3 of the top 5 richest men in Congress are democrats.

It is not very difficult to understand or figure out. Unless of course the ultra rich and corporations are like a god to you.
you know the ones that pay less than minimum wage or pay at or below the poverty level.
Then when it comes their turn to dip their wick into the money pot its how much for me!!! And what else do you have to offer me because "I AM ME"

My posts have never said they were evil they were gluttons and they exploit the country with their unscrupulous demands. All the rich? No. All the corporations? No.
But many.

Ok. What corporations, or rich wealthy people, would you consider having "unscrupulous demands, and exploiting the country"?
Your an idiot, corporations paying below minimum wage?. Name one, if not shut up.
Who are the richest members of Congress - Yahoo Finance

That's right the supposed party of the people is full of rich people.

The Democratic Party is a coalition party. Of course they have rich people. And poor people and everyone in between. Including gays, blacks, whites, Hispanics, Asians, college professors, scientists, drop outs, men, women. The party is incredibly diverse. Just look up "Democratic Party Demographics".

Then you have the Republicans, 90% white. Ignorant poor people led by rich white people.
The ignorant ones are you and the rest of the idiots on the left who put the current idiot in charge twice.
Who are the richest members of Congress - Yahoo Finance

That's right the supposed party of the people is full of rich people.

Nothing wrong with that. Do I detect "class envy"?
Just a minute.
You libs have been bombing the wealthy. Carrying signs vilifying if not criminalizing wealth.
Now your side is exposed as the more wealthy and now you say "So what"?..
Cut the bullshit.
This wealth thing is the issue YOU started. Now it is your albatross.
Tough shit

Yet another one. I am very comfortable. I like being comfortable. I do not wish to criminalize wealth. But....I do wish to be among fellow Americans who are all doing well. I don't derive pleasure from the knowledge that there are hungry kids just a few miles down the road.

USMB nutters are very wrapped up in making sure they get what is "theirs".....and seemingly consider being able to look down at others as a sign of success.

True story.

No, you are the scum sucking nutter. No one get's pleasure from the knowledge that there are hungry kids. But what you do get pleasure from, is making up crap about other people you don't know. You get pleasure from slandering others, and accusing them of

"wrapped up in making sure they get what is "theirs".....and seemingly consider being able to look down at others as a sign of success"

*YOU* are the scum sucking hypocrite here. You prejudge people you don't know. You insult people who think differently than you. You are pile of crap. That's all you people are. You talk about how much you stand up for your "fellow Americans", and then when you meet them, you accuse us of all this trash you make up.

How people like you can even look at yourself in a mirror is beyond me. Do you have no shame? No conscience? Nope. Because you in fact are the very 'nutter' you accuse others of being.
It is not very difficult to understand or figure out. Unless of course the ultra rich and corporations are like a god to you.
you know the ones that pay less than minimum wage or pay at or below the poverty level.
Then when it comes their turn to dip their wick into the money pot its how much for me!!! And what else do you have to offer me because "I AM ME"

Name one. Who? Where?
Who are the richest members of Congress - Yahoo Finance

That's right the supposed party of the people is full of rich people.

The Democratic Party is a coalition party. Of course they have rich people. And poor people and everyone in between. Including gays, blacks, whites, Hispanics, Asians, college professors, scientists, drop outs, men, women. The party is incredibly diverse. Just look up "Democratic Party Demographics".

Then you have the Republicans, 90% white. Ignorant poor people led by rich white people.
Lol, your party thinks Obama has done a good job. You don't have the right to call others ignorant.

Considering how fucked up the GOP is. The damage they caused to the country. And their rating of 7%, I think Obama has done a pretty spectacular job. The problem with your kind is your echo chamber. You whine about him so much, you can't understand why everyone else isn't whining along with you.
Why do we keep getting these threads from Conservatives?

Yes.....Democrats can be rich
They do not hate wealth

They just think the wealthy should pay more in taxes. They vote to raise their own taxes
Meanwhile, rich republicans vote to slash the benefits of the poor

That is the difference
If they want to pay more in taxes they are free to cut a check to the U.S. Treasury for any amount they want.

But they won't
What a childlike retort

They are elected congressmen and their role is to set the tax rate. Wealthy Democrats vote to raise their own tax rate, wealthy republicans look to slash programs for the poor
It's called leading by example.

But then again out elected leaders don't lead anymore do they?
So....every politician who supports helping the poor should give all their money to the poor first
Every republican who supported invading Iraq should have enlisted first

What a simpleton you are
Where did I ever say "all their money"?

But should they give something hell yes. If i tell you you should give to charity and then refuse to do the same you would call me a hypocrite of the first order so tell me why don't you think elected politicians should be held to that same standard?

And i believe anyone who votes for others to go to war should be willing themselves and if not then then their kids should go.

