5 Mosques attacked in Birmingham

You know, VICE News did an interview with an American Muslim who heads a mosque, and he's said that now he is encouraging all his followers to come to church armed. He already does, because he's scared of a possible attack at his place of worship.

Wow...................wonder how that's gonna play out here in the US? Muslims arming themselves for protection?

Just to be clear this is the Birmingham in Britain, not the one in Alabama.

Doesn't change the fact that there are many Imams here in the USA who are advocating being armed while at the mosque.
I'm no more worried about Muslims carrying than I am any other American carrying. Are you? I've read articles here from Baptists, Methodists and Jews that are carrying in church.

Interesting..............even though it seems like you conservatives see all Muslims as terrorists in waiting, you guys are cool with armed Muslims in this country? What about all the terrorists that you guys are saying there are in every mosque?
---------------------------------- supposedly 'muslims' are still a very small minority in the USA and are already MOSTLY in big cities where damage would likely stay local . See 'San Berdoo' and that Pulse Nightclub in big city Florida . Concerts in big cities in France and England . Charlie Hebdo in France and New Years Eve gang rapes in Germany BSailor .
Knowing what I know about Islam, I believe that this was done by The Muslims attending that Mosque.

The New Zealand shooting was a false flag attack carried out by a Muslim, who was trained for this mission in Pakistan, Iran and Turkey. He made a stop in North Korea as well.
Considering that Muslims do tend to attack other Muslim sects (Sunni vs. Shia), that might not be so far fetched, really. If they weren't committing genocide against Christians and others, they would be murdering each other. It's the nature of the beast.
Knowing what I know about Islam, I believe that this was done by The Muslims attending that Mosque.

The New Zealand shooting was a false flag attack carried out by a Muslim, who was trained for this mission in Pakistan, Iran and Turkey. He made a stop in North Korea as well.
Considering that Muslims do tend to attack other Muslim sects (Sunni vs. Shia), that might not be so far fetched, really. If they weren't committing genocide against Christians and others, they would be murdering each other. It's the nature of the beast.
--------------------------------------------- and they go after , Kurds , Yazidis , Copts and just anyone thats not their brand of 'muslim' .
You know, VICE News did an interview with an American Muslim who heads a mosque, and he's said that now he is encouraging all his followers to come to church armed. He already does, because he's scared of a possible attack at his place of worship.

Wow...................wonder how that's gonna play out here in the US? Muslims arming themselves for protection?

Just to be clear this is the Birmingham in Britain, not the one in Alabama.

Doesn't change the fact that there are many Imams here in the USA who are advocating being armed while at the mosque.

And so far there has been a christian church shot up and several Jewish religious sites over the years. Can't think of a single mosque that has been shot up though.

That being said, I think that ALL religious people, who wish to, should be armed while in their respective churches.

Can't think of a single mosque that was shot up? Well, that is probably because bigoted assholes are too stupid to know what is and isn't Muslim. Remember when that Sikh temple got shot up because the shooter thought it was Islamic?

Gunman Kills 6 at Sikh Temple in Wisconsin

How about the mosque that was bombed? Although no people were killed (thank goodness), the attack happened while there were people inside the building.

Double standard decried as Minnesota mosque bombed

Like I said, I couldn't think of a single mosque. The fact that some moron killed Sikhs is sad on many levels, but it helps my point, not yours.
Britons have allowed their government to create so many laws and regulations controlling them while permitting millions of third world immigrants that Britain...save some violent revolution is absolutely...without a doubt...lost.
European are pitifully tragic.
Britons have allowed their government to create so many laws and regulations controlling them while permitting millions of third world immigrants that Britain...save some violent revolution is absolutely...without a doubt...lost.
European are pitifully tragic.
The Eurine Union's NYETO

That should discredit their antagonism towards the Russians, especially since Putin violated all the air-conditioned ethics of the Geneva Convention in snuffing out the Chechen jihad. And for all you pseudo-patriot Righties, Oliver North, under orders from his Chickenhawk masters, called Yeltsin "the butcher of Chechnya."
Knowing what I know about Islam, I believe that this was done by The Muslims attending that Mosque.

The New Zealand shooting was a false flag attack carried out by a Muslim, who was trained for this mission in Pakistan, Iran and Turkey. He made a stop in North Korea as well.

