52% of Israeli Jews agree: African migrants are ‘a cancer’


Gold Member
Apr 13, 2017
Putnam Lake, NY raised, Pawling, NY resident.
Gee, if the Americans said the same thing, how would the Jews here be reacting to that?

But, when Jews do it it's Kosher.

52% of Israeli Jews agree: African migrants are ‘a cancer’

52% of Israeli Jews agree: African migrants are ‘a cancer’
Peace Index finds 33% condone anti-migrant violence, establishes a direct correlation between racist attitudes and religiosity
By TOI STAFF7 June 2012, 10:20 pm 32

  • Likud MK Miri Regev, center, surrounded by supporters last month. The sign reads "Miri we are with you." (photo credit: Yehoshua Yosef/Flash90)

    Fifty-two percent of Jewish Israelis identify with the statement by MK Miri Regev last month that African migrants are “a cancer in the body” of the nation, and over a third condone anti-migrant violence, according to the Israel Democracy Institute (IDI) Peace Index for May 2012.

    Broken down by political and religious affiliation, the monthly index’s findings reveal that among Jews there is a direct correlation between right-wing political affiliation and a racist attitude toward migrants. Thus, 86 percent of Shas voters and 66 percent of Likud voters polled expressed identification with Regev’s controversial statement, as opposed to 32 percent of Labor voters and four percent of Meretz voters.

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    The degree of religiosity attested to by respondents also accounted for a large disparity in the findings, with 81.5% and 66% of self-described ultra-Orthodox and Orthodox, respectively, agreeing with Regev’s statement, as opposed to 38% of secular Israelis.

    Only 19% of Arab respondents agreed that the migrants were “a cancer.”

    The poll also found that 33.5 percent of Jews and 23 percent of Arabs identified with recent acts of violence against African migrants perpetrated by demonstrators and residents of South Tel Aviv. According to the IDI this was “very surprising, considering that most people do not tend to openly report sympathy for acts that are broadly condemned by society.”

    The Peace Index also gauged respondents’ opinions of foreign workers from various countries and found that workers from Africa were a larger source of concern for Israeli Jews than were workers from other continents. Thus, while between 30 and 40 percent of Jewish respondents were moderately or greatly disturbed by the presence of non-African foreign workers, that figure climbed to 56.7 when it came to workers from Ghana and Nigeria and 65.2 for Sudanese and Eritrean job seekers.

    The report termed the findings “troubling” and “surprising,” especially considering the fact that 79.5 percent of respondents said that “where they live there are only a few, very few, or no” refugees or migrant workers.

    “This raises doubt about the often-heard claim that it is direct exposure or vulnerability that accounts for negative positions and feelings toward the presence of foreigners,” the report said.

    The survey was conducted among 609 respondents, a representative sample of Israel’s adult population.

Israeli Aid Workers Rescue Drowning Refugees | Matzav.com

Well, at least they are helping the African & Arab refugees coming into Europe...:abgg2q.jpg:
The only thing good about the creation of “Israel” is that the most racist people on this planet have all migrated to one place.
The only thing good about the creation of “Israel” is that the most racist people on this planet have all migrated to one place.

Glad to know you don’t feel that way about the Arabs and their feelings, treatment of Jews. Garbage comes from Garbage
What about the 25,000 rabbis who disagree, Jew Hating Penis Brain?

You mean these Rabes?​
Something never reported in the US press & here I ask why?

Rabbi David Rosen is a talented and respected rabbi, originally from the UK.

Since in some circles it seems to be more encouraged to spit on Christian clergymen than build bridges (this week's events in the Old City), Rabbi Rosen is unpopular with Eskin and his ilk.

Rabbi David Rosen

It has been Jerusalem's dirty little secret for decades: Orthodox yeshiva students and other Jewish residents vandalizing churches and spitting on Christian clergyman as they walk along the narrow, ancient stone streets of the Old City.
Site Builder

Christians say ultra-Orthodox Jewish students spit at them or at the ground when they pass. There have also been acts of vandalism against statues of the Virgin Mary.
Ultra-orthodox Jews 'must stop religious abuse'

You cannot find one incident where Muslims spit on Christians but you can find countless incidents where Google: “spitting on Christians”

I got About 365,000 results [hits] (0.49 seconds)

Orthodox Jews spit on Christians. Has the American press ever covered the above-?
View attachment 176518

Israeli Aid Workers Rescue Drowning Refugees | Matzav.com

Well, at least they are helping the African & Arab refugees coming into Europe...:abgg2q.jpg:

Rescuing someone from death by drowning and opening Your gates to illegal foreign job seekers is comparable?

It's not as if Israel took 2 salaries out of the pockets of her citizens and gave 3500$ to each Erethrean on his way back home...oh but they did.

It's not as if it's the same money they give legal immigrant to start a life in Israel...oh but they did.

But wait a sec. Israel is one of the priciest countries in the region, so if 3500$ is enough for legal immigrant in Israel, isn't 3500$ supposed to make them kinda secure in their own African countries? Cause they made it pretty clear Israel is bad..so why suffer?
But wait a sec. Israel is one of the priciest countries in the region,.,.,

And for some unknown reason the US give Israel billions $$ year in and year out. I think inflation is Israel's biggest problem. The US needs to stop the annual handouts. She can take care of herself.

