300,000 come to Anti-Abortion Rally in D.C.

I don't understand why these fuckers bother. They're never going to end it. Sane, rational people don't want it to end. The best thing they can do is go back home, shut their little mouths, and get a real education on women's rights.
Do men carry children through gestation, asshole?

Do men 'willfully choose to engage in behavior designed for conception?"

Obviously. Way to move your goal posts! For someone who goes on and on about how 'nature' designed the man and woman to make babies, you certainly seem willing to ignore half of nature's equation when its inconvenient to your argument.

The reason I ask is that the REASON that the woman has a 'right to choose', is because THE WOMAN BEARS THE CONSEQUENCES.

Actually, both the man and the woman bear the consequences. Both equally. If she bears the child, they're both responsible for it. If she aborts, neither are.
Do men carry children through gestation, asshole?

Do men 'willfully choose to engage in behavior designed for conception?"

Obviously. Way to move your goal posts! For someone who goes on and on about how 'nature' designed the man and woman to make babies, you certainly seem willing to ignore half of nature's equation when its inconvenient to your argument.

The reason I ask is that the REASON that the woman has a 'right to choose', is because THE WOMAN BEARS THE CONSEQUENCES.

Actually, both the man and the woman bear the consequences. Both equally. If she bears the child, they're both responsible for it. If she aborts, neither are.

And the irony impaired far left are at it again..
...if the Mother had not willfully CHOSEN to engage in the behavior designed for conception, until she was ready to conceive and raise a child?

Is that too much to ask?

Ah, the secret ambitions of the 'pro-life' movement comes out... "like the renewal of a ration card", right?
How many of those anti abortionists have adopted the child of a woman who would otherwise have aborted?

Hmm...I could probably count the number on one hand.
Liberal lying douche
"WASHINGTON — A massive wave of anti-abortion demonstrators hit the streets of the nation’s capital Thursday for the 42nd annual March for Life.

Hundreds of thousands of people — organizers estimated at least 300,000 marchers — packed the National Mall, listening to political and religious speakers before marching to the steps of the Supreme Court.

“The crowds are massive,” March for Life president Jeanne Monahan-Mancini told TheBlaze. “I’ve never seen anything like it in my entire life.”

As in years past, the rally was dominated by young Catholics, with many Catholic colleges and youth groups bussing in teenagers from all over the U.S.

“It’s a very Catholic event, as a Catholic I’m proud of that,” Monahan-Mancini said, while noting their outreach to other faiths (including having Dr. James Dobson speak at the 2014 March for Life) and the presence of such groups as Secular Pro-Life.

Colorful characters…"

8216 I 8217 ve Never Seen Anything Like It in My Entire Life 8217 See Photos of the Massive Pro-Life March That Rocked D.C. TheBlaze.com

This is why we're lucky not to have that sort of democracy that conservatives like to call 'mob rule'.
"WASHINGTON — A massive wave of anti-abortion demonstrators hit the streets of the nation’s capital Thursday for the 42nd annual March for Life.

Hundreds of thousands of people — organizers estimated at least 300,000 marchers — packed the National Mall, listening to political and religious speakers before marching to the steps of the Supreme Court.

“The crowds are massive,” March for Life president Jeanne Monahan-Mancini told TheBlaze. “I’ve never seen anything like it in my entire life.”

As in years past, the rally was dominated by young Catholics, with many Catholic colleges and youth groups bussing in teenagers from all over the U.S.

“It’s a very Catholic event, as a Catholic I’m proud of that,” Monahan-Mancini said, while noting their outreach to other faiths (including having Dr. James Dobson speak at the 2014 March for Life) and the presence of such groups as Secular Pro-Life.

Colorful characters…"

8216 I 8217 ve Never Seen Anything Like It in My Entire Life 8217 See Photos of the Massive Pro-Life March That Rocked D.C. TheBlaze.com

This is why we're lucky not to have that sort of democracy that conservatives like to call 'mob rule'.
An oligarchy is so much better
How many of those anti abortionists have adopted the child of a woman who would otherwise have aborted?

Hmm...I could probably count the number on one hand.

You're reading the writing of one who did. What would ya like to know about it?

How many of those kids would not have been subjected to such absurdities, if the Mother had not willfully CHOSEN to engage in the behavior designed for conception, until she was ready to conceive and raise a child?

Is that too much to ask?

So were these some sort of immaculate conceptions? Or were there men involved?
Why do you stupid fuckers insist that it's just the women who are to blame?
Pack your tiny pistol in the same place you left your keys, asshole.
The man doesn't have a choice to keep the child either.
"WASHINGTON — A massive wave of anti-abortion demonstrators hit the streets of the nation’s capital Thursday for the 42nd annual March for Life.

Hundreds of thousands of people — organizers estimated at least 300,000 marchers — packed the National Mall, listening to political and religious speakers before marching to the steps of the Supreme Court.

“The crowds are massive,” March for Life president Jeanne Monahan-Mancini told TheBlaze. “I’ve never seen anything like it in my entire life.”

As in years past, the rally was dominated by young Catholics, with many Catholic colleges and youth groups bussing in teenagers from all over the U.S.

“It’s a very Catholic event, as a Catholic I’m proud of that,” Monahan-Mancini said, while noting their outreach to other faiths (including having Dr. James Dobson speak at the 2014 March for Life) and the presence of such groups as Secular Pro-Life.

Colorful characters…"

8216 I 8217 ve Never Seen Anything Like It in My Entire Life 8217 See Photos of the Massive Pro-Life March That Rocked D.C. TheBlaze.com

This is why we're lucky not to have that sort of democracy that conservatives like to call 'mob rule'.
Kinda like Ferguson?
How many of those anti abortionists have adopted the child of a woman who would otherwise have aborted?

Hmm...I could probably count the number on one hand.

You're reading the writing of one who did. What would ya like to know about it?

How many of those kids would not have been subjected to such absurdities, if the Mother had not willfully CHOSEN to engage in the behavior designed for conception, until she was ready to conceive and raise a child?

Is that too much to ask?

So were these some sort of immaculate conceptions? Or were there men involved?
Why do you stupid fuckers insist that it's just the women who are to blame?
Pack your tiny pistol in the same place you left your keys, asshole.

Do men carry children through gestation, asshole?

The reason I ask is that the REASON that the woman has a 'right to choose', is because THE WOMAN BEARS THE CONSEQUENCES.

You can bray about the responsibility of men all you want. But the WOMAN is the one who is responsible for HER ACTIONS and never more so than where HER ACTIONS conceive a child.

Here's the deal. Men like you need to carefully keep your tweezer-size dicks in your pants and be 50% responsible for unwanted pregnancies. A woman can't get pregnant if she doesn't have stupid men like you around.
So by your post, how stupid is the woman for screwing a stupid guy?
"300,000 come to Anti-Abortion Rally in D.C."

Actually, it's an anti-privacy rights demonstration.

And their time and energy would be better spent coming up with a way to end the practice of abortion that comports with the Constitution and its case law.

With case law, maybe. Roe v Wade is law pulled out of the Supreme Court's ass.

This from a person who doesn't care either way.