This is hilarious at first read but of course the crucial phrase is at the beginning: "knowing what I know about Islam".

It's like if I said "knowing what I know about Nepali embroidering patterns I believe this one is a statement on the fecundity of the yak".

Meanwhile STILL no response from Rocko on post 30. OK just checkin'. Will try back next week.
Knowing what I know about Islam, I believe that this was done by The Muslims attending that Mosque.

The New Zealand shooting was a false flag attack carried out by a Muslim, who was trained for this mission in Pakistan, Iran and Turkey. He made a stop in North Korea as well.

This is hilarious at first read but of course the crucial phrase is at the beginning: "knowing what I know about Islam".

It's like if I said "knowing what I know about Nepali embroidering patterns I believe this one is a statement on the fecundity of the yak".

Meanwhile STILL no response from Rocko on post 30. OK just checkin'. Will try back next week.
Aren't you Irish?
Knowing what I know about Islam, I believe that this was done by The Muslims attending that Mosque.

The New Zealand shooting was a false flag attack carried out by a Muslim, who was trained for this mission in Pakistan, Iran and Turkey. He made a stop in North Korea as well.

This is hilarious at first read but of course the crucial phrase is at the beginning: "knowing what I know about Islam".

It's like if I said "knowing what I know about Nepali embroidering patterns I believe this one is a statement on the fecundity of the yak".

Meanwhile STILL no response from Rocko on post 30. OK just checkin'. Will try back next week.
Aren't you Irish?

Aye. Why?

I never kissed the Blarney Stone if that's where you're going. I actually stood to the side while my (Basque) GF insisted on doing it. I told her in her case it wasn't necessary.
Knowing what I know about Islam, I believe that this was done by The Muslims attending that Mosque.

The New Zealand shooting was a false flag attack carried out by a Muslim, who was trained for this mission in Pakistan, Iran and Turkey. He made a stop in North Korea as well.

This is hilarious at first read but of course the crucial phrase is at the beginning: "knowing what I know about Islam".

It's like if I said "knowing what I know about Nepali embroidering patterns I believe this one is a statement on the fecundity of the yak".

Meanwhile STILL no response from Rocko on post 30. OK just checkin'. Will try back next week.
Aren't you Irish?

Aye. Why?

I never kissed the Blarney Stone if that's where you're going. I actually stood to the side while my (Basque) GF insisted on doing it. I told her in her case it wasn't necessary.
What is your opinion on the current 'browning' of Dublin?
I ask because you Irish fought the British so hard for so many years to preserve and secure you national and cultural sovereignty.. Now that you are certifiable racists and oppressors of brown people I was wondering the opinion of the average Irishman on the matter?

'You’re African and this is the way you should be': Minority young people in Ireland and their lives

Black people face 'dire picture' of racism in Europe
It’s all part of Agenda 21.

The idea is to break down all Sovereign borders and destroy any native cultures and erase National and Independent Identities!

It’s a path to Globalism, and mass migration across the planet is just one of the tools they use.

The E.U. and UN are not our friends. They are working together to promote Globalism and to make National Sovereignty Extinct!

The Wolf Came To Your Doorstep Bearing False Gifts, And You Invited Him In To Stay
Among The Flock Which To Him Was Prey!

Knowing what I know about Islam, I believe that this was done by The Muslims attending that Mosque.

The New Zealand shooting was a false flag attack carried out by a Muslim, who was trained for this mission in Pakistan, Iran and Turkey. He made a stop in North Korea as well.

This is hilarious at first read but of course the crucial phrase is at the beginning: "knowing what I know about Islam".

It's like if I said "knowing what I know about Nepali embroidering patterns I believe this one is a statement on the fecundity of the yak".

Meanwhile STILL no response from Rocko on post 30. OK just checkin'. Will try back next week.
Aren't you Irish?

Aye. Why?

I never kissed the Blarney Stone if that's where you're going. I actually stood to the side while my (Basque) GF insisted on doing it. I told her in her case it wasn't necessary.
What is your opinion on the current 'browning' of Dublin?
I ask because you Irish fought the British so hard for so many years to preserve and secure you national and cultural sovereignty.. Now that you are certifiable racists and oppressors of brown people I was wondering the opinion of the average Irishman on the matter?
Last edited:
Knowing what I know about Islam, I believe that this was done by The Muslims attending that Mosque.

