5 Mosques attacked in Birmingham

Muslims fear New Zealand-style shooting after five Birmingham mosques attacked and CCTV shows thug smash windows

Naib Hussain, Secretary of Mosque and Muslim Community Centre in Aston, told The Sun Online: “With Friday prayers we’re fearful - we have up to 400 people at our mosque an up to 100 children.

"If there was to be a copycat New Zealand style attack it could be even worse. We need protection from our police officers.”

Mr Hussain said police and local councillors were hoping to hold a meeting tonight to reassure local residents and worshippers.

“Our community is very worried and shocked and in the aftermath of the bloodshed in New Zealand I’m telling them ‘Beware, be careful," he said.

There has been an upsurge in extreme right violence since Christchurch. Thankfully only windows were smashed on this occasion.
Amazing how much sympathy you have towards those that would cut your head off, but not much when many kids were butchered at the Ariana concert. Are you a Muzzy lover Tommy Twitt?

View attachment 251482
Incredible how you can differentiate between the victims in Christchurch and those in Manchester. Truly epic.
How silly of him to say a window breaker is different than a mass murderer.
Knowing what I know about Islam, I believe that this was done by The Muslims attending that Mosque.

The New Zealand shooting was a false flag attack carried out by a Muslim, who was trained for this mission in Pakistan, Iran and Turkey. He made a stop in North Korea as well.

Knowing what I know about Islam, I believe that this was done by The Muslims attending that Mosque.

The New Zealand shooting was a false flag attack carried out by a Muslim, who was trained for this mission in Pakistan, Iran and Turkey. He made a stop in North Korea as well.
---------------------------------- maybe , who knows , i did hear that the shooter spent lots of time in 'turkey' . As a general comment , except for general interest who cares what happened or happens in 'new zealand' , england , germany or any where else in the world when it comes to American Guns and American Gun RIGHTS .
Muslims fear New Zealand-style shooting after five Birmingham mosques attacked and CCTV shows thug smash windows

Naib Hussain, Secretary of Mosque and Muslim Community Centre in Aston, told The Sun Online: “With Friday prayers we’re fearful - we have up to 400 people at our mosque an up to 100 children.

"If there was to be a copycat New Zealand style attack it could be even worse. We need protection from our police officers.”

Mr Hussain said police and local councillors were hoping to hold a meeting tonight to reassure local residents and worshippers.

“Our community is very worried and shocked and in the aftermath of the bloodshed in New Zealand I’m telling them ‘Beware, be careful," he said.

There has been an upsurge in extreme right violence since Christchurch. Thankfully only windows were smashed on this occasion.
Amazing how much sympathy you have towards those that would cut your head off, but not much when many kids were butchered at the Ariana concert. Are you a Muzzy lover Tommy Twitt?

View attachment 251482
Incredible how you can differentiate between the victims in Christchurch and those in Manchester. Truly epic.
How silly of him to say a window breaker is different than a mass murderer.
Have you replied to the right thread sparky ?
Muslims fear New Zealand-style shooting after five Birmingham mosques attacked and CCTV shows thug smash windows

Naib Hussain, Secretary of Mosque and Muslim Community Centre in Aston, told The Sun Online: “With Friday prayers we’re fearful - we have up to 400 people at our mosque an up to 100 children.

"If there was to be a copycat New Zealand style attack it could be even worse. We need protection from our police officers.”

Mr Hussain said police and local councillors were hoping to hold a meeting tonight to reassure local residents and worshippers.

“Our community is very worried and shocked and in the aftermath of the bloodshed in New Zealand I’m telling them ‘Beware, be careful," he said.

There has been an upsurge in extreme right violence since Christchurch. Thankfully only windows were smashed on this occasion.
Amazing how much sympathy you have towards those that would cut your head off, but not much when many kids were butchered at the Ariana concert. Are you a Muzzy lover Tommy Twitt?

View attachment 251482
Incredible how you can differentiate between the victims in Christchurch and those in Manchester. Truly epic.
How silly of him to say a window breaker is different than a mass murderer.
Have you replied to the right thread sparky ?
Why yes I did, Tommy, thank you for your concern!
Knowing what I know about Islam, I believe that this was done by The Muslims attending that Mosque.

