gone!

Yes Ray, we understand you right wingers want to say that anything not mentioned in the constitution is fair game or off limits.

You mean you do believe there is such a thing as absolute right and wrong? That's not how I remember you arguing it the last time.
But these Republicans here on USMB act like it's obvious when something is or isn't constitutional. Until Trump does something unconstitutional and then they argue.
How many justices voted to overturn roe v wade? 5? If it was so clear cut that roe v wade was unconstitutional, how come 4 disagreed?

you know that Trump appointed 3 extreme right wing justices who have an extreme interpretation of what is and isn't constitutional?

Or how about this?

Justice Neil Gorsuch fumes that the Supreme Court 'failed' to 'honor this Nation's promises' as it rolled back tribal authority in Oklahoma​

Don't they all know and agree on what's right and wrong????

For the longest time the court has been politicized by the left. They could care less what the Constitution actually said. Now times have changed. The words of the document and intent of our forefathers is now being upheld. I can hardly wait until the anchor babies issue gets in front of the court.
There was no formal way to go get an abortion back in biblical days or during the days of the founders.

And maybe they were more religious than we are now. Ever think of that Ray? We aren't as religious today as we were back then. Back then maybe they thought it was murder. Today we don't. Well, some of us don't.

So I don't give a fuck if the founders forgot to mention something. What is that supposed to mean to me? Because they didn't mention it we can't have it? This smells like a bad right wing argument you are making.

There you go being a victim of leftist propaganda. The court didn't decide if there should or shouldn't be abortion. What they decided on is if abortion had constitutional protections which it doesn't and never did.

Back in the day nobody even thought about abortion because the goal was to have as many children as people could have. We didn't always live this long. Hell, I'm 62 now and would have been dead by the age of 25 if not for medical technology. That's when I became an insulin dependent diabetic. So people had a lot of kids knowing that several would never make it to the adult stage or not long afterwards. When a lot of people farmed for a living or even just to feed the family, they needed a lot of kids to keep up the land. My father had to drop out of school in the 9th grade because there was nobody to feed the rest of his siblings or keep a roof over their head.

So it was not a situation of "ooops, we forgot to include something in this constitution" it was more or less never intended to be there in the first place.

People on the left are upset we are starting to obey that document because it's not written in their favor or their agendas. Too bad. If you want to change it, offer an amendment to it like the founders wanted.
I wasn’t speaking of black people. So I suppose it is somewhat subjective.
It's 100% subjective. Besides I already proved this wrong by showing you that Pessimists have been saying America is going to hell for more than 200 years.

"...When Thomas Jefferson realized the implications of grounding a nation upon slavery, his pessimism reached metaphysical, theological heights:

I tremble for my country when reflect that God is just: that his justice cannot sleep for ever.”

John Adams, the second president, was similarly prone to frequent bouts of pessimism.

Our country will do like all others,” he wrote a few years before entering office, “play their affairs into the hands of a few cunning fellows..."
It's 100% subjective. Besides I already proved this wrong by showing you that Pessimists have been saying America is going to hell for more than 200 years.

"...When Thomas Jefferson realized the implications of grounding a nation upon slavery, his pessimism reached metaphysical, theological heights:

I tremble for my country when reflect that God is just: that his justice cannot sleep for ever.”

John Adams, the second president, was similarly prone to frequent bouts of pessimism.

Our country will do like all others,” he wrote a few years before entering office, “play their affairs into the hands of a few cunning fellows..."
The vast majority of Americans were white and of European descent, until recently. They had considerable freedom that few people in the history of the world had.

Our central government was small and weak. Americans had little experience with the federal government at any level, until early in the 20th century.
The vast majority of Americans were white and of European descent, until recently. They had considerable freedom that few people in the history of the world had.

Our central government was small and weak. Americans had little experience with the federal government at any level, until early in the 20th century.
More from the link I posted...

"...When Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay set off to write the famous 85 papers to persuade Americans to adopt the new national charter, pessimism was one of their favorite vocabularies. It was more than just a rhetorical expedient. These men were convinced that society was actually teetering on the edge of the abyss.

Americans would soon behold “plunder and devastation,”
Hamilton wrote. Madison echoed his colleague and conjured a “gloomy and perilous scene into which the advocates for disunion would conduct us.”

The “advocates for disunion” – the antagonist political party led by James Winthrop from Massachusetts, Melancton Smith from New York and Patrick Henry and George Mason from Virginia – would sap America of all its good energy. “Poverty and disgrace,” Hamilton wrote again, “would overspread a country which with wisdom might make herself the admiration and envy of the world.”

At the end of the 18th century, negative campaigning was already widespread. Political candidates and their acolytes criticized their competitors and conjured images of destruction if their rivals prevailed..."
For the longest time the court has been politicized by the left. They could care less what the Constitution actually said. Now times have changed. The words of the document and intent of our forefathers is now being upheld. I can hardly wait until the anchor babies issue gets in front of the court.
Well I've been hearing their justifications for why they strike down this law or that law. Too chez. I guess we will have to live with their bad decisions until the day comes when we overturn them. Or, people will accept their rulings. For example the EPA doesn't have the power Democrats gave them. So now environmental laws will have to go through congress. That makes corporations happy because now they can continue to pollute.

I've been right all along. This court favors rich people, conservatives and corporations. Doesn't matter that 70% of us don't agree with their rulings because 50% of Congress is Republican.

Over time, if people don't like it, then they will replace Republicans.

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