51,856 Apprehended on Mexican Border in November


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Do you understand that figure? 7 or 8 times more illegals crossed the border in November than all the the Honduran caravan members combined!

Where the hell is the outrage over that?

Half of those who illegally entered — 25,172 — were families. That figure is nearly four times more than the 7,000 families apprehended just one year earlier.

An additional 10,600 people who cited a credible fear of returning to their home countries were deemed unfit for applying for asylum and were turned away at official border crossings.

A grand total of 62,456 people were encountered in November, according to Customs and Border Protection.

Half were families! Someone is telling these people that they have a better chance of getting in with kids. Want to guess who?

However, U.S. District Judge Jon Tigar issued a restraining order on the policy's implementation following a lawsuit by the American Civil Liberties Union.

"Unfortunately, individual district court judges in separate immigration rulings have given another free pass to illegal aliens to violate our laws. This has consequences," Waldman said. "Bad decisions from the 9th Circuit are directly responsible for the more than 25,000 family units who violated our national sovereignty and are effectively immune to consequences for their illegal actions."

Something has to be done!

More @ 51,856 apprehended on Mexican border in November, most of Trump's presidency
DemonRats lovee illegals and hate Americans! Fact! The open borders crowd.

Do you understand that figure? 7 or 8 times more illegals crossed the border in November than all the the Honduran caravan members combined!

Where the hell is the outrage over that?

Half of those who illegally entered — 25,172 — were families. That figure is nearly four times more than the 7,000 families apprehended just one year earlier.

An additional 10,600 people who cited a credible fear of returning to their home countries were deemed unfit for applying for asylum and were turned away at official border crossings.

A grand total of 62,456 people were encountered in November, according to Customs and Border Protection.

Half were families! Someone is telling these people that they have a better chance of getting in with kids. Want to guess who?

However, U.S. District Judge Jon Tigar issued a restraining order on the policy's implementation following a lawsuit by the American Civil Liberties Union.

"Unfortunately, individual district court judges in separate immigration rulings have given another free pass to illegal aliens to violate our laws. This has consequences," Waldman said. "Bad decisions from the 9th Circuit are directly responsible for the more than 25,000 family units who violated our national sovereignty and are effectively immune to consequences for their illegal actions."

Something has to be done!

More @ 51,856 apprehended on Mexican border in November, most of Trump's presidency
But only the 4,000 in the caravan mattered
Open border globalists want to replace white people with more a docile, uneducated darker crowd that they can manipulate more easily.
Apprehended? What does that mean? Catch and release? They entered under Republicans watch and not Democrats. Donald Trump is deporting fewer people than Barack Obama did. We should load them up on buses and drop them off in the Sacramento Valley and Kansas corn fields and watch how fast they find their way home and see how fast American wages rise.
Open border globalists want to replace white people with more a docile, uneducated darker crowd that they can manipulate more easily.
This country has always been predominately brown and it will always be predominantly brown.
Open border globalists want to replace white people with more a docile, uneducated darker crowd that they can manipulate more easily.
This country has always been predominately brown and it will always be predominantly brown.
This country was built on hundreds of years of free labor of black and brown people. We would not be a country without brown and black people. More white uneducated people and druggies are on welfare than black or brown. Majority of homeless are poor uneducated and mentally ill white.
I was wondering the same thing.
Congress KNOWS approx 50,000 ILLEGALS are crossing the border every month...and have been for a LONG time now.
Yet, they've done nothing. So obviously, Congress is complicit.

What MORE PROOF do you need that Congress does not work for "We The People" ?

I've said it many times before, if you're waiting for Congress (or ANY sitting President) to protect our borders, you're in for an long wait.
The ONLY possible chance to save America is Patriots....but both of them are at the screening of the latest Hollywood thriller and are busy at the moment.

Ya know,....priorities.

(The nation is fucked, kiss it goodbye)
This country was built on hundreds of years of free labor of black and brown people. We would not be a country without brown and black people. More white uneducated people and druggies are on welfare than black or brown.

As dumb as you Leftists are, I wouldn't be at ALL surprised if you end up back in slavery.

As far as the number on drugs and welfare....well duh....there's more whites. (even though that's rapidly changing).

What you said is analogous to stating that more people are killed in auto accidents than in train wrecks. Duh.

That said, I agree we are becoming an idiocracy. Land of the stupid. China's gonna have us for lunch eventually.
Open border globalists want to replace white people with more a docile, uneducated darker crowd that they can manipulate more easily.
This country has always been predominately brown and it will always be predominantly brown.
Nignags don't count, they don't know what the fuck is going on.
Open border globalists want to replace white people with more a docile, uneducated darker crowd that they can manipulate more easily.
This country has always been predominately brown and it will always be predominantly brown.
This country was built on hundreds of years of free labor of black and brown people. We would not be a country without brown and black people. More white uneducated people and druggies are on welfare than black or brown. Majority of homeless are poor uneducated and mentally ill white.
Shut up and get back in the field.
Open border globalists want to replace white people with more a docile, uneducated darker crowd that they can manipulate more easily.
This country has always been predominately brown and it will always be predominantly brown.
This country was built on hundreds of years of free labor of black and brown people. We would not be a country without brown and black people. More white uneducated people and druggies are on welfare than black or brown. Majority of homeless are poor uneducated and mentally ill white.
Shut up and get back in the field.
And I own the field.
DemonRats lovee illegals and hate Americans! Fact! The open borders crowd.
Reagan, a Republican, granted amnesty to 3 million in 1986 that caused the flood of illegals and the three Republican presidents since Reagan did nothing either to fix the immigration problem. And more have entered the country under Trump than all the democratic presidents combined.

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