The New Zealand shooting was a false flag attack carried out by a Muslim, who was trained for this mission in Pakistan, Iran and Turkey. He made a stop in North Korea as well.
---------------------------------- maybe , who knows , i did hear that the shooter spent lots of time in 'turkey' . As a general comment , except for general interest who cares what happened or happens in 'new zealand' , england , germany or any where else in the world when it comes to American Guns and American Gun RIGHTS .
New Zealand leaders are now trying to disarm New Zealanders based on this one attack, so it is important for us to know.
Muslims fear New Zealand-style shooting after five Birmingham mosques attacked and CCTV shows thug smash windows

Naib Hussain, Secretary of Mosque and Muslim Community Centre in Aston, told The Sun Online: “With Friday prayers we’re fearful - we have up to 400 people at our mosque an up to 100 children.

"If there was to be a copycat New Zealand style attack it could be even worse. We need protection from our police officers.”

Mr Hussain said police and local councillors were hoping to hold a meeting tonight to reassure local residents and worshippers.

“Our community is very worried and shocked and in the aftermath of the bloodshed in New Zealand I’m telling them ‘Beware, be careful," he said.

There has been an upsurge in extreme right violence since Christchurch. Thankfully only windows were smashed on this occasion.

So they know who did it? You are claiming “right wing” violence, so where is the proof?
No,you tell me.

First, 99,8% probability the windows were broken by a Muslim. Easy fix, probably next day. Arson would be a better message, but can destroy the building so wasn’t used.

Second, Muslims are behind your spike in crime.

Third, I lost a good friend on flight 93. Only thing Muslims did was dance in the streets. I have zero sympathy for troublemakers.

I worked across the street from the world trade and had a first hand experience of Muslim savagery.
How many of those involved were from Christchurch or Birmingham ?

Here’s the thing: before 911 I never gave a thought about Islam, and I still don’t hate Muslims, although because I took the attack very personally, I did go through a period of time where I hated them with ever my fibre of my being. Now I don’t hate all of them, but I am aware of them. Not all Muslims are terrorists, but nearly all terrorists are Muslims, there’s a faction of Muslims that if they’re not terrorists are terrorist supporters, and then there’s the largest faction of Muslims that while they are not quite terrorists or terrorist supporters, they are silent when it comes to condoning Muslims atrocities. Finally of course there are good Muslims....But....for for you and the liberals on this forum to try to paint Muslims as oppressed victims is a fucking joke, and will be treated by me as such.
Zero trust is where I will forever be.
San Bernardino.
All Moslems Must Be Deported and Their Sponsors Deposed

Did the treasonous media count the killers at San Bernardino among the "Americans" killed, like they did with that Jihadi Princess in Yemen? The husbandwas a U.S.-born citizen, the wife was a legal permanent resident in our betrayed nation. We should never again allow tolerance-traitors to make laws against the sympathies of the majority. As long as you support the oligarchy that all republics are, your dissent about its inevitable tyranny is futile.
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Muslims fear New Zealand-style shooting after five Birmingham mosques attacked and CCTV shows thug smash windows

Naib Hussain, Secretary of Mosque and Muslim Community Centre in Aston, told The Sun Online: “With Friday prayers we’re fearful - we have up to 400 people at our mosque an up to 100 children.

"If there was to be a copycat New Zealand style attack it could be even worse. We need protection from our police officers.”

Mr Hussain said police and local councillors were hoping to hold a meeting tonight to reassure local residents and worshippers.

“Our community is very worried and shocked and in the aftermath of the bloodshed in New Zealand I’m telling them ‘Beware, be careful," he said.

There has been an upsurge in extreme right violence since Christchurch. Thankfully only windows were smashed on this occasion.
1. There would be much less to worry about, if the mosque was a not a moronic "gun-free zone", and instead of the people inside being a helpless herd of sheep, they had guns to defend themselves.

2. There would be no violence against mosques in America, if there were no mosques to begin with, as the Constitution requires (in Article 6, Section 2, Part 1 - the Supremacy Clause)
Off the People, Buy the People, Force the People

The Constitution is democracy's suicide note.
Knowing what I know about Islam, I believe that this was done by The Muslims attending that Mosque.

