6.7 million enrolled in PPACA, Gruber Hearing


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2012
Interesting newly revised numbers, with an apology during the Gruber hearing. Now, how many actually lost their healthcare? Wasn't the number in the first few months around 5 million? What is it now? A net gain of around 2 million? A number of 43-47 million without healthcare? How many billions spent that most are now seeing greatly increased out of pocket costs? And for what?

Am I happy for those with pre-existing conditions that now have coverage? Yes. Happy at the cost to others ? No. Do I know someone that couldn't afford premiums before because of lupus diagnosis? Yes. Was she excited at prospect of getting affordable coverage? Yes. Did that happen? No. She can't afford the premiums, just as she couldn't before. Did she sign up anyway? No. Is she willing to pay the fine? Yes. It is much more affordable.
And it is much more affordable to go to the doctor a couple of times a year, and pay for those visits herself, than to pay the premiums on top of out of pocket before the payment kicks in.

And Gruber? You really need to listen to the hearing once it is uploaded to c-span. Amazing how he promised to answer questions, yet told them to consult with his council, instead of answering their questions multiple times, even not answering prehearing documents truthfully.
Same goes for Tavenner, with her lack of transparency.
By the way, just a month ago, she had to have retinal surgery, due to manifestations from her lupus, to preserve her remaining eyesight, out of pocket, which was still less than her deductibles, co-pays, and premiums would have cost.
I agree. It is outrageous.
And Gruber never modeled the costs of not all states getting subsidies, nor is he willing to turn over his modeling. There fore the costs he provided to the cbo was based on false premises.
That cost us BILLIONS of dollars and only a measly 6MILLION out of 360Million people signed in...


This is your new health care monster

Oh, and he stated his remarks were untoward, yet repeated some of them.

Now he talks about being glib, arrogant, wanting to look smart by calling others stupid. Says he has pretended to know more about politics when he really doesn't. So what else has he pretended he knows, when he really doesn't? How much has he fed the Dems to feed their egos, as well as his own, making out that he knows what he is talking about, when he really doesn't? Asked was he really worried about looking smarter when he is a MIT prof? He said yes. Sounds like someone that is hiding behind lies to come across more than he actually is. Did he really deserve his professorship, when he is so insecure within his abilites? Is he a total fraud, yet has profited through his ability to bullshit his way through?
I wish I could take today off to watch the hearings. I did see Gruber's opening statement.

One word review: WORM.
When you get the chance, watch it on c-span online or from the house site. Much of it is worth it. Worming by both Tavenner and Gruber.

It's been interesting seeing a few Democrats rather severe in their statements toward what problems it has called in their districts.
I wish I could take today off to watch the hearings. I did see Gruber's opening statement.

One word review: WORM.
Wow! Cynthia Lummis, rep from Wyoming, her story is powerful. She and her husband signed up for Obamacare. Later when they filed claims, they were told they were not enrolled. Supposedly they got it straightened out, and once again, had claims they submitted claims, and told again, they were not enrolled. The second time, her husband had been having chest pains, had most of the tests done, but her husband chose not to have the last test their Dr. ordered, at the time of finding out they did not have Obamacare once again. He then had a massive heart attack in his sleep and died. He never told her he wasn't having the last test.
Wow! Cynthia Lummis, rep from Wyoming, her story is powerful. She and her husband signed up for Obamacare. Later when they filed claims, they were told they were not enrolled. Supposedly they got it straightened out, and once again, had claims they submitted claims, and told again, they were not enrolled. The second time, her husband had been having chest pains, had most of the tests done, but her husband chose not to have the last test their Dr. ordered, at the time of finding out they did not have Obamacare once again. He then had a massive heart attack in his sleep and died. He never told her he wasn't having the last test.

WOW! That is an incredibly tragic example of how Obamacare actually functions.
Gruber admits what he said were not lies, but he was being glib when he made them.
And to think it hit someone in Congress in such a way. May have something to do with others in Congress finally realizing the catastrophe it is for many.
Wow! Cynthia Lummis, rep from Wyoming, her story is powerful. She and her husband signed up for Obamacare. Later when they filed claims, they were told they were not enrolled. Supposedly they got it straightened out, and once again, had claims they submitted claims, and told again, they were not enrolled. The second time, her husband had been having chest pains, had most of the tests done, but her husband chose not to have the last test their Dr. ordered, at the time of finding out they did not have Obamacare once again. He then had a massive heart attack in his sleep and died. He never told her he wasn't having the last test.

WOW! That is an incredibly tragic example of how Obamacare actually functions.
Did anyone else watch the Gruber hearing? If not, here is the link
part 1
part 2

it is worth it to watch it.
Boedicca I have posted the youtube links for you just above this post.
Wow! Cynthia Lummis, rep from Wyoming, her story is powerful. She and her husband signed up for Obamacare. Later when they filed claims, they were told they were not enrolled. Supposedly they got it straightened out, and once again, had claims they submitted claims, and told again, they were not enrolled. The second time, her husband had been having chest pains, had most of the tests done, but her husband chose not to have the last test their Dr. ordered, at the time of finding out they did not have Obamacare once again. He then had a massive heart attack in his sleep and died. He never told her he wasn't having the last test.

WOW! That is an incredibly tragic example of how Obamacare actually functions.
Boedicca I have posted the youtube links for you just above this post.
Wow! Cynthia Lummis, rep from Wyoming, her story is powerful. She and her husband signed up for Obamacare. Later when they filed claims, they were told they were not enrolled. Supposedly they got it straightened out, and once again, had claims they submitted claims, and told again, they were not enrolled. The second time, her husband had been having chest pains, had most of the tests done, but her husband chose not to have the last test their Dr. ordered, at the time of finding out they did not have Obamacare once again. He then had a massive heart attack in his sleep and died. He never told her he wasn't having the last test.

WOW! That is an incredibly tragic example of how Obamacare actually functions.

Thank you!!!!

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