The New Zealand shooting was a false flag attack carried out by a Muslim, who was trained for this mission in Pakistan, Iran and Turkey. He made a stop in North Korea as well.

This is hilarious at first read but of course the crucial phrase is at the beginning: "knowing what I know about Islam".

It's like if I said "knowing what I know about Nepali embroidering patterns I believe this one is a statement on the fecundity of the yak".

Meanwhile STILL no response from Rocko on post 30. OK just checkin'. Will try back next week.
Aren't you Irish?

Aye. Why?

I never kissed the Blarney Stone if that's where you're going. I actually stood to the side while my (Basque) GF insisted on doing it. I told her in her case it wasn't necessary.
What is your opinion on the current 'browning' of Dublin?
I ask because you Irish fought the British so hard for so many years to preserve and secure you national and cultural sovereignty.. Now that you are certifiable racists and oppressors of brown people I was wondering the opinion of the average Irishman on the matter?

'You’re African and this is the way you should be': Minority young people in Ireland and their lives

Black people face 'dire picture' of racism in Europe

Obviously your head's up your ass, handing out accusations on people you don't even know so basically you're cordially invited to go fook yourself.

And maybe I should have clarified, I'm Black-Irish. But you know what, go fook yourself anyway.
Knowing what I know about Islam, I believe that this was done by The Muslims attending that Mosque.

The New Zealand shooting was a false flag attack carried out by a Muslim, who was trained for this mission in Pakistan, Iran and Turkey. He made a stop in North Korea as well.

This is hilarious at first read but of course the crucial phrase is at the beginning: "knowing what I know about Islam".

It's like if I said "knowing what I know about Nepali embroidering patterns I believe this one is a statement on the fecundity of the yak".

Meanwhile STILL no response from Rocko on post 30. OK just checkin'. Will try back next week.
Aren't you Irish?

Aye. Why?

I never kissed the Blarney Stone if that's where you're going. I actually stood to the side while my (Basque) GF insisted on doing it. I told her in her case it wasn't necessary.
What is your opinion on the current 'browning' of Dublin?
I ask because you Irish fought the British so hard for so many years to preserve and secure you national and cultural sovereignty.. Now that you are certifiable racists and oppressors of brown people I was wondering the opinion of the average Irishman on the matter?

'You’re African and this is the way you should be': Minority young people in Ireland and their lives

Black people face 'dire picture' of racism in Europe

Obviously your head's up your ass, handing out accusations on people you don't even know so basically you're cordially invited to go fook yourself.

And maybe I should have clarified, I'm Black-Irish. But you know what, go fook yourself anyway.
Well...not residing in Eire I was just wondering your opinion on the rampant racism in your country. People of color are struggling to adjust and all...
I would like to add one thing...it’s never really about race, but it’s ideology they base the invasion and replacement of National Cultures upon. Cultures opposed to
assimilation are what are being sent across the globe to create friction and division.

It’s easy to confuse race with culture, but a person of color can love and be patriotic for Ireland just like any other Irishmen providing they adopt Irish Culture completely!

Foreign Ideology is The Real Threat.

It’s all part of Agenda 21.

The idea is to break down all Sovereign borders and destroy any native cultures and erase National and Independent Identities!

It’s a path to Globalism, and mass migration across the planet is just one of the tools they use.

The E.U. and UN are not our friends. They are working together to promote Globalism and to make National Sovereignty Extinct!

The Wolf Came To Your Doorstep Bearing False Gifts, And You Invited Him In To Stay
Among The Flock Which To Him Was Prey!

Knowing what I know about Islam, I believe that this was done by The Muslims attending that Mosque.

The New Zealand shooting was a false flag attack carried out by a Muslim, who was trained for this mission in Pakistan, Iran and Turkey. He made a stop in North Korea as well.

This is hilarious at first read but of course the crucial phrase is at the beginning: "knowing what I know about Islam".

It's like if I said "knowing what I know about Nepali embroidering patterns I believe this one is a statement on the fecundity of the yak".

