50 years later: has government dependency helped or hurt blacks?

I said "fights for" not "shits on"

^^WHY YOU will NEVER get it and continue to lose and remain in your self-imposed quagmire on non-independent thought. Party line all the way for YOU.

Please continue.

Your right so heres an open ended question for you: What has Herman, Scott or Carson done, besides existing, that counts as fighting for blacks?

Easy. THEY LIVE THEIR LIVES despite BIG GUBMINT telling them that they can't exist without GUBMINT...YOUR BANE son...As a cross to Dracula...

YOU had better wise up son...They LEAD by example. The way out for not only blacks, but for ALL people...hard work...determination, and telling Gubmint to get bent.

A bitter pill for you I know...
What do you think Martin Luther King would make of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton? You've got a couple of guys who have milked racism like the family cow for 45 years now. I've got a feeling MLK would tell them to shut up and get a real job and he'd tell Jesse Jackson Jr. that he should be ashamed of himself.


they said the same thing about MLK. I know, I know theres ONE acceptable negro out there fighting for blacks you just havent found him yet, right?
They're ALL over the place jerkoff. Try Senator Tim Scott, HERMAN CAIN...Dr. Benjamin Carson for starters...How about those? Too HOT for you?

DO try to keep up shall you?

I liked Herman Cain and said so on several occasions during the Primaries. It appears that it is the Republicans that didn't like him.
Bullshit. A kid born in the last 20 years experiences no more discrimination than anyone else. The opposite in fact. There is no valid reason for continued affirmative action.

Why because you say so? What makes you think this is the truth?

In 1950 there were many colleges that would not accept a black (or Jews for that matter). There were many firms that would not hire a black.
By 1970 that was done. WHat firm today does not hire black people? What college does not accept blacks? None.
At what point do we say past discrimination is past? At what point do we stop perpetuating discimination on the basis of race? When do we get to ML King's standard of "judged by the character not the color"?

So...we don't need the NAACP and the Civil Rights Acts anymore because all that's been dealt with?
As poorly as blacks are doing depending on the Government, without it they would be much worse off.

A civilized society is a unnatural environment for them.

To expect blacks to do well in a civilized society is true racism.
As poorly as blacks are doing depending on the Government, without it they would be much worse off.

A civilized society is a unnatural environment for them.

To expect blacks to do well in a civilized society is true racism.
Really? How so?

Are they humans as well as the rest of us? YOU do understand what you just posted, don't you?
Compared to Barack Obama? W. was far more qualified, Asc...he was from a political family and grew up immersed in politics. He was a two term governor of one of the country's largest states which means he had to submit and operate a government under a budget. I'm sorry but Barack Obama had nothing even close to what W. had walking in the door.

And how did that turn out? Financial disaster, bail outs, two wars, large expansion of government, nanny state, Medicare part D, etc. :)

it turned out much better than the failure we have now.

not to even mention 17 trillion of debt and counting

Really? Then why was there the need for this?

"Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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This article is about one division of an enacted statute. For the entire statute, see Public Law 110-343. For the enacted rescue program, see Troubled Asset Relief Program.

The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 (Division A of Pub.L. 110–343, 122 Stat. 3765, enacted October 3, 2008), commonly referred to as a bailout of the U.S. financial system, is a law enacted in response to the subprime mortgage crisis authorizing the United States Secretary of the Treasury to spend up to $700 billion to purchase distressed assets, especially mortgage-backed securities, and supply cash directly to banks. The funds for purchase of distressed assets were mostly redirected to inject capital into banks and other financial institutions while the Treasury continued to examine the usefulness of targeted asset purchases.[1][2] Both foreign and domestic banks are included in the program. The Federal Reserve also extended help to American Express, whose bank-holding application it recently approved.[3] The Act was proposed by Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson during the global financial crisis of 2008."

Troubled Asset Relief Program - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The 2008 Bush Bailouts — Republican Socialism!
by Ben Hoffman

No, not that stimulus. I’m talking about the Bush 1.632 trillion dollars in bailouts that occurred between March 2008 and October 2008.
As poorly as blacks are doing depending on the Government, without it they would be much worse off.

