The Only Question Remaining Now That the Truth Is Out About NIH Funding Wuhan is, How Much Did Fauci and Others Get From the CCP?


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Just hearing Fauci flip-flopping over COVID in 2020 was enough for me to realize what a fraud he was.

Now we have this, and the questions is: How much did Fauci and his pals get in kickbacks from the CCP?

Washington, D.C. From a shining city to a city sinking into the mire of the swamp it is built on.

That is not the only question, but it's a good one. They need to GUT NIH.

From the recent testimony, you are 100% spot on. These assholes at NIH deleted emails to avoid FOIA requests. Why would anyone ever need to do that and why is the doctor that did it with Fauci's Right Hand Man (Peter Daszak) still employed with NIH?

Fauci, Daszak, Morens, and the whole lot of them were able kill over 6 million people and cost us trillions. They should all be in prison, but the Left protects these ghouls.
That is not the only question, but it's a good one. They need to GUT NIH.

From the recent testimony, you are 100% spot on. These assholes at NIH deleted emails to avoid FOIA requests. Why would anyone ever need to do that and why is the doctor that did it with Fauci's Right Hand Man (Peter Daszak) still employed with NIH?

Fauci, Daszak, Morens, and the whole lot of them were able kill over 6 million people and cost us trillions. They should all be in prison, but the Left protects these ghouls.

The political class response: More funding!
Just hearing Fauci flip-flopping over COVID in 2020 was enough for me to realize what a fraud he was.

Now we have this, and the questions is: How much did Fauci and his pals get in kickbacks from the CCP?

Washington, D.C. From a shining city to a city sinking into the mire of the swamp it is built on.

The corruption level within federal government is so rampant in depth that there remains no chance of curbing it let alone eliminating it. It's just the current state of the human condition(human nature). Like all the preceding great nations/empires that collapsed before America, we as Americans are just following suit.
Why is it some epiphany here that government agendas have $$$ strings attached ?

Do you really need to have this explained????


The NIH has essentially 2 basic groups within it. Those who want to fund good research and those who want to give money to "make friends".

It's absolutely full of people who hold doctorates in medicine and chemistry....and some of these people have issues dealing with the real world.

Medical research is not cheap, easy or simple. Because there are privacy rights and human rights to consider....medicine has come a LONG way in my lifetime....where things like leukemia once had a 50/50 chance of survival it's now a prescription for 3 months and get back to work!

But the NIH, like Farm Credit, and other agencies have become swamps of corruption and DEI agendas. These swamps need to be drained. It is not just money at stake but power....

The NIH's system by which they award research grants is extremely flawed.

Most research is somewhat systematic. Small scale studies are done and then if the hypothesis proves true larger scale studies are done. Then there's the "mop up" research proving or disproving affiliated theories....(including gain of function)

The "mop up" research is often handed to anyone but the principle American researcher so that the Government can claim they have international partnerships and "make friends" with others....possibly attracting best and brightest minds from the world to America. (The USA never wanted dumb, broke losers despite what the statue says)

And this is where the wheels come off the train. This is where CCP has been literally stealing research data (with our government's FULL KNOWLEDGE) of the situation. Because literally most other nations do not have the ability to use most of the research performed in the US. Most, like China, have huge difficulties keeping the lights on much less the molecule fabrication or DNA level research that comprises most of the modern research today.

The Wuhan lab claimed a specific level of safety for researching this virus but flat out didn't use it. When cleaning out mice cages instead of incineration they were just thrown in the dumpster...where pangoines got into it and spread it through the city. (Those things are everywhere and quiet)


NIH is a swamp....Farm Credit is a swamp (making loans to foreign nationals and huge corporations instead of American Family farmers).

DC is now for rich elites to play games.
What medical research focuses on the development of diseases specifically engineered towards human mortality John?
In the US that's not the focus....
Gain of function is occasionally done (small scale) under strict isolation protocols to ensure that when a disease develops and spreads that it can be stopped with medicines and/or vaccines. That the virus does not mutate easily or rapidly or that the mutations can be treated with the same medicines.

Where this is abused is with (military applications) weapons of mass destruction. Most all created viruses have a low contagion factor or are easily stopped. Measles is usually the base virus used for most military applications because of high transmission and effective vaccines. There are others like Anthrax or Influenza....again these are also stopped with antibiotics or antivirals. Tuberculosis is sturdy but also is workable.

CCP has had a voracious appetite for ALL technology and goes to great lengths to steal any cutting edge research available. The NIH was made aware but ignored EVERY warning from the CIA, FBI, and other intelligence agencies from around the world to stop paying for possibly weaponized research or even letting it out. Especially with current enemies of the USA.

The recent list includes, Iran, Iraq, CCP, Russia and others.
What medical research focuses on the development of diseases specifically engineered towards human mortality John?
Cancer gets a LOT of gain of function fact that's most of the research done today. Cancer isn't contagious...but it tends to be durable and tough to kill. So we have been successful in curing more cancers than ever before from things like gain of function testing. That's where stuff like radiation plus chemo plus surgery therapies come into play.
Chemo is expensive is surgery. But liquid tumors and non-tumor cancers don't respond to anything but chemotherapy. But these sorts can be very difficult to stop. Viruses are only one type of cancer....there are thousands.
<Snip the irrelevant stuff>
JohnDB But the NIH, like Farm Credit, and other agencies have become swamps of corruption and DEI agendas. <Snip>

John Edgar Slow Horsses; Here is the lie, unsourced and unsupported from the OP

But the NIH, like Farm Credit, and other agencies have become swamps of corruption and DEI agendas.
<Snip the irrelevant stuff>
JohnDB But the NIH, like Farm Credit, and other agencies have become swamps of corruption and DEI agendas. <Snip>

John Edgar Slow Horsses; Here is the lie, unsourced and unsupported from the OP

But the NIH, like Farm Credit, and other agencies have become swamps of corruption and DEI agendas.
Not unsourced or unsupported.

There are multiple threads on this forum covering both agencies...and further investigation easily reveals names, places, amounts, beneficiaries and etc.

It might be new news to you...but not to me who is A-Political to begin with.

Any simple search will reveal tons of information quickly.

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