6 ‘Bad’ Carbs That Are Actually Good For You

The fact of the matter is that the nutrition gestapo just assumes that butter and fatty meat and lard converts to clogged arteries. I mean it just makes sense doesn't it? You don't need no stinking studies. I recall the old Woodie Allen movie where the character ran a health food store and dies and wakes up in the future to find that everything they assumed was bad for you has been determined to be good for you.

The worst scam ever perpetrated on the public is the food pyramid..and the gluten allergy fad.

Not for those who are gluten sensitive.


Article about bananas -

After Reading This, You'll Never Look At A Banana The Same Way Again | The Mind Unleashed

Health.com / Leslie Barrie, May 15, 2014

Thanks to popular low-carb diets, these carb-heavy healthy foods have been unfairly blacklisted. But there’s no need to be scared of spuds or ban bananas. We’re setting the record straight-dig in guilt-free!

Every time we turn around we learn that what was once “bad for us” is now okay. Or that what we told were good are now bad. Not being a dietitian, I can guess the best rule for losing weight is EAT LESS AND EXERCISE MORE ]but be careful about exercising as other reports now indicate that too much exercise for people with heart diseases isn't good either]. Any,how, read the article @ 6 ?Bad? Carbs That Are Actually Good For You - TIME

Anything made from white flour is nutritionally null. White potatoes are one of the least unprocessed nutritionally dense foods there is so why eat them?

Health.com / Leslie Barrie, May 15, 2014

Thanks to popular low-carb diets, these carb-heavy healthy foods have been unfairly blacklisted. But there’s no need to be scared of spuds or ban bananas. We’re setting the record straight-dig in guilt-free!

Every time we turn around we learn that what was once “bad for us” is now okay. Or that what we told were good are now bad. Not being a dietitian, I can guess the best rule for losing weight is EAT LESS AND EXERCISE MORE ]but be careful about exercising as other reports now indicate that too much exercise for people with heart diseases isn't good either]. Any,how, read the article @ 6 ?Bad? Carbs That Are Actually Good For You - TIME

Anything made from white flour is nutritionally null. White potatoes are one of the least unprocessed nutritionally dense foods there is so why eat them?

Don't you mean the opposite?

Potatoes are unprocessed and nutritionally dense. Its the stuff you put on them that adds the fat and cals.

Also, for those who like spaghetti, try spaghetti squash. They're about 30 cal a cup, low in carbs and the way we make it is absolutely delicious.

We're so busy looking for calories and fat, we forget to consider sugar and chemicals.

as a general comment , I only eat whole grains like groats and brown rice , some dark bread , salad , lightly cooked fresh vegetables and LOTS of lean meat and chicken . I also eat whole eggs , egg whites , boiled dry beans , canned fish like kippered herring and poached or baked fish like cod or Pollack . I [mostly] stay away from any food that is white in color or is processed . My goal was to lose weight and I went from 265 to my easily maintained current weight of 220 for a 6'3" frame . I count calories and that counting calories helped me understand what I was doing . I lost the 45 pounds in about 6 months . Tonite its sausage , burgers , baked beans and beer . I'll probably be 223-5 in the morning when I step on the scale as I get out of the shower . I was 217 at 17 years of age and at 65 i'm right at 220 . My belly is completely gone .
Bananas and potatoes are basically crap. Peas and corn are great. Breakfast cereal??? WTF, any possible validity to this article went right out the window.

Eat less, exercise more is absolute bullshit. We eat too much starch and sugar in the modern diet, it's that simple.

Eat more, exercise more, and eat whole foods.
Just ridiculous to believe you can't eat carbs. Except for cereal and only homemade bread, I eat all those things and I'm slender and active and healthy and looking down the barrel at 70. I work hard at it but, IMO, the smartest diet is varied and in small portions.

You can eat carbs; they just need to be eaten in moderation. The average American eats way too many carbs. Carbs turn to sugar and sugar then turns to fat if it is not used quickly for energy.
The fact of the matter is that the nutrition gestapo just assumes that butter and fatty meat and lard converts to clogged arteries. I mean it just makes sense doesn't it? You don't need no stinking studies. I recall the old Woodie Allen movie where the character ran a health food store and dies and wakes up in the future to find that everything they assumed was bad for you has been determined to be good for you.

The worst scam ever perpetrated on the public is the food pyramid..and the gluten allergy fad.

Not for those who are gluten sensitive.


Article about bananas -

After Reading This, You'll Never Look At A Banana The Same Way Again | The Mind Unleashed

If we were talking about them I would agree,

Health.com / Leslie Barrie, May 15, 2014

Every time we turn around we learn that what was once “bad for us” is now okay. Or that what we told were good are now bad. Not being a dietitian, I can guess the best rule for losing weight is EAT LESS AND EXERCISE MORE ]but be careful about exercising as other reports now indicate that too much exercise for people with heart diseases isn't good either]. Any,how, read the article @ 6 ?Bad? Carbs That Are Actually Good For You - TIME

Anything made from white flour is nutritionally null. White potatoes are one of the least unprocessed nutritionally dense foods there is so why eat them?

Don't you mean the opposite?

Potatoes are unprocessed and nutritionally dense. Its the stuff you put on them that adds the fat and cals.

Also, for those who like spaghetti, try spaghetti squash. They're about 30 cal a cup, low in carbs and the way we make it is absolutely delicious.

We're so busy looking for calories and fat, we forget to consider sugar and chemicals.


white potatoes in their natural have very little nutritional value.

They are basically nothing but starch.
I don't think any particular food is bad for you, unless you are allergic or your body doesn't respond well to it. However, I'd say you need a little bit of everything in your diet, I feel weak when I don't eat carbs. Some of my friends get very sluggish when they eat rice, white bread, noodles and potatoes don't seem to do the same thing to them. I love bananas and they are great for me anytime any day!

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