A civilized society is a unnatural environment for them.

To expect blacks to do well in a civilized society is true racism.
Really? How so?

Are they humans as well as the rest of us? YOU do understand what you just posted, don't you?
Sure blacks are humans, but not all races of humans are equal.

Do you notice any differences between a place like Japan and a place like Haiti?
Has gov't dependency helped or hurt the defense industry, Halliburton, Exxon-Mobile (and all the other oil companies), Lobby shops and all the companies they represent, DC lawyers, PACs, big banks, government contractors, etc?

The defense industry provides goods and services teh gov't needs to fulfill its Constitutional duty.
Oil companies are not dependents on the gov't. In fact the gov't makes more money from their products than they do.
Lobbyists exist because Democrats will not simplify the tax code and reduce regulations, creating an opening for special pleading legislation and loopholes.


Ever wonder why we seem to have so many wars?

Dropping bombs and other high dollar ordnance means the military needs to order more.
Compared to Barack Obama? W. was far more qualified, Asc...he was from a political family and grew up immersed in politics. He was a two term governor of one of the country's largest states which means he had to submit and operate a government under a budget. I'm sorry but Barack Obama had nothing even close to what W. had walking in the door.

And how did that turn out? Financial disaster, bail outs, two wars, large expansion of government, nanny state, Medicare part D, etc. :)

With all due respect, Ops...W. was given a plateful right from the start of his first term. Judging from how Barack Obama has handled the issues that HE has faced...how do you think he would have fared dealing with 9/11 and the onset of the financial crisis? I haven't seen anything that would lead me to believe he would have been up to the task, quite frankly. Give W. deserved abuse for spending like a tax and spend liberal but also give him deserved credit for assembling a multi-national coalition to go into Afghanistan and take out the Taliban not to mention his portion of TARP...bailouts that kept the financial markets from imploding and which the American taxpayer recouped what was given out.

As a fiscal conservative, George W. Bush was not my cup of tea but compared to Barry he's starting to look more and more attractive with every passing year.

Obama was handed a financial crisis that some stated was close to the Great Depression at the start of his first term. It's documented in my previous post on the last page of this thread. Dealing with 911 would pretty much have the same template, though years ago (2008-2010) I would have thought that Obama wouldn't have gone into iraq, but judging from his recent actions (Libya,etc.), I think that he would have the same template as the previous Administration. If we wanted to solely take out OBL and the Taliban instead of nation/state building and occupation, all we had to to is fly a few sorties and evolve into using drones to take those bastards out and let THEM clean up the mess afterwards.
And how did that turn out? Financial disaster, bail outs, two wars, large expansion of government, nanny state, Medicare part D, etc. :)

it turned out much better than the failure we have now.

not to even mention 17 trillion of debt and counting

Really? Then why was there the need for this?

"Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to: navigation, search
This article is about one division of an enacted statute. For the entire statute, see Public Law 110-343. For the enacted rescue program, see Troubled Asset Relief Program.

The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 (Division A of Pub.L. 110–343, 122 Stat. 3765, enacted October 3, 2008), commonly referred to as a bailout of the U.S. financial system, is a law enacted in response to the subprime mortgage crisis authorizing the United States Secretary of the Treasury to spend up to $700 billion to purchase distressed assets, especially mortgage-backed securities, and supply cash directly to banks. The funds for purchase of distressed assets were mostly redirected to inject capital into banks and other financial institutions while the Treasury continued to examine the usefulness of targeted asset purchases.[1][2] Both foreign and domestic banks are included in the program. The Federal Reserve also extended help to American Express, whose bank-holding application it recently approved.[3] The Act was proposed by Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson during the global financial crisis of 2008."

Troubled Asset Relief Program - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The 2008 Bush Bailouts — Republican Socialism!
by Ben Hoffman

No, not that stimulus. I’m talking about the Bush 1.632 trillion dollars in bailouts that occurred between March 2008 and October 2008.

and what all that has to do with W being exponentially better president than obabble?
50 years later: has government dependency helped or hurt blacks?