Meanwhile STILL no response from Rocko on post 30. OK just checkin'. Will try back next week.
Aren't you Irish?

Aye. Why?

I never kissed the Blarney Stone if that's where you're going. I actually stood to the side while my (Basque) GF insisted on doing it. I told her in her case it wasn't necessary.
What is your opinion on the current 'browning' of Dublin?
I ask because you Irish fought the British so hard for so many years to preserve and secure you national and cultural sovereignty.. Now that you are certifiable racists and oppressors of brown people I was wondering the opinion of the average Irishman on the matter?
There are many people of color who are successful happy and experience no racism.

They accept and assimilate.

Without assimilation of your host country’s culture, you will not be accepted.

Again I repeat, it’s about culture not race.
This is hilarious at first read but of course the crucial phrase is at the beginning: "knowing what I know about Islam".

It's like if I said "knowing what I know about Nepali embroidering patterns I believe this one is a statement on the fecundity of the yak".

Meanwhile STILL no response from Rocko on post 30. OK just checkin'. Will try back next week.
Aren't you Irish?

Aye. Why?

I never kissed the Blarney Stone if that's where you're going. I actually stood to the side while my (Basque) GF insisted on doing it. I told her in her case it wasn't necessary.
What is your opinion on the current 'browning' of Dublin?
I ask because you Irish fought the British so hard for so many years to preserve and secure you national and cultural sovereignty.. Now that you are certifiable racists and oppressors of brown people I was wondering the opinion of the average Irishman on the matter?

'You’re African and this is the way you should be': Minority young people in Ireland and their lives

Black people face 'dire picture' of racism in Europe

Obviously your head's up your ass, handing out accusations on people you don't even know so basically you're cordially invited to go fook yourself.

And maybe I should have clarified, I'm Black-Irish. But you know what, go fook yourself anyway.
Well...not residing in Eire I was just wondering your opinion on the rampant racism in your country. People of color are struggling to adjust and all...
This is hilarious at first read but of course the crucial phrase is at the beginning: "knowing what I know about Islam".

It's like if I said "knowing what I know about Nepali embroidering patterns I believe this one is a statement on the fecundity of the yak".

Meanwhile STILL no response from Rocko on post 30. OK just checkin'. Will try back next week.
Aren't you Irish?

Aye. Why?

I never kissed the Blarney Stone if that's where you're going. I actually stood to the side while my (Basque) GF insisted on doing it. I told her in her case it wasn't necessary.
What is your opinion on the current 'browning' of Dublin?
I ask because you Irish fought the British so hard for so many years to preserve and secure you national and cultural sovereignty.. Now that you are certifiable racists and oppressors of brown people I was wondering the opinion of the average Irishman on the matter?

'You’re African and this is the way you should be': Minority young people in Ireland and their lives

Black people face 'dire picture' of racism in Europe

Obviously your head's up your ass, handing out accusations on people you don't even know so basically you're cordially invited to go fook yourself.

And maybe I should have clarified, I'm Black-Irish. But you know what, go fook yourself anyway.
Well...not residing in Eire I was just wondering your opinion on the rampant racism in your country. People of color are struggling to adjust and all...

I'm in North Fucking Carolina, eedjit.

Aren't you Irish?

Aye. Why?

I never kissed the Blarney Stone if that's where you're going. I actually stood to the side while my (Basque) GF insisted on doing it. I told her in her case it wasn't necessary.
What is your opinion on the current 'browning' of Dublin?
I ask because you Irish fought the British so hard for so many years to preserve and secure you national and cultural sovereignty.. Now that you are certifiable racists and oppressors of brown people I was wondering the opinion of the average Irishman on the matter?

'You’re African and this is the way you should be': Minority young people in Ireland and their lives

Black people face 'dire picture' of racism in Europe

Obviously your head's up your ass, handing out accusations on people you don't even know so basically you're cordially invited to go fook yourself.

And maybe I should have clarified, I'm Black-Irish. But you know what, go fook yourself anyway.
Well...not residing in Eire I was just wondering your opinion on the rampant racism in your country. People of color are struggling to adjust and all...

I'm in North Fucking Carolina, eedjit.
I would think that you should be able to examine the rampant Irish racism issue from afar more effectively. Interesting. Thanks.

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