3 Issues The DemonRAT Debate Decided To Gloss Over To Prevent Embarrassing Themselves

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
As members of the 2020 clown show debated last night, three questions remained off the docket. Granted, there was a lot of Trump-bashing, some intense moments where the candidates slung mud at one another, and the reiteration of trash left-wing policies. One thing is clear: there is not a single person on that stage last night who can beat Donald Trump. It’s not even close. For the three-hours this breakfast was on, we learned that Democrats want to increase taxes, have a terrible health care plan that will gut private health insurance, will confiscate guns, and they don’t like Trump’s trade policy with China, even though they do but can’t say it.

(Excerpt) Read more at townhall.com ...


I'll make it easy:

1. Economy/jobs

2. Abortion/ up to and including birth

3. Foreign policy issues

Guess the moderators concluded these issues are not relevant. Carry on contestants.
Many pundits have compiled lists of questions that should have. been asked but were not.

"If Trump's economy is 'bad for everyone,' how do you account for the fact that the unemployment rate is at record lows for virtually every demographic in U.S. society?"

And so on.

It is obvious to anyone paying attention that the questioners didn't want to ask anything that might embarrass the group as a whole.
Abortion after birth?


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