54 Christmas Trees???

Not all of them, but I'd bet more than half of everything used was donated.

HowStuffWorks "Decorate the White House for Christmas"

Unlike you, many Americans take pride in the white house. It's considered an honor to be choose to volunteer to decorate. Each decorated tree has a theme and a plaque describing who the tree is dedicated to, with info about the decorations, tree, etc.

I also like how you demand to add the cost to decorate, but ignore the revenue it brings in. :)

Americans have to spend $200 to tour the WH?


That's fucking insane.

I see no reason to believe that 1/2 of the decorations are donated. That's what we lovingly refer to as an "ass number". A number pulled out of your ass. I'm fairly certain that close to 0 percent of the garlands and lights are "donated".

And like usual, you would be wrong.

National Christmas Tree (United States) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The National Christmas Tree - The History of the National Christmas Tree

White House Christmas Tree, West Virginia Couple Donates for Fourth Time - ABC News

How do them articles link to 54 Christmas trees? Looks like just 2. Maybe I missed something?
Americans have to spend $200 to tour the WH?


That's fucking insane.

I see no reason to believe that 1/2 of the decorations are donated. That's what we lovingly refer to as an "ass number". A number pulled out of your ass. I'm fairly certain that close to 0 percent of the garlands and lights are "donated".

And like usual, you would be wrong.

National Christmas Tree (United States) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The National Christmas Tree - The History of the National Christmas Tree

White House Christmas Tree, West Virginia Couple Donates for Fourth Time - ABC News

How do them articles link to 54 Christmas trees? Looks like just 2. Maybe I missed something?


She said

"0% of lights and garland are donated"

The links talk about lights being donated.
This thread sums up how fucked up this country is......wasting money on killing 54 trees then even more money on putting Christmas stuff on them for morons to walk through White House tours. Hell, just stop at 1-5 trees....or do 100 fake trees with the decorations paid for by Obamabot supporters.

Don't go on TV telling me to pay more in taxes when you are wasting money and trees on this bullshit.

this country =/= you

you are one extremely fucked up, pathetic crybaby

find a fat one and suck it

merry christmas
54 dead trees and the decorations aren't free, idiot.

Not all of them, but I'd bet more than half of everything used was donated.

HowStuffWorks "Decorate the White House for Christmas"

Unlike you, many Americans take pride in the white house. It's considered an honor to be choose to volunteer to decorate. Each decorated tree has a theme and a plaque describing who the tree is dedicated to, with info about the decorations, tree, etc.

I also like how you demand to add the cost to decorate, but ignore the revenue it brings in. :)

Americans have to spend $200 to tour the WH?


That's fucking insane.

I see no reason to believe that 1/2 of the decorations are donated. That's what we lovingly refer to as an "ass number". A number pulled out of your ass. I'm fairly certain that close to 0 percent of the garlands and lights are "donated".

you're also fairly certain that jesus rode a diplodocus to work every day.
Sooo, Bush had 50 Christmas trees and Obama has 54. Well, considering that slaves built the White House - just file those extra 4 trees under "reparations"...

Much cheaper than Bush's phony Iraq war.
Oh no, Obama has five more X-mas trees than Bush did. The fucking world is going to end tomorrow because of this. Nice one, you loon.

And still they wonder why conservatism is dead.

Because we care?

Ok, got it.

You conservatives care how many Christmas trees are in the White House, but you didn't care how many Americans died needlessly in Iraq.

That's an awesome set of priorities you people have.
See what happens when we fight Iran or say China down the road.

Downsizing the military after 1 war always led to another war, dumbfuck....see World Wars I and II.

I doubt former troops that lost their jobs over budget cuts are impressed with your black messiah decorating the White House with 54 trees. 1 could've done the trick, but 54 is a poke in the eye of people looking for a job.

even you can't be stupid enough to think we'll get into a war with china

or are you?

There has to be some boogeyman to justify the size of our military

China is as good as any

I made that prediction, of sorts, a year or two ago, that being that as Iraq and Afghanistan wound down,

there would be new effort by the defense lobby to dress up China as the next threat.
And still they wonder why conservatism is dead.

Because we care?

Ok, got it.

You conservatives care how many Christmas trees are in the White House, but you didn't care how many Americans died needlessly in Iraq.

That's an awesome set of priorities you people have.

Oh look, another retardo logical fallacy.

Keep chopping away, loser. Just in case there is still someone in the whole internet world who thinks you have a brain cell to your name.
he won't even beeeee in the wh,, he'll beeeeee over in how y eeee

The least they could do is stay in the United States for xmas, right?

Stoopid rw's, when they first started their asssssinine buther crap, they didn't even know "how y eeee" is a state.

I think you dimbulbs should be grateful that the President and First Lady have taught you a tiny bit of US history.
The very best part of this non-issue is that if the Obama's had fewer trees, the damn rw's would be screeching about how they don't believe in CHRISTmas or some such crap.

People, get a friggin grip already.

I don't cut down trees either. Nor do I believe in pouring Scott's anything on my yard so its greener than the neighbor's. BUT, fact is, the trees are grown for this purpose and both the trees and the grass put out more O2 (look it up) than they use in CO2 (Look it up.)

Of all the incredibly stooopid crap you rw nutters drag out, this is really the worst.

STFU already. Go plant a plastic, Made in China, nativity in your front yard or something.
Reading the various articles about the WH xmas trees, I see that this means employment for a whole bunch of people.

One more thing the rw's are dead set against.


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