4 Indiana Dems charged with election fraud in 2008 presidential race

you honesty and lack of it makes any bet with you nothing but bullshit

Are you willing to bet your account on this board on Obama's re-election chances?

Come on, Lair. My account vs. yours. If Obama is re-elected, I leave forever... IP ban. If Obama loses, YOU leave forever... IP ban.

You up for it, Byotch?

YOU pick the mod to manage it.

You in, byotch?

Oh this is going to be interesting


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Key is... will TDM stop denying that election and vote fraud exists?? And using it as one of her 2 major bullshit arguments against voter ID

dear lying sack of fucking shit.

lies do not an argument make in the real world.

Its only the con world that believes that

You have used the 'lack of voter fraud' and the 'racism' card in almost all of your arguments against photo voter id...

Well.. let me correct one thing... you only consider that REPs delve in to voter fraud...
you honesty and lack of it makes any bet with you nothing but bullshit

Are you willing to bet your account on this board on Obama's re-election chances?

Come on, Lair. My account vs. yours. If Obama is re-elected, I leave forever... IP ban. If Obama loses, YOU leave forever... IP ban.

You up for it, Byotch?

YOU pick the mod to manage it.

You in, byotch?


she's too scared to accept.

At least Salt Jones had the nads to accept.
you honesty and lack of it makes any bet with you nothing but bullshit

Are you willing to bet your account on this board on Obama's re-election chances?

Come on, Lair. My account vs. yours. If Obama is re-elected, I leave forever... IP ban. If Obama loses, YOU leave forever... IP ban.

You up for it, Byotch?

YOU pick the mod to manage it.

You in, byotch?


you pick which religions hell you wish to go to
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where has a republican on here ever said that about the republican cheating?
Repubs don't cheat, they use voter suppression :)

Dems cheat.... cuz they prefer non-Americans to be able to vote.... all about winning - to hell with the Republic.

I'd guess voter fraud is a crime both Democrats AND republicans are guilty of; voter ID won't end this.

Yep, they are.... and both should be condemned for it... and those found guilty absolutely should go to prison. Voter ID may not end it - but it will help to stop it. The only ones who argue against some form of ID are those who don't want to end the fraud.

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