241 American Troops Were Killed In Beirut 1983 Despite Warnings, No Two Year Witch Hunt.


Comfortably Moderate
Oct 19, 2010
4th Cleanest City in the World-Minneapolis
President Ronald Reagan ignored warning from his staff and intelligence of an attack. This, despite a previous terrorist attack six months earlier on the US Embassy in Beirut that killed 63 employees including 17 Americans.
So the total Americans killed within six months and two attacks totaled 258 Americans.
yet there were no two years and counting investigations. Amazing?
Yet, despite these historical facts of total incompetence, we have the far right playing politics spending millions of tax payer dollars and they haven't accomplished one thing. Well maybe they have. They have desensitized the subject, where as most Americans have stopped caring.
Now, like Reagan, Clinton (USS Cole), GWB (12 attacks on Embassies/Consultants) there were mistakes leading to Benghazi by the Obama Administration. None of the previous mistakes by past presidents were investigated for two years and counting, despite higher US death tolls.
Why? Discuss.
What's to discuss, the OP posting facts simply puts an exclamation point on the fact that Darryl Issa is a dirt bag; of course so are Boehner, McConnell and all those jumping into the clown car seeking the Republican Nomination for POTUS.

Notice they all use the same talking points, making allegations of wrongdoing by Sect. Clinton, President Obama and Sect. Kerry, doing nothing short of giving aid and comfort to our enemies solely for political advantage.

Character assassination sans probative evidence is not only a character flaw, it is an affront to the Ten Commandments.
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President Ronald Reagan ignored warning from his staff and intelligence of an attack. This, despite a previous terrorist attack six months earlier on the US Embassy in Beirut that killed 63 employees including 17 Americans.
So the total Americans killed within six months and two attacks totaled 258 Americans.
yet there were no two years and counting investigations. Amazing?
Yet, despite these historical facts of total incompetence, we have the far right playing politics spending millions of tax payer dollars and they haven't accomplished one thing. Well maybe they have. They have desensitized the subject, where as most Americans have stopped caring.
Now, like Reagan, Clinton (USS Cole), GWB (12 attacks on Embassies/Consultants) there were mistakes leading to Benghazi by the Obama Administration. None of the previous mistakes by past presidents were investigated for two years and counting, despite higher US death tolls.
Why? Discuss.

Why, because they didn't lie their asses off about the reason for the attacks for fear it would hurt their reelection.
President Ronald Reagan ignored warning from his staff and intelligence of an attack. This, despite a previous terrorist attack six months earlier on the US Embassy in Beirut that killed 63 employees including 17 Americans.
So the total Americans killed within six months and two attacks totaled 258 Americans.
yet there were no two years and counting investigations. Amazing?
Yet, despite these historical facts of total incompetence, we have the far right playing politics spending millions of tax payer dollars and they haven't accomplished one thing. Well maybe they have. They have desensitized the subject, where as most Americans have stopped caring.
Now, like Reagan, Clinton (USS Cole), GWB (12 attacks on Embassies/Consultants) there were mistakes leading to Benghazi by the Obama Administration. None of the previous mistakes by past presidents were investigated for two years and counting, despite higher US death tolls.
Why? Discuss.

Why, because they didn't lie their asses off about the reason for the attacks for fear it would hurt their reelection.

Could you list the apparently long list of lies discovered by the House Panel?
What's to discuss, the OP posting facts simply puts an exclamation point on the fact that Darryl Issa is a dirt bag; of course so are Boehner, McConnell and all those jumping into the clown car seeking the Republican Nomination for POTUS.

Notice they all use the same talking points, making allegations of wrongdoing by Sect. Clinton, President Obama and Sect. Kerry, doing nothing short of giving aid and comfort to our enemies solely for political advantage.

Character assassination sans probative evidence is not only a character flaw, it is an affront to the Ten Commandments.

The dems are whited sepulchers filled with dead mens bones... :D
What's to discuss, the OP posting facts simply puts an exclamation point on the fact that Darryl Issa is a dirt bag; of course so are Boehner, McConnell and all those jumping into the clown car seeking the Republican Nomination for POTUS.

