41 illegals found alive in drophouse in Arizona


U B U & I'll B Me 4 USA!
Jan 15, 2009
It's still bad!!!

41 illegal aliens found alive in a sweltering drop house in Arizona

In my opinion,

Monday, September 3, 2012

GLENDALE, ARIZONA -- Just a few miles east of Phoenix the police responded to a 911 call and they found 41 illegal aliens in a sweltering drop house held by human smugglers. The temperature is still over 100+ degrees in Glendale with high humidity, it must have been awful. The police think at least one of the people inside of the home was one of the human smugglers.

Around 6:00 PM a man called 911 from his cell phone while he was hiding in a bathroom. He said he and many others were being held by coyotes (human smugglers). When the police arrived they found a man (a look out) on the outside of the home who said he didn’t have a problem and was home alone. The cops heard disturbing sounds coming from the inside of the home and decided to investigate.

They saw one man climbing out a window and then he high tailed it over a block wall fence. The police and a K-9 unit caught and detained him.

On the local news they said, the owner of the home lives in Scottsdale and he said he had no idea the house was being used as a drop house for illegal aliens. (They never know.)

The local Fire Department arrived because of the sauna like conditions inside the home. They gave medical attention to a pregnant woman and gave water to everyone and looked them over. The 41 illegal aliens were all OK and they were turned over to Immigration Customs and Enforcement, ICE.


Usually in these cases the human smugglers are paid to bring the illegal aliens to America. Once they get them into the U.S. then they try to get more money out of the illegal alien’s families in order to release them. The smugglers have been known to cut off their victim’s fingers, toes, ears, hands… and then they send the body parts to their relatives until the families either pays up or the victim dies. These 41 illegal aliens were lucky that they were rescued before their relatives had to hear them screaming over the telephone in excruciating pain for more money. :whip:


911 call leads to suspected drophouse in Glendale

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How many drop houses have been found in the Phoenix Metro area in 2012? Now compare 2012 with the previous 5 years?

P.S. Get a clue.
Officials: More than 100 found in west Phoenix drophouse

Officials: More than 100 found in west Phoenix drophouse

“Federal immigration agents on Wednesday discovered 108 illegal-immigration suspects crammed inside a drophouse in west Phoenix, the largest drophouse bust in more than three years and the second-largest since 2006.”


Urban Dictionary Definition:

Drop house

When coyotes (human smugglers) smuggle illegals across the border, they cram about 50 of them into small 1-bedroom apartments, called drop houses. Phoenix is literally just one big drop house.
ICE clerks caught runnin' her own drophouse, hiding illegals...
ICE clerk accused of harboring illegal immigrants
Sept. 13, 2012 - A federal immigration-enforcement employee has been arrested and accused of using her home in Douglas to stash illegal immigrants smuggled across the border into the U.S.
Stella Peterson was arrested Aug. 31 after three illegal immigrants were found in her home on Eighth Street, according to a complaint filed in U.S. District Court. She is charged with harboring illegal aliens for profit, according to court records. Her son, Anthony Peterson, was also arrested. Stella Peterson, born in 1961, is an investigative assistant assigned to Immigration and Customs Enforcement's Homeland Security Investigations in Douglas, said Amber Cargile, a spokeswoman for the agency.

Her primary duties are providing clerical and administrative support to investigators, Cargile said. "(ICE) takes all allegations of employee misconduct seriously and is fully cooperating with the ongoing investigation by the Southern Arizona Corruption Task Force," Cargile said in a written statement. Peterson was placed on paid administrative leave after her arrest. She will remain on administrative leave pending the outcome of the investigation and criminal charges, Cargile said.

According to the complaint, Peterson said she knew that her son had been using the house to harbor and smuggle illegal immigrants. She admitted that illegal immigrants had been smuggled out of her home at least four times. She also admitted that she had provided material assistance to the illegal immigrants and on several occasions had received financial assistance from her son, the complaint says.

The three illegal immigrants told investigators that they paid a smuggler $2,000 to $3,000 to be smuggled into the United States and that Anthony Peterson charged them an additional $100 each to be driven from an alleyway to the stash house, the complaint said. All three have agreed to serve as material witnesses, according to court documents.

Read more: ICE clerk accused of harboring migrants

See also:

UCLA shuts down controversial illegal immigrant college program
September 13, 2012 - Following scrutiny from a California lawmaker, the University of California is shutting down a controversial college program for illegal immigrants, though the reasons for the closure are not satisfying critics of the so-called National Dream University.
Critics of the plan of the so-called National Dream University (NDU) welcomed the decision to stop the program, though they weren’t satisfied with the reasons given for its closure. "I believe the procedural issue gave UCLA an out, but it was public pressure and public scrutiny during such difficult economic times that was ultimately turned Dream University into a nightmare for UCLA President and regents," says California Assemblyman Tim Donnelly (R-Twin Peaks).

NDU earlier this summer began actively recruiting those seeking a college degree and a career in activism focused on immigration issues. Its website, which has since been taken down, promoted "an educational opportunity to those who have demonstrated leadership and commitment to the immigrant and/or labor rights movements {with admission} open to everyone, regardless of their immigration status." Operated by the UCLA Labor Center and the National Labor College, NDU would have offered credit for online courses in immigrant rights and political advocacy. At about $2,500, tuition was thousands less than what legal residents pay to attend UCLA, one of California's premier public universities.

Assemblyman Donnelly was the first lawmaker to publicly express outrage. "Here, you're going to have the taxpayers subsidizing it, so that illegal aliens can go to college, have their own little college, teach their own ideology, and all at taxpayer expense," he said in August. In an email to Fox News, a university spokesman admitted UCLA was "unaware of the courses to be offered" by NDU. Fox News has repeatedly reached out to the UCLA professors who, on their own, established NDU, with no oversight from university administrators.

When asked for comment, Kent Wong, director of the UCLA Labor Center, hung up on Fox News several times. He does, however, speak frequently in support of so-called DREAMers. At one rally, he told an audience of cheering young activists "you will go onto become lawyers and teachers and doctors and members of the U.S. Senate to replace those old white men." In a response to a query by Donnelly, University of California President Mark Yudof said the two research groups behind NDU did not go through the proper channels, and therefore would not be allowed to continue the program.

Read more: Exclusive: UCLA shuts down controversial illegal immigrant college program | Fox News

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