24: season six (spoilers)

BTW, something i was thinking about. Wayne Palmer has to be the worst president ever. I don't mean character wise. I mean this guy sucks as the president. He's got terrorists blowing up multiple places at once for weeks. He lets the head terrorist have access to our defense grid to monitor capture of our top Anti-Terrorist guy, who he gave up god knows what to the Chinese to get back only to have him served up on a plate. Then to rectify his mistake, he offers a full pardon to a guy who personally beheaded US soldiers in order to capture the guy that we gave $25million to and access to the US defense grid. Then to compound that, he lets free 100 or so of the worlds most dangerous men free to the guy that played you for a sucker only a few hours ago. WTF man?

This guy needs to be impeached now, lol. We need Logan back. Even he didnt kill this many Americans or make this many mistakes.

sounds like mr appeasement
Y'know, it'd be stupid enough if it was an extremely realistic portrayal of them, but as much as I'm liking 24 again, we all have to admit that there is at least some level of fantasy to the show. It's not real, people!

I wish South Park was doing a season right now, I'd like to see what they'd do with this.
Y'know, it'd be stupid enough if it was an extremely realistic portrayal of them, but as much as I'm liking 24 again, we all have to admit that there is at least some level of fantasy to the show. It's not real, people!

I wish South Park was doing a season right now, I'd like to see what they'd do with this.

You know i must've missed it. Did the Chinese or Russians or even americans protest when they were the terrorists for the other seasons? Im sure i just missed it is all. :rolleyes:
Y'know, it'd be stupid enough if it was an extremely realistic portrayal of them, but as much as I'm liking 24 again, we all have to admit that there is at least some level of fantasy to the show. It's not real, people!

I wish South Park was doing a season right now, I'd like to see what they'd do with this.

and irony is its a unrealistic fantasy based on the official unrealistic fantasy's
ie: the war on terror ,wmds ,911
you really need to get laid man. You got too much time on your hands to keep typing the same posts in every thread.

you realty appear to have some sexual issues and it also appears to be you that is posting the same thing on several threads I am posting the same point of view on any given topic ,thats is different than posting the same thing .if you believe in the official 911 story and in what the controlled media reports your opinions on politics economics ,religion ,ect will reflect that , if you are aware of the reality of 911 and the globalist agenda that will reflect on your opinions on a variety of topics...what ever the value of my post may be it is surely time better spent than your perverted speculations on my sex life
you realty appear to have some sexual issues and it also appears to be you that is posting the same thing on several threads I am posting the same point of view on any given topic ,thats is different than posting the same thing .if you believe in the official 911 story and in what the controlled media reports your opinions on politics economics ,religion ,ect will reflect that , if you are aware of the reality of 911 and the globalist agenda that will reflect on your opinions on a variety of topics...what ever the value of my post may be it is surely time better spent than your perverted speculations on my sex life

LEts see. Topic on 24? You post about global illuminati. Post about hugh hefner? You post about Kerry and Bush being related and part of the skulls. Post about unemployment being low? You post about the government manipulating our lives like puppets.

You need to get a life. Not everything is controlled by the illuminati. Otherwise, you'd be dead. Unless *gulp* You're an illumnati infiltrator sent to confuse us and hide the fact that the illuminati exists by posting crazy topics about the illuminati existing. I'm on to you.
the Illuminati controls politics, economics ,and much of organized religion
it is impossible to resounded to these topics and leave out the globalist agenda ..unless you just want to pretend its not true and the stupidest point you have made so far is if there was a Illuminati i would be dead ,i case you have not seen any poles on the subject there are millions of people in America that believe the government was involved in 911 as well as scholars x-FBI and CIA and MC 5 agents i think they be a little higher up on the death pool list than me
you need to get a life and inform yourself on the reality in which you live under...ther is no more important issue than defeating the globalist and saving America ...sorry that the truth disturbs you so
I shouldn't even be replying to this, but...

and irony is its a unrealistic fantasy based on the official unrealistic fantasy's
ie: the war on terror ,wmds ,911

Ah, yes, all irony, no matter what it's regarding, is tied into the stupidest conspiracy theory in American history.

the Illuminati controls politics, economics ,and much of organized religion
it is impossible to resounded to these topics and leave out the globalist agenda .