If that were the case we wouldn't have wasted so many lives of our brave soldiers in ga
mbes of political brinkmanship.
Hillary is the poorest of the democrat poor. Why she had to down grade on her vacation home in the Hamptons this year.

No matter what you say, the brain dead American voter will always think that the DNC is for the poor and the GOP is for the rich, despite corporate America propping up people like Obama. Brain death occurred long ago, there is little hope.

Now Obama and company have declared war on small business in America with their various entitlements and unfair taxation that essentially has nixed competition for small business with corporate America. The problem is, small business hires up to 2/3 of the workforce and always has, but now that it is near impossible for a small business to flourish do to government/corporate policy, the jobs have gone.

Also, if you notice democrats are fixated on taxing income. Well guess what, the richest of the rich don't care much about income, only wealth. The rich don't need any income, so punishing income only decreases competition for the very rich. This, in turn, will cause the very rich to become much more idle and complacent as innovation and competition will stagnate much like in the former USSR.

Enjoy America! I'm sure Hillary will fix everything.

Dems only want to tax the bloated rich and giant corporations more, Pubs block cutting their loopholes, and lowering corporate rates that will help small business. After 30 years of voodoo , the rich and giant corps pay less in ALL TAXES AND FEES than anyone,. Hater dupes believe a pile of crappe. see sig
This thread is built on a faulty premise. Apparently because 3 of the top 5 wealthiest congress critters are Democrats, that's supposed to mean that the Democratic party is only on the side of the rich and not the "party of the people"?

What the OP misunderstands is that liberals don't have a problem with wealthy individuals; that's just something conservatives tell themselves in the bubble in they live in way up on what Jon Stewart calls Bullshit Mountain.

What makes you a member of the "party of the people" is not your net worth; it's how you vote and what you stand for in relation to the needs of the people.

I'll always respect a rich politician who votes in favor of raising their own taxes in order to better their own country. In fact, it's a noble enough reason to vote for that kind of politician over the other, more selfish kind.
Dear God in heaven, another zombie who gets their news from Jon Stewart.

Speaking of Jon, how much do you reckon he makes a year?
3 of 5 are Democrats. I take it that 2 of 5 are Republicans?

They're all Fat Cats who care not a whit about us.

First, it's always amazing to me, that based on no information except net worth, you magically know accurately who does, or does not care "about us".

As if, magically, if one of them was poor.... they would automatically 'care about us'..... because they were poor...

Because I know in my life, the people who cared the most about me.... were poor people.... right? Hasn't that been your experience too?

Second, I truly wish those people would STOP caring about me so much. Maybe if they didn't care about me, they'd stop stealing 1/3rd of my pay check, and claiming they were screwing me over for "my benefit" because "we care".

I can't tell you how many times, self-righteous, patronizing, down talking leftards, have asked me why "you are voting against your own best interest?", and I'm looking at my pay stub, thinking... that's my best interest? To be screwed over for your failed policies, is in my best interest....... right.

So yeah, if we can just vote in people who are only interested in advancing themselves, instead of screwing me over while claiming it's because they care about me.... I'd gladly take that over the current situation. That extra $6 Trillion in debt Obama has saddled me with, supposedly for 'my best interest', that I'm going to be screwed over in the future to pay back.... It would have been much better if Obama didn't care a whit about me, and didn't screw me over like that.

Dude, on another thread you said you made 12k two years ago. I am sure you are up to 14k now. Which means you get the EIC. Quit with the bullshit about how YOUR paycheck is being so severely impacted by 6 billion in debt. You get back every dollar withheld. Plus some. For being poor.
The Dem rich want to raise their own taxes and raise the incomes of the nonrich, Pub rich are always trying to cut their own taxes, screw workers and the environment. Duh. Distracting the hater dupes with divisive snake oil about freedom and hard work. Breaking news: EVERYONE is for all that, silly marks of con men Pubs.
3 of 5 are Democrats. I take it that 2 of 5 are Republicans?

They're all Fat Cats who care not a whit about us.

First, it's always amazing to me, that based on no information except net worth, you magically know accurately who does, or does not care "about us".

As if, magically, if one of them was poor.... they would automatically 'care about us'..... because they were poor...

Because I know in my life, the people who cared the most about me.... were poor people.... right? Hasn't that been your experience too?

Second, I truly wish those people would STOP caring about me so much. Maybe if they didn't care about me, they'd stop stealing 1/3rd of my pay check, and claiming they were screwing me over for "my benefit" because "we care".

I can't tell you how many times, self-righteous, patronizing, down talking leftards, have asked me why "you are voting against your own best interest?", and I'm looking at my pay stub, thinking... that's my best interest? To be screwed over for your failed policies, is in my best interest....... right.

So yeah, if we can just vote in people who are only interested in advancing themselves, instead of screwing me over while claiming it's because they care about me.... I'd gladly take that over the current situation. That extra $6 Trillion in debt Obama has saddled me with, supposedly for 'my best interest', that I'm going to be screwed over in the future to pay back.... It would have been much better if Obama didn't care a whit about me, and didn't screw me over like that.