The New Zealand shooting was a false flag attack carried out by a Muslim, who was trained for this mission in Pakistan, Iran and Turkey. He made a stop in North Korea as well.
---------------------------------- maybe , who knows , i did hear that the shooter spent lots of time in 'turkey' . As a general comment , except for general interest who cares what happened or happens in 'new zealand' , england , germany or any where else in the world when it comes to American Guns and American Gun RIGHTS .
New Zealand leaders are now trying to disarm New Zealanders based on this one attack, so it is important for us to know.
----------------------------------- i think that the 'new zealand' dhimmis have been disarmed of effective weapon by just a few words out of their 'queens' mouth . Oh yeah , its fun to talk about , being forewarned is cool . I wonder if their 'maoris' , Mongrel Mob , Nomads and Black Power will be disarmed .
Muslims fear New Zealand-style shooting after five Birmingham mosques attacked and CCTV shows thug smash windows

Naib Hussain, Secretary of Mosque and Muslim Community Centre in Aston, told The Sun Online: “With Friday prayers we’re fearful - we have up to 400 people at our mosque an up to 100 children.

"If there was to be a copycat New Zealand style attack it could be even worse. We need protection from our police officers.”

Mr Hussain said police and local councillors were hoping to hold a meeting tonight to reassure local residents and worshippers.

“Our community is very worried and shocked and in the aftermath of the bloodshed in New Zealand I’m telling them ‘Beware, be careful," he said.

There has been an upsurge in extreme right violence since Christchurch. Thankfully only windows were smashed on this occasion.
No need to worry the UK has all the gun laws you ever wanted
You know, VICE News did an interview with an American Muslim who heads a mosque, and he's said that now he is encouraging all his followers to come to church armed. He already does, because he's scared of a possible attack at his place of worship.

Wow...................wonder how that's gonna play out here in the US? Muslims arming themselves for protection?

Just to be clear this is the Birmingham in Britain, not the one in Alabama.

Doesn't change the fact that there are many Imams here in the USA who are advocating being armed while at the mosque.

And so far there has been a christian church shot up and several Jewish religious sites over the years. Can't think of a single mosque that has been shot up though.

That being said, I think that ALL religious people, who wish to, should be armed while in their respective churches.

Can't think of a single mosque that was shot up? Well, that is probably because bigoted assholes are too stupid to know what is and isn't Muslim. Remember when that Sikh temple got shot up because the shooter thought it was Islamic?

Gunman Kills 6 at Sikh Temple in Wisconsin

How about the mosque that was bombed? Although no people were killed (thank goodness), the attack happened while there were people inside the building.

Double standard decried as Minnesota mosque bombed
You know, VICE News did an interview with an American Muslim who heads a mosque, and he's said that now he is encouraging all his followers to come to church armed. He already does, because he's scared of a possible attack at his place of worship.

Wow...................wonder how that's gonna play out here in the US? Muslims arming themselves for protection?

Just to be clear this is the Birmingham in Britain, not the one in Alabama.

Doesn't change the fact that there are many Imams here in the USA who are advocating being armed while at the mosque.
I'm no more worried about Muslims carrying than I am any other American carrying. Are you? I've read articles here from Baptists, Methodists and Jews that are carrying in church.
You know, VICE News did an interview with an American Muslim who heads a mosque, and he's said that now he is encouraging all his followers to come to church armed. He already does, because he's scared of a possible attack at his place of worship.

Wow...................wonder how that's gonna play out here in the US? Muslims arming themselves for protection?

Just to be clear this is the Birmingham in Britain, not the one in Alabama.

Doesn't change the fact that there are many Imams here in the USA who are advocating being armed while at the mosque.
I'm no more worried about Muslims carrying than I am any other American carrying. Are you? I've read articles here from Baptists, Methodists and Jews that are carrying in church.