No wait, it's not a her, it's a he with no balls lol
in my view :)-
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View attachment 176518

Israeli Aid Workers Rescue Drowning Refugees | Matzav.com

Well, at least they are helping the African & Arab refugees coming into Europe...:abgg2q.jpg:

Rescuing someone from death by drowning and opening Your gates to illegal foreign job seekers is comparable?

It's not as if Israel took 2 salaries out of the pockets of her citizens and gave 3500$ to each Erethrean...oh but they did.

It's not as if it's the same money they give legal immigrant to start a life in Israel...oh but they did.

But wait a sec. Israel is one of the priciest countries in the region, so if 3500$ is enough for legal immigrant in Israel, isn't 3500$ supposed to make them kinda secure in their own African countries? Cause they made it pretty clear Israel is bad..so why suffer?

Well who are YOU to determine the individual suffering of so many? Shame on you sir! So, those Africans in Israel are of means? They are just there for a job and are not fleeing the same horrible strife as others?

What about the citizens of so many European countries which have had to foot the tax bill for these refugees? Do they not feel the same pinch in their pocket as the average Israeli? How presumptuous of you.
Oh and by the way...it's Eritrean...from the proud African nation of Eritrea. I think that further provides clarity regarding your avarice toward your fellow HUMAN BEING.

Further, Israel Aid would be better utilized in Israel helping poor refugees ashore there don't you think? OH..that's right.
But wait a sec. Israel is one of the priciest countries in the region,.,.,

And for some unknown reason the US give Israel billions $$ year in and year out. I think inflation is Israel's biggest problem. The US needs to stop the annual handouts. She can take care of herself.

in my view :)-

For some unknown reason might be that You simply wanted to deflect.
And all the reasons are actually pretty clear to even the lowest Jew hater.

You can hate us, but then again You use all the technology we supply for that money.
View attachment 176518

Israeli Aid Workers Rescue Drowning Refugees | Matzav.com

Well, at least they are helping the African & Arab refugees coming into Europe...:abgg2q.jpg:

Rescuing someone from death by drowning and opening Your gates to illegal foreign job seekers is comparable?

It's not as if Israel took 2 salaries out of the pockets of her citizens and gave 3500$ to each Erethrean...oh but they did.

It's not as if it's the same money they give legal immigrant to start a life in Israel...oh but they did.

But wait a sec. Israel is one of the priciest countries in the region, so if 3500$ is enough for legal immigrant in Israel, isn't 3500$ supposed to make them kinda secure in their own African countries? Cause they made it pretty clear Israel is bad..so why suffer?

Well who are YOU to determine the individual suffering of so many? Shame on you sir! So, those Africans in Israel are of means? They are just there for a job and are not fleeing the same horrible strife as others?

What about the citizens of so many European countries which have had to foot the tax bill for these refugees? Do they not feel the same pinch in their pocket as the average Israeli? How presumptuous of you.
Oh and by the way...it's Eritrean...from the proud African nation of Eritrea. I think that further provides clarity regarding your avarice toward your fellow HUMAN BEING.

Further, Israel Aid would be better utilized in Israel helping poor refugees ashore there don't you think? OH..that's right.

Am I suppose to answer a bunch of straw men?

Most of them are not refugees, but economic migrants. More than so they made it pretty clear that Israel is apparently bad...so again why suffer?

Most countries have 5 years contracts for foreign workers, the countries leave themselves the right to decide upon continuation or termination of relationship at the end of that period.
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And all the reasons are actually pretty clear to even the lowest Jew hater.

You can hate us, but then again You use all the technology we supply for that money.

I have heard this jew hate rhetoric before. It's a cop out when you have nothing intelligent to say. Once you go down that path I know I have won the argument.

may you and yours have a great day & beyond
View attachment 176518

Israeli Aid Workers Rescue Drowning Refugees | Matzav.com

Well, at least they are helping the African & Arab refugees coming into Europe...:abgg2q.jpg:

Rescuing someone from death by drowning and opening Your gates to illegal foreign job seekers is comparable?

It's not as if Israel took 2 salaries out of the pockets of her citizens and gave 3500$ to each Erethrean...oh but they did.

It's not as if it's the same money they give legal immigrant to start a life in Israel...oh but they did.

But wait a sec. Israel is one of the priciest countries in the region, so if 3500$ is enough for legal immigrant in Israel, isn't 3500$ supposed to make them kinda secure in their own African countries? Cause they made it pretty clear Israel is bad..so why suffer?

Well who are YOU to determine the individual suffering of so many? Shame on you sir! So, those Africans in Israel are of means? They are just there for a job and are not fleeing the same horrible strife as others?

What about the citizens of so many European countries which have had to foot the tax bill for these refugees? Do they not feel the same pinch in their pocket as the average Israeli? How presumptuous of you.
Oh and by the way...it's Eritrean...from the proud African nation of Eritrea. I think that further provides clarity regarding your avarice toward your fellow HUMAN BEING.

Further, Israel Aid would be better utilized in Israel helping poor refugees ashore there don't you think? OH..that's right.

Am I suppose to answer a bunch of straw men?

Most of them are not refugees.
They're not? So they didn't flee horrid conditions in Africa? They didn't flee strife? What are your refugee parameters?

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