21st Century Emily Posts: Little Girls Scream F-Words for LGBT T-Shirt "Good Cause"

Is this where the LGBT 'permissiveness' with children will stop? Or will the future hold worse?

  • This is as far as they will go. They will stop themselves after this.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • This is just the beginning. Fasten your seatbelts.

    Votes: 12 75.0%
  • Other, see my post

    Votes: 4 25.0%

  • Total voters
LOL! Are you actually saying that you would accept the APA's word on this but not on homosexuality?

And are you actually claiming that you are sure that these young girls have never heard or used the words they spoke in the video? How do you know that?

Get back to me with an official APA statement on this video...then we'll discuss their views on homosexuality. Get it?

Ever played chess before? This is what you call "checkmate"...
LOL! Are you actually saying that you would accept the APA's word on this but not on homosexuality?

And are you actually claiming that you are sure that these young girls have never heard or used the words they spoke in the video? How do you know that?

Get back to me with an official APA statement on this video...then we'll discuss their views on homosexuality. Get it?

Ever played chess before? This is what you call "checkmate"...

No. You haven't provided any official statement from the APA....or even the BAA. Where are your docs?
LOL! Are you actually saying that you would accept the APA's word on this but not on homosexuality?

And are you actually claiming that you are sure that these young girls have never heard or used the words they spoke in the video? How do you know that?

Get back to me with an official APA statement on this video...then we'll discuss their views on homosexuality. Get it?

Ever played chess before? This is what you call "checkmate"...

You are the one claiming harm to those girls. It is up to you to prove your claims.
LOL! Are you actually saying that you would accept the APA's word on this but not on homosexuality?

And are you actually claiming that you are sure that these young girls have never heard or used the words they spoke in the video? How do you know that?

Get back to me with an official APA statement on this video...then we'll discuss their views on homosexuality. Get it?

Ever played chess before? This is what you call "checkmate"...

That is what is called making a diagonal move with a knight- and calling it checkmate.

No basis in reality.
LOL! Are you actually saying that you would accept the APA's word on this but not on homosexuality?

And are you actually claiming that you are sure that these young girls have never heard or used the words they spoke in the video? How do you know that?

I'm awaiting the APA's official word on this video. We will discuss the rest after that.
LOL! Are you actually saying that you would accept the APA's word on this but not on homosexuality?

And are you actually claiming that you are sure that these young girls have never heard or used the words they spoke in the video? How do you know that?

I'm awaiting the APA's official word on this video. We will discuss the rest after that.

Let us know when you get it.

Until I see documentation that these girls were harmed, I will continue to call bullshit on your claims. Just like I call bullshit on the one who claimed it was pedophilia.
I'm not sure how you will get a comprehensive answer from the APA (or the BAA even), since they will likely not put much effort into an answer. But let us know when you hear something.
LOL! Are you actually saying that you would accept the APA's word on this but not on homosexuality?

And are you actually claiming that you are sure that these young girls have never heard or used the words they spoke in the video? How do you know that?

I'm awaiting the APA's official word on this video. We will discuss the rest after that.

Since you refuse to accept what the APA says about homosexuals, we can pretty much ignore your pretense that you would accept what they said about this.
What else should we expect?

Millenials are the dumbest, laziest generation in American history.

Sometimes I can't help but think that a world war can't come soon enough. :badgrin:
Don't know about a world war, but I wish some of these "Che's" would start some shit.

I hope I live to see the "revolution'.

The revolution is happening under your nose.

People don't hate gays and blacks anymore. I watched my nephew stand against his parents and grandpa this weekend telling them they are racists as all of them smiled and owned it. I did the same thing about 20 years ago Some families take a generation longer, Evolution ya know. But the Revolution is here and it's about THINKING, not about shooting :)

I was proud of him for stating he didn't hate blacks in front of his racist parents.
What else should we expect?

Millenials are the dumbest, laziest generation in American history.

Sometimes I can't help but think that a world war can't come soon enough. :badgrin:

I feel the same way. The faster this bitch collapse the faster we can find some Terrority to rebuild a anew (yet SMALLER) America. Liberals should be locked out with their animals on the outside!

That is what is called making a diagonal move with a knight- and calling it checkmate.

No basis in reality.

Let me know when you get that official word from the APA ok? Interesting to note that over 70% of the voters on this poll believe this won't be the last of lewd/vulgar involvement of children in the LGBT steamroller....smashing a culture near you...courtesy of THE COURTS!

Never thought I'd live to see the day when the courts were fooled into thinking a cult has dominant rights to the electorate. I guess Germany saw that in the 1930s & 40s though, now that I think of it..

That is what is called making a diagonal move with a knight- and calling it checkmate.

No basis in reality.

Let me know when you get that official word from the APA ok? Interesting to note that over 70% of the voters on this poll believe this won't be the last of lewd/vulgar involvement of children in the LGBT steamroller....smashing a culture near you...courtesy of THE COURTS!

Never thought I'd live to see the day when the courts were fooled into thinking a cult has dominant rights to the electorate. I guess Germany saw that in the 1930s & 40s though, now that I think of it..

I have no need to contact the APA. You are the one who made the claim. It is your responsibility to prove it.
Liberalism is a mental disorder. So girls should hate men and become dykes?? Is this really what we want for our future? WTF?

I wouldn't trade my family for the world. thank you very fucking much!

The only apparent 'mental disorder' i see evidence of is your post. No one but you has imagined that anyone is saying girls should hate men and become dykes. That is your vulgar delusion.
The idea that this is all a plot by the LGBT to further their agenda is laughable.

Apparently this t-shirt company also sells pro-homosexuality t-shirts, and is therefore (according to Sil) run by the LGBT "cult".

let us take that step in logic in other areas.

Trojan and Lifestyle condoms are used by gay men, and are given away at sexually oriented events. OH NO!! Trojan and Lifestyle are LGBT and Gay backed companies!!!!

The CDC has done numerous studies on homosexuality. OH NO!!! The CDC is a front for the homo agenda!!!!

A group of girls, ages 6-13, have gotten dressed up like beautiful princesses and dropped some real truth and major f-bombs for feminism. ...The video produced by FCKH8.com, has these girls tell society that some of our standards and what we considered fair is still bullsh*t. That society shouldn’t be offended by curse words, but we should be offended women are still getting paid less than men.
FCKH8 is “Asking the question, “What’s more offensive? A little girl saying f*ck or the sexist way society treats girls and women” F-Bombs For Feminism Little Girls Swear For A Good Cause Video

Here's the direct link to "FCKH8" LGBT EQUALITY ndash FCKH8.com

Get used to it. This is what you're normalizing America. Fast forward 30 years and think about where we'll be then. If this happened 30 years ago, parents and producers of this film would be thrown in jail.

It was produced by an LGBT t-shirt company.

Thanks for posting this. This little "progressive" group you cited is just a microcosm of a society that has lost its moral compass. Those who would dare use young children in such a way as this video have no regard for God. I do not care what their mission is, they are part of a larger problem than the one they are allegedly trying to resolve.

For all intents and purposes, the U.S., Canada and Western Europe are post-Christian societies. This cannot end well.