44 lame duck after mid-term results? Think again!

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
Repubs are

Thank you Mr. President for continuing to work for the people of this great nation in the last two years of your SECOND TERM.

No Ordinary Lame Duck Obama Fights Back - NBC News
Despite the controversy and gridlock, however, Obama is getting stuff done.
Great, we get to see just how hard he can screw this country. Going to set an interesting precedent for future Presidents. Who cares about working with anyone, just do whatever the heck you want.
"working with anyone" lol. where have you been the last 6 years of Republican stalling and obfuscating just to waste time? :eusa_eh:
Our President has finally realized he does not need the Do Nothing Congress to act like a President

Do what needs to be done and make Congress do something about it
Our President has finally realized he does not need the Do Nothing Congress to act like a President

Do what needs to be done and make Congress do something about it
Our people send pols to Washington to work AOT the Righties send theirs there to sit on their hands.
Just because Republicans in Congress don't want the government to function doesn't mean our President needs to go along with it
obumble is flailing around like a wounded animal. He knows that nothing he is doing has permanency. He imagines that no one would dare to void any of his edicts. He is wrong. The ease in which he has made these changes can be voided just as easily.
When a President starts coming up with illegal agendas like amnesty by memo and obstructing his opponents by using the IRS (somethinng Richard Nixon was nearly impeached for), destructive programs like Obamacare, and weird wishful thinking like backing the Muslim Brotherhood in middle Eastern countries, it's up to the other branches of govt to stop him. The people who wrote the Constitution called it "checks and balances".

Once the American people got enough of Democrat lawlessness and contempt for the Constitution, and started handing majorities to the Republicans instead, the Republicans started to do exactly what the Founding Fathers intended: Block Obama's destructive and un-American agenda. Now, with majorities in both the House and the Senate, they will be able to do that job more completely, as intended by the Constitution. They will be able to save the country from the Democrats' crazier programs, as they have been doing to some extent already.

A "do nothing" Congress is bettter than a Congress that exposes the country to the depredations of a lawbreaking, ideologically insane President.

And now that Republicans have majorities in both houses, they will be able to discard the "do-nothing" policies of Harry Reid, who stonewalled and bottled up hundreds of bills successfully passed by the House.

The only "do-nothing" part of government for the next two years, will be that lawless President, who can be expected to veto every bill passed by the Congress (as the Ameican people voted for on Nov. 4) that sets the country back on the right track, and away from what Obama intended.

Only a COMPLETELY lawless President will be able to evade the checks and balances built into the U.S. Constitution, by deliberately violating that document's laws.

And he won't be able to evade them for long.
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I think it's another example of the first two years being a learning experience (and this guy was so inexperienced he had a huge learning curve especially in for relations), the next two are running for a second term, and then two years to really get policies etched in, and two years defending them. Certainly on Iran, Obama worked six years on getting to this place. He's going to get the deal done, I think, but it'll be a vote perilously close to 40-60 against in the Senate.

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