The question is idiocy, as there is no such thing as ‘government dependency,’ it’s a partisan contrivance of the right.

A "partisan contrivance"? We've got less people working and more people on public assistance than at any time in our history but you think it's all a sham to make Barry look bad...right?:cuckoo:
Bullshit. A kid born in the last 20 years experiences no more discrimination than anyone else. The opposite in fact. There is no valid reason for continued affirmative action.

Why because you say so? What makes you think this is the truth?

In 1950 there were many colleges that would not accept a black (or Jews for that matter). There were many firms that would not hire a black.
By 1970 that was done. WHat firm today does not hire black people? What college does not accept blacks? None.
At what point do we say past discrimination is past? At what point do we stop perpetuating discimination on the basis of race? When do we get to ML King's standard of "judged by the character not the color"?

Did you really say that in 1970 that was done? :lol:
When the very situations you guys point to as indication of failure in the Black community no longer exist.
Last edited:
50 years ago Martin Luther King shared his dream of a nation where black and whites would seamlessly interweave in making a larger and better American fabric; where skin color was irrelevant.

That is perfectly in line with the American ideal: come here with an idea, with a talent, with a skill, with a mission and nurture it and tend to it until it blossoms.

Instead we heard yesterday blacks need more government programs and support

Was MLK's vision the path that's been followed, or is that the road not taken?

The passage of laws to promote and insure equal opportunities in education and in the workplace are about the only things government has done right by black people.
The rest of it has been an abject failure in understanding the laws of unintended consequences.
As poorly as blacks are doing depending on the Government, without it they would be much worse off.

A civilized society is a unnatural environment for them.

To expect blacks to do well in a civilized society is true racism.
Really? How so?

Are they humans as well as the rest of us? YOU do understand what you just posted, don't you?
Sure blacks are humans, but not all races of humans are equal.

Do you notice any differences between a place like Japan and a place like Haiti?

Noted...and I have to ASK if you realize what you wrote?

And under what auspices do you make this grand pronouncement?

ALL of us are EQUAL in the eyes of GOD...but we are left to tyrants that squelch liberty, the human spirit...ANY human can be excellent when they are left alone by the forces of tyranny that mean to control them.

First? One has to respect the right of the individual...seems YOU don't and take a jaundiced view...and side with the elitists.

Racebaiting 101 --

actually this thread is starting to cross into the type of propaganda used by the nazi's against the jews.

--and that is not hyperbole -- I said "starting to" -- the OP is dancing around the edge, careful not to go too far and be exposed for the racist that she is.


Yes, when the facts don't fit the lib template, go on the attack and label those in opposition to the liberal agenda.
Newsflash, it won't work.
We no longer care what names you libs wish to throw at us. The facts are what they are.
Racebaiting 101 --

actually this thread is starting to cross into the type of propaganda used by the nazi's against the jews.

--and that is not hyperbole -- I said "starting to" -- the OP is dancing around the edge, careful not to go too far and be exposed for the racist that she is.


Yes, when the facts don't fit the lib template, go on the attack and label those in opposition to the liberal agenda.
Newsflash, it won't work.
We no longer care what names you libs wish to throw at us. The facts are what they are.
And We will and DO every time we see it. It's time to call these freaks out, and shine the light of truth upon them.
As poorly as blacks are doing depending on the Government, without it they would be much worse off.

A civilized society is a unnatural environment for them.

To expect blacks to do well in a civilized society is true racism.

When your ancestors were living in caves we invented civilization. Why would you think we couldnt do well in it and actually improve it?
As poorly as blacks are doing depending on the Government, without it they would be much worse off.

A civilized society is a unnatural environment for them.

To expect blacks to do well in a civilized society is true racism.

When your ancestors were living in caves we invented civilization. Why would you think we couldnt do well in it and actually improve it?
Which BEGS the question? Whom are YOUR and WE?

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