Uhhhh... what?

.unless you just want to pretend its not true and the stupidest point you have made so far is if there was a Illuminati i would be dead ,i case you have not seen any poles on the subject there are millions of people in America that believe the government was involved in 911 as well as scholars x-FBI and CIA and MC 5 agents i think they be a little higher up on the death pool list than me

Lots of Americans believe Elvis is still alive. That must be true, too.

you need to get a life and inform yourself on the reality in which you live under...ther is no more important issue than defeating the globalist and saving America ...sorry that the truth disturbs you so

Er... yeah. The "truth" is what's disturbing here, not the lunatic raving about nonsense theories in inappropriate places.
I shouldn't even be replying to this, but...

Ah, yes, all irony, no matter what it's regarding, is tied into the stupidest conspiracy theory in American history.

Uhhhh... what?

Lots of Americans believe Elvis is still alive. That must be true, too.

Er... yeah. The "truth" is what's disturbing here, not the lunatic raving about nonsense theories in inappropriate places.

they are not theories they are facts that can be verified ,the weakens of the deniers argument if apparent ,it never fails to contain comments like Americans believing Elvis is still alive or tinfoil hats ect ,because it can not be truthfully argued that there is not a globalist agenda ,that the c.f.r.,bilderburgs,rockafellers ect don't exist and exercise great power over the economy and politics of America or bush and Kerry are not in skull and bones ,do not attend bohemian grove and that these groups do not engage in pagan rituals and blood oaths...none of this can be argued with facts because they are the facts...all thats left is Elvis and tinfoil hats the responses you have been programed to give when faced with this information
I am sorry the truth makes you feel uncomfortable be it must be told
Sorry... I don't watch the GOPnewsnetwork. ......

Do try again..... might be because you're trashing a thread about a show lots of us like and watch....and, believe it or not, we know its.... (psssst....listen closely....) F-I-C-T-I-O-N
oh puleeeeeze.... it's just a fun show and Kiefer Sutherland is hot...and Jack Bauer is a great character.

You know, there are professionals who can help you with the conspiratorial thinking. ...

CAIR gets into the act, no surprise:


Hit US television show "24" came under fire from a Muslim group, which accused the program's makers of fuelling anti-Muslim prejudice with its latest storyline.
The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) said "24's" season premiere, in which Islamic terrorists detonated a nuclear bomb near Los Angeles, risked stoking racial hatred.

The criticism was swiftly rejected by the show's network Fox Broadcasting, which said the series did not single out ethnic groups to be villains.

"The raw emotional impact of fictional scenes that include widespread death and destruction in America may adversely affect the public's attitude toward civil liberties, religious freedom and interfaith relations," the CAIR statement said.

"The program's repeated association of acts of terrorism with Islam will only serve to increase anti-Muslim prejudice in our society," it added.

Representatives of the award-winning series responded by pointing out that during the show's five seasons villains have included Americans, Baltic Europeans, Germans, Russians, Islamic fundamentalists and the fictional president of the United States.

"The producers are sensitive to the fact that over the course of the series no ethnic group be singled out for persecution or blame," a statement from Fox said.

"In fact, the show has made a concerted effort to show ethnic, religious and political groups as multi-dimensional, and political issues are debated from multiple viewpoints."

CAIR has raised similar concerns about "24" storylines in the past.

In response to the complaint two years ago, Fox aired a public service announcement featuring "24's" star Kiefer Sutherland, urging viewers to avoid stereotyping Muslims.
the Illuminati controls politics, economics ,and much of organized religion
it is impossible to resounded to these topics and leave out the globalist agenda ..unless you just want to pretend its not true and the stupidest point you have made so far is if there was a Illuminati i would be dead ,i case you have not seen any poles on the subject there are millions of people in America that believe the government was involved in 911 as well as scholars x-FBI and CIA and MC 5 agents i think they be a little higher up on the death pool list than me
you need to get a life and inform yourself on the reality in which you live under...ther is no more important issue than defeating the globalist and saving America ...sorry that the truth disturbs you so

why do you worry about these people....look at the state of the world....they obviously are not any good at world domination.....it appears you fear incompetents

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