Dude, on another thread you said you made 12k two years ago. I am sure you are up to 14k now. Which means you get the EIC. Quit with the bullshit about how YOUR paycheck is being so severely impacted by 6 billion in debt. You get back every dollar withheld. Plus some. For being poor.

The elevator does not go all the way to the top floor, does it?

Have you noticed the price of food going up and up? I suppose it has nothing to do with the Fed printing press, does it?
The Dem rich want to raise their own taxes and raise the incomes of the nonrich, Pub rich are always trying to cut their own taxes, screw workers and the environment. Duh. Distracting the hater dupes with divisive snake oil about freedom and hard work. Breaking news: EVERYONE is for all that, silly marks of con men Pubs.

If you look at the "poor" state, they are all conservative. The rich states are all blue.

I suppose the ignorant masses think that democrats are elected despite evil corporations, instead of looking at corporations who lavished Obama with money during his election bid so that they don't pay income taxes now.
Dear God in heaven, another zombie who gets their news from Jon Stewart.

Speaking of Jon, how much do you reckon he makes a year?
A helluva lot less than Rush, Beck, Levin etc etc etc, or all the Pub lawmakers who become lobbyists and Pub org.ers, much more than Dems.

So many idiotic arguments, chump of the GREEDY IDIOT rich....
The Dem rich want to raise their own taxes and raise the incomes of the nonrich, Pub rich are always trying to cut their own taxes, screw workers and the environment. Duh. Distracting the hater dupes with divisive snake oil about freedom and hard work. Breaking news: EVERYONE is for all that, silly marks of con men Pubs.

If you look at the "poor" state, they are all conservative. The rich states are all blue.

I suppose the ignorant masses think that democrats are elected despite evil corporations, instead of looking at corporations who lavished Obama with money during his election bid so that they don't pay income taxes now.
A) Austerity and pandering to the richest is worse, and stupider, in red states...bad education, infrastructure, health care etc etc etc.
B) There are smart businessmen, and Pub businessmen...btw, what the feck bs are you talking about- wait- spare me.
Why do we keep getting these threads from Conservatives?

Yes.....Democrats can be rich
They do not hate wealth

They just think the wealthy should pay more in taxes. They vote to raise their own taxes
Meanwhile, rich republicans vote to slash the benefits of the poor

That is the difference
If they want to pay more in taxes they are free to cut a check to the U.S. Treasury for any amount they want.

But they won't
What a childlike retort

They are elected congressmen and their role is to set the tax rate. Wealthy Democrats vote to raise their own tax rate, wealthy republicans look to slash programs for the poor
Yeah, obama care done so well for the poor. The supplements they get for their insurance, will be added as income and will affect their tax credits at the end of the year. So yeah democrats really are for the poor.
Compared to the party of "let em die"?
Quoting a democrat, priceless. I got a buddy makes almost 15.00 an hour, the only one working in his family, got two kids. He pays almost no taxes, but got supplemented for obama care. He usually gets 6 thousand back for his kids. The supplements will pretty much wipe that out. So are you and Obama gonna help the millions your doing this to? Before obama care his children got medicaid or medicare I don't know which, but it was the free one, for him. Now Obama has screwed that one up. Come the beginning of the year a lot of democrat voters will be pissed when they find out they are now paying for their healthcare.

That 6k was not getting money back, that 6k was a welfare check. Democrats wanted your welfare dollars to be spent in the form of forced insurance. Bend over for government health care.
Who are the richest members of Congress - Yahoo Finance

That's right the supposed party of the people is full of rich people.
Most democrats are lawyers, most republicans are physicians.

Where did you get that nonsense? Except for Ron Paul, I can't think of another medical doctor that doesn't believe in evolution. I think you have your career fields reversed.
Nope it's a fact look it up. Evolution WTF are you talking about?
Let me see,.......You IDIOT , if you could actually comprehend something that is written you might not look like such a fool. Below poverty level was included so those that are there are the ones.
Nice try to kiss some more ass of the ultra rich.
Its asses like you that keep the struggle down but we will continue the fight to show what a bunch of robber barons they are , you can help them all you want.
Low life.

It is not very difficult to understand or figure out. Unless of course the ultra rich and corporations are like a god to you.
you know the ones that pay less than minimum wage or pay at or below the poverty level.
Then when it comes their turn to dip their wick into the money pot its how much for me!!! And what else do you have to offer me because "I AM ME"

My posts have never said they were evil they were gluttons and they exploit the country with their unscrupulous demands. All the rich? No. All the corporations? No.
But many.

Ok. What corporations, or rich wealthy people, would you consider having "unscrupulous demands, and exploiting the country"?
Your an idiot, corporations paying below minimum wage?. Name one, if not shut up.

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