Interesting..............even though it seems like you conservatives see all Muslims as terrorists in waiting, you guys are cool with armed Muslims in this country? What about all the terrorists that you guys are saying there are in every mosque?
You know, VICE News did an interview with an American Muslim who heads a mosque, and he's said that now he is encouraging all his followers to come to church armed. He already does, because he's scared of a possible attack at his place of worship.

Wow...................wonder how that's gonna play out here in the US? Muslims arming themselves for protection?

They have that right of course.

However I feel compelled to point out that here we do not have a flood of unfettered
Sharia maniacs running about raping children and beheading people like they do in England. The " INDIGENOUS " People are finally hitting back. Oooh maybe they should have an indigenous people day there too!

flood of unfettered Sharia maniacs running about raping children and beheading people like they do in England.
You know, VICE News did an interview with an American Muslim who heads a mosque, and he's said that now he is encouraging all his followers to come to church armed. He already does, because he's scared of a possible attack at his place of worship.

Wow...................wonder how that's gonna play out here in the US? Muslims arming themselves for protection?

Just to be clear this is the Birmingham in Britain, not the one in Alabama.

Doesn't change the fact that there are many Imams here in the USA who are advocating being armed while at the mosque.
I'm no more worried about Muslims carrying than I am any other American carrying. Are you? I've read articles here from Baptists, Methodists and Jews that are carrying in church.

Interesting..............even though it seems like you conservatives see all Muslims as terrorists in waiting, you guys are cool with armed Muslims in this country? What about all the terrorists that you guys are saying there are in every mosque?
I think maybe you responded to the wrong post?
You know, VICE News did an interview with an American Muslim who heads a mosque, and he's said that now he is encouraging all his followers to come to church armed. He already does, because he's scared of a possible attack at his place of worship.

Wow...................wonder how that's gonna play out here in the US? Muslims arming themselves for protection?

Just to be clear this is the Birmingham in Britain, not the one in Alabama.

Doesn't change the fact that there are many Imams here in the USA who are advocating being armed while at the mosque.
I'm no more worried about Muslims carrying than I am any other American carrying. Are you? I've read articles here from Baptists, Methodists and Jews that are carrying in church.

Interesting..............even though it seems like you conservatives see all Muslims as terrorists in waiting, you guys are cool with armed Muslims in this country? What about all the terrorists that you guys are saying there are in every mosque?
I think maybe you responded to the wrong post?

You know, the "click to expand" button is helpful. I was responding to Pogo, then you responded to what I said, and then I responded to you.
Just to be clear this is the Birmingham in Britain, not the one in Alabama.

Doesn't change the fact that there are many Imams here in the USA who are advocating being armed while at the mosque.
I'm no more worried about Muslims carrying than I am any other American carrying. Are you? I've read articles here from Baptists, Methodists and Jews that are carrying in church.

Interesting..............even though it seems like you conservatives see all Muslims as terrorists in waiting, you guys are cool with armed Muslims in this country? What about all the terrorists that you guys are saying there are in every mosque?
I think maybe you responded to the wrong post?

You know, the "click to expand" button is helpful. I was responding to Pogo, then you responded to what I said, and then I responded to you.
I don't know what you're trying to say, but as long as you realize I'm not an Islamaphobic conservative.
You know, VICE News did an interview with an American Muslim who heads a mosque, and he's said that now he is encouraging all his followers to come to church armed. He already does, because he's scared of a possible attack at his place of worship.

Wow...................wonder how that's gonna play out here in the US? Muslims arming themselves for protection?

Just to be clear this is the Birmingham in Britain, not the one in Alabama.

Doesn't change the fact that there are many Imams here in the USA who are advocating being armed while at the mosque.
I'm no more worried about Muslims carrying than I am any other American carrying. Are you? I've read articles here from Baptists, Methodists and Jews that are carrying in church.

Interesting..............even though it seems like you conservatives see all Muslims as terrorists in waiting, you guys are cool with armed Muslims in this country? What about all the terrorists that you guys are saying there are in every mosque?
----------------------------------- sad though it may be , muslims in the USA can have the technical designation of 'american' and should support and exercise , support the Second Amendment . I feel strongly enough to support their support of the 2ND Amendment in 'england' and through the world . Especially 'england' and the USA and then the rest of the world BSailor .
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