5 Home Invaders Stopped by AR-15


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified

More lives saved.

Home Invasion Victims Use AR–15 To Defend Themselves Against Five Armed Intruders


CDC, in Surveys It Never Bothered Making Public, Provides More Evidence that Plenty of Americans Innocently Defend Themselves with Guns


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17 kids killed by an AR-15.

Yes, and the sheriffs department, and the school admin are complicit based on the fact that the killer was a KNOWN entity. Had commited dozens of violent acts against his family and against teachers, and had the negligent sheriffs dept arrested him ONE time out of those dozens, he would have been precluded from purchasing the rifle legally. You want to hurl invective at some one, or some thing, hurl it at the asshole who did the shooting, and the GOVERNMENT that ALLOWED it (hell they practically begged him to do it) to happen.
17 kids killed by an AR-15.

At the Texas church shooting over 26 people were saved by an NRA instructor with an AR-15 rifle long before the police arrived....

Had the armed police sheriff in Florida simply entered the building, lives would have been saved in the democrat gun free zone...it wasn't the owners of over 8 milllion AR-15 civilian rifles...but one cowardly sheriff who let those kids get killed.....

Sell your bullshit somewhere where the readers don't know the truth....
17 kids killed by an AR-15.

1,700 TEENS KILLED in texting accidents since the 17 you mention were killed.

Another bold face lying hypocrite who thinks that the only Children's lives that matter are the RARE FEW killed by one of her kind....with a gun

(ps...she actually doesn't give a flying pig shit about dead children....they are simply convenient tools to use in the quest for their moronic agenda of getting a Dictator in power.
Yes, guns dont stop home invaders, people do. Fkn moron.

"whoosh" is right......it went right over her head the reason for the 2nd .....yours too?

You know what that stupid circular argument is? A deceptive way you try to justify your fears and put criminals on the same plane as law abiding gun owners.

Criminals don't need guns to be criminals. Plenty proof of that. It's not the gun.
Your stupid argument is like saying criminals wouldn't commit crimes if they didn't have a gun. CRIMINALS COMMIT CRIMES. It's what they do.

But law abiding people DO need guns to protect themselves from crazed mentally ill Lefties who commit the vast majority of aggravated crimes.
Also plenty proof of that. GUNS are the only way MANY single 100lb moms protect their families at night.

The question is why do YOU want to make sure women and children especially, become victims and easy targets for criminals? What's wrong with you?
Do you like criminals THAT much?

Ironically...this whole debate is pointless.

The 2nd Amendment is not about self protection. It's about not becoming the next Venezuela. Or Russia or China.
Of course, your kind is so stupid you think those are model societies.
Yes, guns dont stop home invaders, people do. Fkn moron.

You're such an idiot....you have NO FUCKING CLUE WHY you even fight for gun control....other than someone told you to
Exactly. I started a thread on why they talk about guns since they claim it's not about gun grabbing.
Not one leftist could state why.

It's just about mindlessly parroting what their puppet masters tell them to.
Yes, guns dont stop home invaders, people do. Fkn moron.

"whoosh" is right......it went right over her head the reason for the 2nd .....yours too?

You know what that stupid circular argument is? A deceptive way you try to justify your fears and put criminals on the same plane as law abiding gun owners.

Criminals don't need guns to be criminals. Plenty proof of that. It's not the gun.
Your stupid argument is like saying criminals wouldn't commit crimes if they didn't have a gun. CRIMINALS COMMIT CRIMES. It's what they do.

But law abiding people DO need guns to protect themselves from crazed mentally ill Lefties who commit the vast majority of aggravated crimes.
Also plenty proof of that. GUNS are the only way MANY single 100lb moms protect their families at night.

The question is why do YOU want to make sure women and children especially, become victims and easy targets for criminals? What's wrong with you?
Do you like criminals THAT much?

Ironically...this whole debate is pointless.

The 2nd Amendment is not about self protection. It's about not becoming the next Venezuela. Or Russia or China.
Of course, your kind is so stupid you think those are model societies.
Also, criminals would not comply with a law banning any or all guns.
Yes, guns dont stop home invaders, people do. Fkn moron.

"whoosh" is right......it went right over her head the reason for the 2nd .....yours too?

You know what that stupid circular argument is? A deceptive way you try to justify your fears and put criminals on the same plane as law abiding gun owners.

Criminals don't need guns to be criminals. Plenty proof of that. It's not the gun.
Your stupid argument is like saying criminals wouldn't commit crimes if they didn't have a gun. CRIMINALS COMMIT CRIMES. It's what they do.

But law abiding people DO need guns to protect themselves from crazed mentally ill Lefties who commit the vast majority of aggravated crimes.
Also plenty proof of that. GUNS are the only way MANY single 100lb moms protect their families at night.

The question is why do YOU want to make sure women and children especially, become victims and easy targets for criminals? What's wrong with you?
Do you like criminals THAT much?

Ironically...this whole debate is pointless.

The 2nd Amendment is not about self protection. It's about not becoming the next Venezuela. Or Russia or China.
Of course, your kind is so stupid you think those are model societies.
Also, criminals would not comply with a law banning any or all guns.
Of course not. Just like they comply with other laws. Why have any laws?

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