Notice they all use the same talking points, making allegations of wrongdoing by Sect. Clinton, President Obama and Sect. Kerry, doing nothing short of giving aid and comfort to our enemies solely for political advantage.

Character assassination sans probative evidence is not only a character flaw, it is an affront to the Ten Commandments.

The dems are whited sepulchers filled with dead mens bones... :D

Dead Bones Scorecard
Reagan 258
Obama 4
What's to discuss, the OP posting facts simply puts an exclamation point on the fact that Darryl Issa is a dirt bag; of course so are Boehner, McConnell and all those jumping into the clown car seeking the Republican Nomination for POTUS.

Notice they all use the same talking points, making allegations of wrongdoing by Sect. Clinton, President Obama and Sect. Kerry, doing nothing short of giving aid and comfort to our enemies solely for political advantage.

Character assassination sans probative evidence is not only a character flaw, it is an affront to the Ten Commandments.

The dems are whited sepulchers filled with dead mens bones... :D

Dead Bones Scorecard
Reagan 258
Obama 4
How about putting up the number of ALL the people killed under Obama? Instead of just cherry picking four.
Did any of the other Presidents blame the attacks on a video or anything else or call them anything other than what they were? If not there is your answer.

What has the House Panel concluded?
And by the way, in my OP I suggested fuck ups by the Obama Administration, correcto?
You also ask why no two year investigations into the others did you not? I believe I pointed out the key difference none of the others tried to mislead the nation as to the reason for the attacks it wasn't the mistakes leading up to Benghazi that got the Obama administration in trouble it was the attempted cover up afterwards and of course the fact this happened during an election year when the administration was pushing that Al-Qaeda was decimated and on the verge of defeat only added to their problems.
President Ronald Reagan ignored warning from his staff and intelligence of an attack. This, despite a previous terrorist attack six months earlier on the US Embassy in Beirut that killed 63 employees including 17 Americans.
So the total Americans killed within six months and two attacks totaled 258 Americans.
yet there were no two years and counting investigations. Amazing?
Yet, despite these historical facts of total incompetence, we have the far right playing politics spending millions of tax payer dollars and they haven't accomplished one thing. Well maybe they have. They have desensitized the subject, where as most Americans have stopped caring.
Now, like Reagan, Clinton (USS Cole), GWB (12 attacks on Embassies/Consultants) there were mistakes leading to Benghazi by the Obama Administration. None of the previous mistakes by past presidents were investigated for two years and counting, despite higher US death tolls.
Why? Discuss.

Why, because they didn't lie their asses off about the reason for the attacks for fear it would hurt their reelection.

Could you list the apparently long list of lies discovered by the House Panel?

1. Your dear leader lied to the American people.
2. Your dear leader sent Rice to 5 different Sunday shows to lie.
3. Your dear leader lied to the UN.
4. Your dear leader and the hildabeast lied to the families of those killed.
5. Your dear leader had his minions in press briefings to lie.
6. They maintained the lie all the way to the election.

Sometimes the attempt to cover up is worse than the offense.
Oh and there are other allegations coming out about the goings on in Benghazi, but I'll wait to see more. You asked why, I simply answered your question.
What evidence is there that Reagan "ignored " warnings about Beirut? If anything the Beirut terrorist attack was an example of negligence. There is absolutely no comparison to the terrorist attack that killed 241 Marines in Beirut by a single suicide bomber and the nine hour battle for Benghazi that Barry Hussein watched in real time while he was allegedly eating pizza. Nobody in the Reagan administration tried to blame a freaking obscure film maker for the disaster of Beirut. The cover-up is only worse than the crime during republican administrations. The media circled the wagons around Hillary like they did since she was using the Arkansas State Police to intimidate the women her husband was molesting.
Did any of the other Presidents blame the attacks on a video or anything else or call them anything other than what they were? If not there is your answer.

Who cares what anyone said? The fact is no one but the killer knows what motivated them on that infamous day. All of us knew that the video had created mob violence throughout the Muslim world, thus it was a likely - and still not proven it wasn't - the immediate cause.

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