5.4 Million Join Disability Rolls Under Obama

I have no problem with hard work.

I have problems with employers who lie, cheat and blow smoke up my ass at every oppurtunity...

Which is apparently ooooooh, sooooo fine with you.

I work in a department that had 10 people in in 2008, but it has 5 today. We are doing just as much work. Raises have been crap in two of the last three years.

But, hey, our stockholders are doing really good.

So what's my stake again?

So 10 people were doing the work that 5 do today? Two ways of looking at that...

Either you guys were dogging it before...or you're doing yeoman's work now and deserve a raise.

Either way, consider yourself fortunate because those other 5 folks that got let go? They're probably still looking for work in this economy.

Actually, now that you mention it.

Of those people. (not just the five we lost, including the manager, but two that replaced people who left earlier)

One was fired because she was incompetant.

One was downsized because he was old, and they needed to reduce headcount. He found a job a few weeks later after I wrote an awesome resume for him.

One gal went on Maternity leave and never came back.

Four others simply got better paying jobs.

Now, to be fair, there were a lot of inefficiencies that we cleaned up. Other things were because of internal re-organizations moved work to Asian plants.

But I think you miss my point. If you are going to have the divide between "those living off the government" and "those just happy to have jobs", you are going to get European Socialism before you can sing a verse of "the International". Because, eventually, people are just going to figure out there's nothing in this deal for them.

This November, I'm going to vote for the Democrat for the first time in my life (and I turn 50 next month). Not because I've suddenly like them, but because I realize that GOP just doesn't have my interests at heart.

Hate to point out the obvious here Joe...but you'll be voting for Barack Obama...a man who's been a total failure as a leader...because of your anti-Morman stance against Mitt Romney.

If you think Barry's got your back then you're in for a SERIOUS let down...
This regime is honest about one thing. They believe the unemployed willl vote for obama so they can continue to be unemployed and get benefits whether unemployment or disability. This gives democrats a vested interest in creating more disabled and unemployed.

House Dem: Unemployed Will Vote For Obama To Keep "Their Benefits" | RealClearPolitics

You're about half right.

Again, this is what I keep saying, and you guys don't listen. When the GOP alligned itself with the job destroyers they created a base for the democrats that they didn't have 20 years ago.

More working class jobs, less car elevators... that's how the GOP comes back.
Hate to point out the obvious here Joe...but you'll be voting for Barack Obama...a man who's been a total failure as a leader...because of your anti-Morman stance against Mitt Romney.

If you think Barry's got your back then you're in for a SERIOUS let down...

First, it's "Mormon", not "Morman". I'm not sure why so many of you get it wrong.

I don't put my personal success on who is in the white house. Never have, never will. I've been in companies that crashed & burned (usually because the smartest guys in teh room didn't know what they were doing) but I've always bounced back.

I do think that OVERALL, the economic issue of trying to reduce the number of working people to make a few douchebags richer is going to bite the GOP in the ass. Because when you make the government the most important thing in someone's life, they are going to vote for more of it... it's really just that simple.

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